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Chapter 17

Jeff maneuvered the boat away from the dock and accelerated as we came out in the open. The fresh air felt so good. The wind was chilly, but the sunshine balanced it off. It was a great day to be out on the river. I took a bottle of sunscreen from my bag and offered some to Tay. “I might as well let the other half of me roast.” I laughed as he took his shirt off. “Let me see you.” I turned him around and studied his burns. “They’re so much better already!” I exclaimed. “I know, I can’t believe it.” Only a faint mark was left of the morning’s accident. I swept gentle fingers over his chest and smiled. As Tay turned around, I squirted some lotion into my hands. I applied it on his back and shoulders slowly, covering every inch. “There you go. You should be fine until after we swim.” “I wonder if it would be okay to put some on top of my burns?” He wondered aloud. “Probably, but why don’t you ask Jeff just to be sure.” Tay nodded and walked over to him. I took the towels out of the bag and passed them around. Jawnell came over and sat in Tay’s seat. “Mel!” she whispered. “This is the best time ever!” I smiled at her. “But, how are you and Taylor doing?” she asked with concern. “We’re good now.” I assured her. “Okay then.” She squeezed my hand and went back to Zac just as Tay was returning. “He said it’s okay.” He smiled at me and waited. “What?” I asked. “Well, aren’t you gonna put some on me?” I laughed. “Oh I see! Is that how it is now? I’m your little slave?” “Have you seen my whip laying around?” he joked. “No, you haven’t shown it to me yet.” I dismissed his intrigued look and squirted more lotion out of the bottle. “Melo, can you come here?” Zachy was tugging at my sleeve. “Hi baby!” I kissed the top of his curly mop. He whispered something in my ear. I turned to Taylor. “Sorry babe, sister duty calls.” “What’s wrong?” “Nothing’s wrong. He just needs to go to the bathroom and it looks like mom’s got her hands full. I’m mom #2.” Tay smiled as I passed the lotion to him. “Maybe next time.” I whispered. As I walked away, he applied the sunscreen on his chest and stomach. When I was done helping Zachy, I went to join Taylor, who was now sitting with Jawnell, Zac, Mellisa, and Ike. “Now this is the life!” Mellisa leaned back against Ike and closed her eyes. “I am so getting one of these someday!” Zac exclaimed. Jeff slowed down, and brought the boat to a stop. “Okay…who’s the bravest of them all?” he chanted quietly. Ike looked at him with questioning eyes. “Isaac, Taylor, Zac, which one of you guys would like to go first? You know, guests first.” He said, looking around to everybody. We all nodded in agreement. “Uh Mel, what’s going on?” Tay asked me. Jeff opened the trapdoor from below him slowly, letting them catch a glimpse at water skies, and several inflated inner tubes. Zac laughed. “Yea! I’ll go first!” Jeff smiled. “Alright! Have you ever water-skied before?” he asked. “No, but I’ll try it!” “Zac!” Jawnell warned. “Be careful!” “Don’t worry babe, Jeff is a doctor.” She winced. “I was just kidding!” He laughed. Alex let the rope out, OV and Jake took out the skies, and Sam was searching for a safety vest Zac’s size. He slipped it on, kissed Jawnell, and jumped in the water. He slipped on the skies that Jake tossed at him hesitantly. “Are you ready?” Jeff asked. “As ready as I’ll ever be!” Zac said trying to sound confidant. He swallowed over the lump in his throat as Jeff started the engine. “Here we go!” Zac gripped the bar and tried to remain standing. All we could see from the distance was his hair, blowing in the wind. We could hear a faint cry of laughter as Jeff sped up and Zac was pulled through the water higher. “Hey! I think I’m getting the hang of it!” Jeff suddenly pulled the boat into a sharp turn and Zac went flying up. Jawnell gasped and covered her mouth with her hand. Zac lost total control and was tossed into the cool waters. “Oh Zac!” Jawnell screamed as she ripped off her clothes. She didn’t wait for Jeff to stop the motor, she just jumped in after him. She swam quickly to where she last saw him. “Zac! Zac!” She screamed. He was nowhere in sight. “Oh my God! You guys! He’s not coming up! Help! Help!” She dove in and resurfaced a few seconds later, a look of pure terror in her eyes.

