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Fan Fiction Crossover

Title: A Fire For The Truth
Author: WebAngel Hazel
Rating: PG
Classification: General Audience
Summary: This is a Touched By An Angel/Xfiles Crossover Story.
Monica has her hands full as Agent Fox Mulder's new FBI partner while
his partner, Agent Scully, lies in a hospital bed. Her job is to bring
the truth, but an unknown obstacle is standing in the way, threatening to take
her assignment's soul. Meanwhile, Andrew has his own hands full with a
wounded Agent Scully. Will truth triumph in the end?

A Fire For The Truth

by WebAngel Hazel

Scene One

"Help! Somebody help me!" yelled a frantic maniac who also happened to be Special Agent Fox Mulder of the FBI. His partner, Dana Scully, hung limply in his arms. Blood flowed from a wound on the back of her head, mingling with her fiery red hair. "Where's a doctor?!" Mulder's yelling was bordering on hysteria now as he grabbed an unoccupied gurney and placed Scully on it.

Above the commotion, on a ledge overlooking the scene below, two figures sat, visible only to each other.

"Will she live?" the angel named Monica asked, her voice innocent and lovely like a bird's song.

"That depends," said Tess, her fellow angel and mentor.

"On what?" Monica asked, curiously.

"On her. There's one thing that can kill a human being faster than any injury and that is the absence of hope. This lady has slowly watched her hope dwindle from barely there to gone in a very short period of time. Her will to live is normally strong, but now? Now it's going to take some special attention if she's going to make it."

"And that's what I'm here for?" Monica asked, eager to tackle her new assignment.

"Not exactly," Tess replied. "That's what he's here for."

Monica looked where Tess was pointing. "Andrew," she whispered.

The angel of death took his post next to the gurney as they began to wheel Dana Scully away to the ER. He managed a soft smile for his colleagues before he and his assignment disappeared through the door with the doctor, leaving Agent Mulder to pace impatiently in the waiting room.

"And who is he?" Monica asked.

"That's your assignment," Tess announced. "His name is Fox Mulder."

Monica smiled. "Fox? Oh, I love wee foxes. They're so furry and cute."

Tess smirked at her. "This Fox has an appointment with the truth."

Truth. That word excited Monica. Her gift was speaking the truth. "He looks like a seeker of truth," she said, pondering over him.

Tess smiled. "That's right, Angelgirl. He is a seeker of truth and he says the truth is out there. But, Baby, he's been looking in all the wrong places. You're going to have your hands full with this one."

Scene Two

Scully never knew what hit her. She never had time to react. The suspect she was pursuing had a hammer. It hit the back of her head full force, sending her plunging to the ground.

Now, here she was, staring into the brown eyes of a man in a white coat. She didn't know who he was. She knew what he was, a colleague, a fellow physician. She wanted to tell him something. She couldn't get her mouth to move. She felt weak, weaker than she had ever felt before. Something about the bright white light above her reminded her of someplace else, someplace she never wanted to see again.

"Wait a minute. Didn't the doctor have brown eyes?" Scully thought: "His hair.. It was brown too. His face. It's glowing."

Scully sat straight up in bed. "Who are you?!" she asked. Whatever weakness she had faded away. She felt so strong right now, she could try out for the Olympics.

"My name is Andrew," the blonde angel said softly. His smile penetrated Scully through to the depths of her being. It was a feeling she had never felt before.

"A-A-Andrew?" Scully stammered. "Where am I? Where's the doctor?" She instinctively put her hand to the back of her head. "My head! There's no pain... no wound. I... you keep away. I know who you are. You're one of them... you... you put that thing in my neck!"

Andrew paused, looking up towards the ceiling, but He seemed to look through it to another place. He smiled and nodded. "No, Dana," he continued, returning his gaze to match her own.

"But, but you were there! I saw you! I remember you!"

Andrew almost winced at that. He didn't like the memory of that night. He had to pick up this shell of a woman. She had been violated and experimented on by unscrupulous, evil men. It reminded him of Nazi Germany, another memory he wanted to forget. His job wasn't always easy. Still, he had to put that aside right now, concentrate on his assignment.

