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Here are the links I collected during my times on the Internet, well... at least most of them .....

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Java Sites Search Engines WebRadio
Homepages Security WebPhones
Extra Travel Computers and Internet
Games Books, Music and Software Anti Viruses
Graphics The Most Favorite Amongst my favorites Webrings


Probably Useful Links  
Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages WhoWhere- - The Best Communications Guide on the Web
Matt's Script Archive - Awesome Web Server Scripts CareerPath
Where Employers and Employees Click Where I work
My old provider, Compuserve, still useful The Microsoft Network

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The Favorites amongst my favorites Table added 27/9/98  
Callisto, Warrior Queen Used to be the only person who has got her own page on my site!! CallistoIcon3.gif (4123 bytes)
Lorna's page A special friend, be kind to her  
Grimmys Home He put this together in 20 mins and loading takes some time, you cannot do anything there besides sending him an E-Mail, but.. the picture is cool... New
Also from Grimmy Passing time New

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Java Sites Description     
Gamelan- The Official Java Directory The official Java Directory New
Java Scripts and GIF Animation Cool scripts     
Hundreds of JAVA Links from Yahoo The Yahoo page for Java     
The Coffee Shop free Java applets, etc     
The Java(TM) Boutique For the latest Java scripts     
The Lake Applet The only one!     
Javascripts, Javascripts and more Javascripts Careful with trying out these scripts, some are tricks to earn money for the writer, watch out for the guy with the long name!! some good scripts tough!!!     
The free site The Free Site: Javascript, Java, free Java applets, programmers  
EarthWeb's JARS.COM Java Review Service   New
Java Goodies Java Script Repository New

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Webphones Description     
Delta Three Internet Telephony Make phonecalls from the web to a Phone (I use it)     
Internet Phone - Internet Telephony - Pc2Phone Same as Delta Three, but not so advanced (cheaper)     
Net2Phone Pc to Phone calls     
Speak Freely Active Sites Blue ribbon sites     

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Homepages Description     
Mercy55's Page!! The total Quake freak, this guy even thinks and eats Quake, worse: he is also a colleague and friend     
Neuro-Warfare's Dominion A site I jumped in to     
Karins Homepage Link broken, she moved, please, if you find Karin Lopulalan's site, mail me, she works in a design company)     
My own homepage  Just in case you just "Happened to jump onto this page by accident"     

CraZy ChAoS' page, worth a visit

The world of Mark Schrauwen: music, events, women, links, handicap.

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Webrings Description  
Welcome to WebRing! The Main Webring site  
Women who like Men Ring Web Ring of 'us' for 'them'  
Men who like Women Ring Web Ring of 'them' for 'us'  
The Yin-Yang sites of Women who like Men and Men who like Women A combination that must 'click':  Our Web Ring  
Callisto: Warrior Queen Web Ring Callisto Webring  
Callisto's Army Web Ring Another WEBRing for this amazing Person New

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Webradio Description     
AudioNet CD Jukebox Real audio player is needed/downloadable here     
AudioNet Presents A RealAudio 3.0 Showcase Real audio player is needed/downloadable here     
AudioNet RA 3.0 Stereo Jukebox Real audio player and fast connection is needed here     

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Travel Description     
Costa Rica Tourism Board       
Mercury bay in New Zealand 'Paradise on Earth' they call it New

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Search Engines Description     
All Internet Searches MSN Search page     
AltaVista Vereenvoudigd Zoeken       
BUZZ THE SEARCH ENGINE Japanese search engine     
Search for your match Match Search page     
De Telefoongids - PTT Telecom  Dutch phonebook and Yellow pages     
Looking for an e-mail address, a friend, a relative, a POW-MIA, college pal, missing persons etc.. than visit this site. People search     
Four11 White Page Directory International Phonebook also reverse search Search Wizard Microsoft Search wizard     
Lycos Search Page Lycos     
MSN.COM, Find Default MSN Search tool     
Northern Light Search Look for Santa     
Phone Numbers - InfoSpace Whatever number you seek, it's here     
The Ultimate Directory - InfoSpace E-Mail, Phone, Yellow pages White pages etc......     
Track - Ontdek het internet! Dutch search engine!!     
Cyber 411 main search engine index Search in 10 engines at once (see top of the page)     
Yahoo! The most famous     
Whatsnew Looking for Something new?     

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Security Description     
Does Your Browser Give Out Your Email Address Well, Does it? Some do, and more, you know! Look below:     
Junkbusters Check on Remote Ident Variable Check for Security hole     
Junkbusters Privacy Alert Is your password safe?     

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Viruses Description     
McAfee Home Page Anti Virus Software     
Solomon Software Anti Virus Software     

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Extra Description     
Stupid site Where stupid people go (we won't tell)     
Links to Web Cams See the world on your Pc     
Web Postcards Send someone a postcard New

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Computers and Internet Description Software source     
Microsoft Bills Company     
ZDNet Mail Free Internet Mail account!     
Microsoft Support Online Knowledge Base What you always wanted to ask! The best 32-bit Shareware. Lots of software     
Chris´s ISDN + Win95 Pages Hints and tips     
The Tech Page The Tech Page     
06-Software Centre Europe - Home page Software downloads     
NTInternals Windows NT     
Welcome to Netscape Somebody must be using it :)     
Add Me, FREE Website Promotion! Be noticed on the Web!     
Angelfire Communications Free Homepages (see this one) Is you site visible on the Web?     
Tune up your Website Web-Site garage     
Fujitsu-Computers homepage Links also to other Hardware suppliers, follow Support link     
Fastcounter Get a Free Hit Counter for Your Site  
The Easter Egg Archive The oldest and largest collection of Software Easter eggs on the Net Scripts and other stuff New Intranet news New Things you didn't know New
PlugIn Datamation Plug-ins and more New For the developer New
SetiButton Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence at Home New

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Games Description     
Unofficial US Carmageddon Web Page! Good Carmageddon site with lots of links     
Pedestrian Precinct - Carmageddon 2 Carpocalypse Now Good Carmageddon 2 Site, Great graphics!! New
Riven Game guide I case you got lost     

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Graphics Clipart etc Description  
A+Art A+Art Free Clipart Icons Backgrounds etc  
Animation Factory Hundreds of Grapics, clipart etc  

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Books and Software Description     
Software search page Software Search, Commercial site!     
Book search page Book Search Also a commercial site     
Special Book search page Find Special books, even signed by the author (Commercial) New
The Soundstone Music Store New
Look for a CD at Soundstone New

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Add Me!


Mail me if you have some additions or found a broken link!      

This page was last updated:

Have you noticed? There allmost changed nothin since the last month, I did not have the time to work on the site, the updates are already waiting on my pc to be entered, but at this moment my study (to become MCSE) comes first, and then The Web, sorry, but that's the way it is.

See you on the web!