Chapter 18

I stood over the railing as Jawnell swam nervously through the waters, searching for Zac. “Okay Jawnell, back on board. We have to get help at shore.” “No! I’m staying here and looking for Zac.” She insisted, still sounding frightened. Jeff considered for a few seconds, and tossed her an inter tube. “Don’t worry, he’ll be fine.” Tay shouted back to Jawnell as we pulled away. “Oh Zac! You’re a good swimmer! Where are you?” Jawnell murmured, finally letting the tears flow. “Um, I’m right here Jawnell.” Zac said quietly. “Jeff! Stop!” He yelled to the moving boat. Jeff heard him and returned to where he and Jawnell were floating. “Zac!” Jawnell exclaimed, happily pulling him into a hug. “I’m sorry Jawnell,” Zac began. “It’s o…” Jawnell started to answer. “No, let me finish, cause I don’t think you’ll be too happy after this. Okay… I thought it would be funny if you guys thought something had happened to me, then I would come up, splash you, and have a laugh. But then when I did come up and saw the boat leaving for help, and the look in your eyes…I realized it wasn’t such a good idea at all. I’m sorry.” She just looked at him, slowly letting it sink in. “It doesn’t matter Zac. Just as long as you’re okay, I’m okay.” “No listen, I really am sorry. I want you to know that I’ll never do that again.” He took her into his arms. They got back on the boat slowly. “You idiot! That was really smart! You scared the shit out of us!” Taylor scolded, giving Zac a slap on the back of the head. I took his arm. “Come on. Give him a break.” I said. “It was a wrong thing to do.” “I know, but listen, he’s a kid.” Taylor laughed. “I can just hear us saying this 20 years from now about our own kids.” I looked up at him and nodded my head no. “Don’t make promises you can’t keep.” I turned away quickly and went to get a bottle of water. Tay remained standing there for several seconds, quietly. The rest of the afternoon was filled with more water skiing, inner tubing, and swimming at the small island. We didn’t realize what time it was until the sun started going down. “Well, I think it’s time to go home.” Mom said. We all agreed. “I guess it’s about time to eat our lunch.” Ike suggested. I passed out the sandwiches, pop, and chips. We ate slowly. Jake started cracking jokes and making some of his famous imitations. Ike and Zac really got into it too. Out of all 3 of them, it was voted that Isaac could do Butthead the best. He made us laugh so hard, and we couldn’t stop! The boat pulled to shore quicker that we thought, so we had to pack up our half eaten lunches and throw them away in the wastebasket on the dock. Everyone grabbed their things and left for the car. “Hey, do you guys want Burger King tonight? It’s kinda late to be cooking.” Jeff asked. We all agreed and got in our separate cars. The restaurant was half full, so we occupied several tables at the back. We were all exhausted and ate in silence. All of our faces showed a glimpse of tanning. My cheekbones were red. I hoped I wouldn’t get a sunburn. When Ike pulled the car into the driveway, it was almost pitch black. We all helped unpack the equipment, and the coolers. I pinned my hair up and headed upstairs for a shower. I lingered under the hot spray for long minutes. I went to my room and changed into my presentable pj’s. Shorts, and a long sleeved shirt that buttoned up. I stuffed my feet into slippers and went downstairs. Mellisa and Jawnell were getting ready to leave. Their parents came, and Ike and Zac kissed them goodbye. “Well, I think I’m gonna hit the hay.” Zac said, after we had watched Jawnell and Mel drive out of sight. “Yea, me too.” Ike said. I hugged them both quickly, and they left to their rooms. “I’m gonna go have a shower, so I guess I’ll se you tomorrow babe.” Tay said, kissing my cheek. I went upstairs to Zachy’s room and discovered him gone again. I threw open the covers, and got comfy. I turned on the little bed lamp, and cracked open the book I had been dying to read for months. I had only read a few paragraphs, when I noticed Taylor standing in the doorway. He had on only a towel around his waist. His hair, just quickly towel dried, was glistening with beads of water. He walked over to the bed and bent over me. “I think you should come see this.” He pulled me up. “What is it?” I asked with curiosity. Tay guided me to my bedroom where we saw Ike sprawled all over the bed, and snoring loudly. I laughed. “That’s pleasant!” “Yea. Real pleasant.” “Well, I think maybe you should join me tonight.” I suggested. “I was hoping that’s what you would say.” He said, smiling. I pulled him after me into Zachy’s room, and pushed him on the bed. His towel almost slipped off. He grabbed to blanket and quickly put it over him. “Uh Mel? Don’t you think maybe I should go put something on first?” I smiled at him. “If you think you need to!” he just looked at me, wide eyed. “Taylor Hanson, go put something on. Right now!” I laughed as he hurried from the room. He returned a few minutes later, to find me under the covers, waiting for him. He lay down beside me and pulled me close. “So, where’s Zachy?” “He couldn’t sleep, again, so mom brought him with her.” “Oh that’s convenient.” Tay said, smiling. I turned off the lamp, and turned myself around so that our stomachs touched. He began to kiss my neck softly. “You know what we should do?” Tay asked in a sleepy tone. “No…what should we do?” “We should go up to our house in L.A for July 4th.” I smiled. “That would be fun.” He gave me one last squeeze, and his breathing got even. I knew he was asleep.