"I didn't put that thing in your neck," Andrew said. "But God saw the men who did. He has seen your pain and He grieves with you in the losses you have suffered."

Scully wrinkled her forehead. Her hand automatically reached for the tiny gold cross around her neck. It wasn't there. Her lip quivered. This man didn't seem like a threat, but she had learned not to trust kind faces. She did something silly, but comforting. She screamed out loud: "Mulder! Mulder, where are you?!"

Andrew smiled. "She's not ready," he whispered, half as a prayer. "I can wait."

A spindly, middle-aged nurse whisked through the ER door to the waiting room. She scanned the faces of concerned family members and friends, all waiting to see if their loved ones would be all right. One man stood out because he was pacing incessantly. It reminded her of the Energizer Bunny™. That must be the one.

"Are you Agent Mulder?" she asked.

He stopped pacing. "Yes. Is she going to be all right? When can I see her?" he answered, his words spilling over each other like a waterfall.

"Come with me," the nurse replied, leading him through the emergency doors towards a curtained cubicle.

"Mulder? Mulder, where are you?!" The high-pitched, panic-stricken voice of Dana Scully penetrated every corner of the ER. You couldn't escape it anywhere.

"Right here. I'm here," Mulder said, rushing to her side and taking her frail hand in his. Mulder looked up at the befuddled face of the doctor.

"She woke up like this," the doctor explained.


"Scully," Mulder said, looking deep into her blue eyes. "I'm here."

Scully stopped yelling. "Where's Andrew?" she asked.

"Who's Andrew?" Mulder asked, smiling. "You got a boyfriend you're not telling me about?"

Scully's eyes scanned the room. "No. But, he was here. He was right here, Mulder. Andrew... He put that thing in my neck."

Mulder's brow furrowed. "You're disoriented," he said. "Our suspect whacked you in the head with a hammer. That could make you see lots of things that aren't really there."

"No... no..." Scully insisted. "He was here. He was real. Mulder, didn't you see him?"

Mulder brushed her cheek gently. "No, but if you say he was here, he was here. I'll look for him while you get some rest."

"Ok, Mulder. You gotta find him. He's the one!"

The room began to fade away for Dana Scully. Mulder's face... the only face in the world she could trust got farther and farther away. She was falling, falling into a hole, a tunnel. Where she was going, Mulder could not follow.

Scene Three

Mulder sat at his desk tossing pencils at the ceiling. He should be working. He should be running useless routine background checks as penance for his sins, but Scully dominated his thoughts too much. Had he gone too far? Had he finally let his obsessive quest to find his sister cost him more than he was willing to pay? These were questions that only led to more questions.

"Agent Mulder?" chimed a soft voice that broke his train of self-pity.

Mulder was surprised to look into such a beautiful face. He didn't mean to seem kitschy, but what was a girl like that doing in a place like this? "Yes?" he answered, in a flat tone that masked his inner curiosity.

"My name is Monica,"the lovely brunette said, extending her hand. "I've been assigned to work with you until Agent Scully returns to duty."

"If she returns," he wanted to say, but that was his problem, not hers. "Hello... Monica." he said, shaking her hand. "Who'd you rub the wrong way to get this assignment?"

"Excuse me?" Monica asked.

Mulder smirked. "Didn't they tell you? Working with Fox Mulder is the equivalent to KP duty in the army. It's a punishment."

Monica giggled. "I don't think so," she disagreed. "I think it will be wonderful to work with you."

"Wonderful," thought Mulder. "Which tornado did Dorothy fly in on? Wonderful?"

"Well, Monica," he continued. "Do you have a last name? Like Special Agent... Wonderful?"

"Oh yes," Monica replied. "I'm Special Angel...Wings."

Mulder smiled. "Special Angel Wings? Well, that should make our job easier, you being a special angel and all."

Monica realized her flub. "Oh... did I say angel, I meant agent. I'm so sorry. I'm Special Agent Wings."

"Monica Wings," said Mulder. The theme from the Twilight Zone rang through his head, but never mind, this could work. He hoped that Scully would recover quickly.

