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The MOMS Club of Broken Arrow has an executive board that consists of five officers: President, Administrative Vice President, Membership Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The board meets together monthly to discuss the details of the upcoming monthly meeting and to discuss issues affecting the chapter. All the board positions are elected positions.  A general election is held each June to elect new officers.  

Our Executive Board as of July 1, 2002. 

President - Sam
Vice President - Kim
Membership VP - Shanna
Secretary - Elizabeth
Treasurer - Sandra

The MOMS Club of Broken Arrow also has many volunteer positions. Without the help of our members, MOMS Club cannot be successful.  The more active our members are, the more fun activities we can do!  Below are the volunteer positions we have right now.   Depending on the interests of our members, these positions can change.

The Playgroup Coordinator keeps track of all MOMS Club playgroups and places new members in a playgroup that best fits their needs. The Sunshine Committee meet and introduce new and prospective members at monthly meetings and activities. The Social Coordinator plans the monthly MOMS night out.  She chooses the place/activity and then makes the appropriate reservations. The Activity Coordinator plans the Weekly activities and makes any necessary reservations. The Advertising Coordinator places ads promoting the MOMS Club in local publications and accepts ad or contributions for our chapter. The Nursery Coordinator arranges for volunteers for the nursery at the monthly meetings. She also organizes and approves any activities done with the children during nursery. 

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Copyright 2002 MOMS Club of Broken Arrow
The name MOMS Club® and slogan MOMS Offering Moms Support® are registered and used with permission. This website is designed for informational purpose for the MOMS Club of Broken Arrow members and prospective members and meets the website guidelines for local chapters set forth by MOMS Club International.
Last revised: November 18, 2002.