Chapter 19

When I awoke in the morning, the first thing I saw was Mel and Ike standing in the doorway. “I don’t believe it! She’s alive!” Mellisa chanted. “Shh! You’ll wake Tay!” I warned. “And what exactly is Tay doing here?” Mel asked, narrowing her eyes at the sight of his bear back. “Well…” I began. “I’m here, because when I tried going to bed last night, I couldn’t!” Tay said, turning around. He had obviously been awake through the whole conversation. “And why is that?” Ike’s tone took a fatherly charge. Taylor laughed. “Well Ike, when I came out of the shower and went to go to bed, I found you sprawled all over the mattress and snoring loudly. So unless you wanted me to sleep on top of you, I didn’t have much of a choice.” Isaac started to blush, but Mellisa still looked me right in the eye. I sighed. “We were good Mel.” As Taylor understood what Mel implied, he began shaking his head no repeatedly. She smiled. “Alright then, I’ll quit bugging you.” “So, are you guys hungry?” I asked, changing the uncomfortable subject. “No, Isaac and I ate already.” Mellisa said, hugging him. “Well, I’m starving! Are you?” I asked, turning to Taylor. He nodded eagerly. “So, we’ll leave you two alone now.” Mellisa and Ike walked towards the door. “We’ll be joining you downstairs in a minute!” I yelled behind them. As soon as the door clicked shut, I jumped back on the bed, and snaked myself up into Tay’s arms. “Good morning sunshine,” he said. “Good morning.” I smiled at him and kissed his lips. “Did you sleep well?” I asked. He nodded and smiled. “What?” He laughed. “You and Ike should try sleeping in the same bed some time.” I frowned at him. “What?” “You guys would kick eachother to death.” “Oh. God you scared me for a sec.” He laughed again. “I knew I would.” “Was I really that bad?” I asked, feeling completely embarrassed. “No, you were fine. I was just joking with you.” My head fell back on his shoulder. “What time is it?” he consulted his watch. “Close to noon.” “Are you serious? Wow. Let’s get downstairs.” I stood, and slowly stretched. I walked to the dresser and grabbed some clothes. “Don’t think you can get away with staying here. You’ve tried to pull that one too many times.” I laughed as he frowned. He slowly got up from my bed and started toward the door. “Meet you back here in five.” I nodded and smiled. As soon as he stepped from the room, I slipped out of my warm pajama and into some jeans and a school sweater. ‘This is to be a comfy day’ I thought to myself. I pinned my hair up with a plastic clip, and went to the window. It was cloudy today. There was a soft knock on my door. “Come in Tay.” He entered the room slowly, filling it with his happy presence. I turned to look at him. He was wearing black jeans, and a simple tee shirt. “Ready to go downstairs?” I asked. He nodded. We went down the hall together, and then down the stairs. It seemed the house was empty. I knocked on Zac’s door. He opened it seconds later, to reveal that he and Jawnell were playing a computer game. I smiled and waved at her. “Where is everyone?” I asked. “Well, while you and Tay were sleeping the day away, Your mom decided to take Jake and Sam to go see a movie. They actually just left like 20 minutes ago. Jeff and Alex are still here.” Zac told me. “It is really gloomy outside.” I agreed. “Well, see you guys.” I shut the door quietly, and went to the living room where Taylor was talking to Mellisa and Isaac. “What do you think? Breakfast or lunch?” I asked. “Definitely breakfast.” He said. “Exactly what I was thinking.” I said, nodding in agreement. “I’ll whip something up and call you when it’s ready. I want you to stay away from this kitchen for at least one day!” Tay smiled as I left. It took just a few minutes to get some bowls out on the table and get the milk out of the fridge. “Mmm! It smells good in here.” He joked. “Just in time.” I said, as we sat down together. “Remember what we were talking about last night?” Tay asked, taking a bite of cheerios. “Yea, it’s nice to dream sometimes.” He looked up at me. “Mel, I was serious.” “Come on Tay! We couldn’t do that!” “Why not? Who’s stopping us? The house is just sitting there, empty. The fireworks over the Hollywood sign are amazing! We were there one time with the whole family. It would be awesome! We could drive up there in just a few days, and have the time of our lives!” He said, excitedly. “Do you really think our parents would let us got up there unsupervised? I mean, you never know what could happen…” I winked at him teasingly. “Uh, well…” Tay began uncomfortably. “What could happen?” Zac asked coming from behind, hand in hand with Jawnell. “Oh nothing, I was just teasing Tay.” “You guys, come sit over here. I want to talk to you about something important.”