Scene Four

Scully walked through a field of wild flowers. Were they daisies? Not quite. The petals were so delicate and white. The word white didn't seem good enough to describe them. They were so vibrant and bright. They seemed to glow with some independent light source. It was scientifically impossible, of course, but how could Scully deny her own eyes?

The field seemed to go on for miles and miles, ending at a range of majestic mountains. A giggling stream, its waters virgin clear, flowed alongside the field. It seemed to walk with Scully as a companion, chattering incessantly and providing her with a feeling of unfettered tranquillity.

Beside the stream, at intervals, stood giant, flourishing oak trees spreading their leaves like a protective covering over the ground. It was underneath one of these oaks that Scully saw him. He was an interruption in this peaceful, sacred place. Or was he? Scully stood for a moment and thought about it. She didn't even know what this place was or how she got here? She didn't even care. She wanted to stay here forever. She had no pain, no cares, no fears, no needs. Her whole being was at rest.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Andrew said, without turning around to acknowledge her presence with his eyes.

Scully breathed in the floral fragrance that seemed to send energy to every part of herself.

"Beautiful is an understatement," she replied, calmly.

"I love to come here," Andrew continued. "It's one of my favourite places."

Scully approached and sat down beside him underneath one of the towering oaks. Its branches seemed to extend to her like maternal arms. "What is this place?" she asked.

"We're just outside the gates," he said. "Many people linger here while they decide whether to come in or go back."

Scully panned left and right with her eyes. "Gate? What gate? Gate to where?" she asked, confused. She should be apprehensive. After all, this was Andrew, the one she suspected of implanting that computer chip in her neck so long ago. But, she was at ease.

"There's a gate beyond the horizon," Andrew said, pointing. Scully squinted, but she couldn't see anything but fields. "It's still far off," he continued. "While you are here, there is still time to choose which way to go. Notice the brightness of the flowers and the grass and the water."

"Yes," Scully replied. "It's incredible."

Andrew smiled. Scully noticed that his face seemed to radiate the same independent light as the flowers. "Where is the light coming from?" he asked.

Scully looked up automatically, searching for the familiar ball of light in the sky that earthlings call the sun. It wasn't there. There was no sun. She didn't understand. "I... I don't know," she said, finally.

"It's Him," Andrew said. "He is the light in this place. We don't need the sun anymore because He is light and in Him there is no darkness at all."

Andrew never said the word "God", but Scully's heart leapt at the familiar scripture and revelation that warmed every fibre of her being. "God?" she asked, rhetorically. "Am I... dead?"

Andrew smiled again. "No, Dana. You can go back if you want to."

The thought of leaving this place caused her pain. She didn't want to leave. It was the most beautiful place, the most peaceful feeling she had ever known. Everything paled in comparison to this, and she wasn't even inside the gate yet. She almost started to cry.

"I don't ever want to leave," she said. "Do I have to?"

Andrew shook his head. "No. We can continue on through the gate, if you like."

"You're an angel," Scully stated. "You were sent to bring me here."

"I was...sent," Andrew replied. "I was sent to tell you that God loves you."

Scully smiled. "I've heard that since I was a little girl," she said. "But, it was never that personal. I mean, I never thought it was aimed directly at me."

"It was," said Andrew. "It was always aimed directly at you, Dana. God loves you."

"Well," Dana said, drinking in the wonderful knowledge of God's love. "I believe you. I believe God. But, I think I'd like to hear Him tell me that Himself, Andrew. Lead on..."

Andrew took Dana Scully by the arm. He led her across the fields towards... God.

Scene Five

"I was following a lead," Mulder said, as he and Monica walked towards the lab. "This man called me and claimed that he had information about an old unsolved case. So, we went to meet him."

"And that's how your partner was injured?" Monica asked, gently. She felt deep compassion for Fox Mulder. She had seen his type before. Lonely. Troubled. Angry. He seemed to spend all his time stuffing the hurts of his past down into a box and sitting on the lid to keep them from leaping out like those practical joke springy snakes that people buy for fun.

