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What we believe...

We believe...

  • the entire Bible is the inspired Word of the Living God (II Tim 3:16)
  • all men are guilty before God, all need to repent , confess, and forsake their sin, and believe, and obey God's Word. (Rom 3:23, Acts 2:38, Rom 10 9)
  • in believer's baptism (being baptized as an adult) (Mark 16:16)
  • in nonconformity to the world (I John 2:15)
  • in nonresistance (Matt. 5:24)
  • woman are to wear a head covering (1 Cor.11:5)
  • men are to be the spiritual leaders of the home and church (1 Cor. 11:3)
  • the use of radio and television is detrimental to true Christian living and must be avoided (Psa. 101:3, Phil. 4:8)
  • God's design for marriage is one man and one women for life. Divorce and remarriage and other deviations from God's design are wrong (Mark 10:6-9)
  • it is possible to experience the new birth and later fall away and be lost (II Peter 2:21-22)
  • it is necessary for Christians to seek to become a part of a local body of Bible believing, Bible practicing believers (Heb 10:25)
  • the church has the authority to make practical applications to the principles of God's Word and needs to do so if it will maintain those principles in the lives of its members. (Matt. 16:19)

This statement is brief and concise. At your request, we can send you a more detailed list on these points.

Send all correspondence to:

Still Waters Ministries
270 Antioch Road
Clarkson, Ky. 42726