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Welcome to International Pony Day's
Story Page & Competition!

It's Baaa-ack!

Back by popular demand, the IPD Writing Contest is on again! So sharpen those pensils, blot those pens, and nimble up the keybaord - we're back, baby!

Please check out the Poetry and Prose pages to get all the details for each contest. As the Poetry and Prose contests are judges seperately, you may enter one or both. Have fun!

The Poetry Corner | The Prose Corner

Please send all entries

Any question you have concerning the contest may be directed to

The Judges

Would you like to be a judge in this year's IPD Contest? Of course, you can't enter the contest that you are judging, but you get to read all those great poems and stories before everyone else! Give me a shout if you do!

The Prizes

To be anounced. (But think: be-a-utiful ponies!)

Don't forget to check out these other great stops:

International Pony Day Headquaters - Find out what happening!

Stay tuned -- many great festivities and contests to come!

Questions? Ask Me!

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