"Yeah. This guy, Weaver, said he was afraid that his life was in danger because of the information he had for me. He wanted to meet in a secret location. Now, I know the truth."

Monica's heart jumped at the word truth. "The truth?" she said. "What is the truth?"

Mulder grimaced. "The truth is you can't trust anyone. Sometimes, not even yourself. It's my fault that Scully's in that hospital bed!" Mulder couldn't figure out why he was spilling his guts out to some woman he just met. She could be working for the cigarette-smoking man. She could be spying on him. But, inside, for the first time in a very long time, his gut said "Yes. You can trust. Don't be afraid." Why was that? Was he finally going insane? He knew better than to trust human beings. He was telling her that right now, but something was causing his guard to come down. An ancient memory. A time when his innocence was still intact. It was a comfortable feeling, even though his logic screamed out against it.

"Oh no," Monica said. "You can't blame yourself. The only one responsible for this is the one who hit her."

Mulder clung to her encouraging words. The words seemed alive. They were like a glass of water in the desert. "I led her to that place," he argued, secretly hoping she would disagree.

"You were doing your job," Monica said. "You and Agent Scully are in a risky business. You both knew that before you signed up. Did you have your meeting with this... Mr. Weaver?"

Mulder nodded his head. He shoved a few sunflower seeds in his mouth, then spoke again. "Weaver showed up with some story about how he had proof about who abducted my sister and who murdered my father."

"Oh my. You've suffered much loss," Monica said. She knew all about his sister and his father and all the things that had sent him careening down the path he was treading. It was good to hear him talking openly about it. It would save her some digging and prodding later.

"Yeah. Well, you don't know the half of it," he said. "So, we're in the middle of our so-called meeting when he goes berserk, starts screaming about how he abducted my sister and he killed my father. I grabbed him.. I tried to restrain him, but he a superman, or something. He had the strength of 6 men. He threw me off of him as easily as if I were a child. Talk about a bruised ego. This spindly 105 pound guy throwing me off of him like that!"

Monica's cheery look turned very serious. What Mulder was describing she knew too well, and she did not like what she was hearing. It was a twist in the road she hadn't anticipated.

"And then, he ran and I pulled my gun and threatened to fire. He kept running and I couldn't get a clear shot. So, we pursued him at least a block onto this construction site. Scully and I split up and that's how he managed to hit her with a hammer. I guess it was lying around the site somewhere." Mulder winced at the memory.

"That must have been terrible for you to find her like that," Monica said, her thoughts distracted a bit.

"Yeah," Mulder agreed. "Then, I tried to call for an ambulance, but Weaver damaged my cell phone. I had to drive her to the emergency. She... She was bleeding a lot."

"So what's next?" Monica asked. "I mean, this guy, Mr. Weaver is still out there. Are you going to try and find him?"

"That's why we're going to the lab," Mulder said as they entered the lab. "Hey, Parker. Do you have the results of those tests?"

"Yeah," Agent Parker said. "I got a clear print."

Mulder smiled. It was the best news he had heard in two days. "He left his prints on the hammer," he explained to his temp. "I can find out who he really is."

Monica smiled, but inside she was thinking something she didn't want to think. She wasn't afraid. Angels have no fear, but she was wondering how much tougher this assignment would be now. "I know who he is, Agent Mulder," she thought.

A phone in the lab rang. Parker answered it, then handed it to Mulder. "It's for you," he said. "It's the hospital."

Mulder hesitated. He didn't want to know. He did want to know. He felt torn.

"This is Agent Mulder," he said, putting the receiver to his ear. "Yes... Yes... Uh huh... How long? You're sure? Uh huh... Uh huh... Thank you. Yes. Call me if there's any change."

Mulder hung up. The weight of the world came crashing in on his shoulders, crushing him into nothing.

"How is she?" Parker asked. Agent Scully was his colleague too.

Mulder frowned. "Agent Scully just lapsed into a coma. They... They don't think she's going to make it."

Monica reached out instinctively to touch his arm. "A lot tougher," she thought to herself. "Tess was right. I've got my hands full with this one."

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