Chapter 20

Taylor’s tone was authoritative and serious. A tone Zac knew too well. Every time Tay got this way, he knew not to joke around. He sat down at the table across from us. “What’s up?” “Well, I was sort of brainstorming last night with Mel, and we were thinking of what to do for July the 4th.” “Uh huh,” Jawnell said. “Well, we came up with something quite interesting!” “Yea?” Zac asked eagerly. “Yea. But I think that we should go upstairs and talk about it with Mel and Ike. It’s something we would have to decide on all together.” “Okay.” We climbed up the stairs and went to my room. I knocked on the door lightly. “Guys, can I come in?” “Sure!” I heard Ike answer. I opened the door to find them cuddled on the bed. They sat up when they saw everyone come in. “Tay has to talk to us.” Zac said, giving Ike a look. We all took a seat on the bed and waited for Tay to begin. “Okay. This is just a suggestion, but I really think that it would be fun. What were you guys planning for July 4th, anything?” He asked Ike. “Umm, not that I know of.” He gave a sideways glance at Mellisa and she nodded in agreement. “Okay. Well, consider this.” Taylor clasped his hands and leaned forward as he spoke. He quickly ran through what we had discussed the night before, and when he was finished, looked at the other excitedly. “That is a genius idea Tay!” Zac exclaimed, slapping his brother a high five. Ike looked hesitant. “It would be fun,” he said. “But I don’t think Mellisa would be up to a car ride.” He looked at her and saw a sparkle in her eye. “Road trip!” she grinned. “Honey, are you sure?” she nodded without hesitation. “The baby’s due in less than 3 weeks!” Isaac protested. “She’ll wait through this, trust me. We still have plenty of time.” Ike still didn’t look convinced. “Mellisa, I don’t want you to have the baby in L.A. I want you to be here with your family, in your stuff, in your town.” She took his hand. “Ike, its still 3 weeks away. I really appreciate your concern, but I don’t want to ruin it for everyone else.” “Mellisa!” Tay said, placing a hand on hers. “You’re the important one! It all revolves around you at this point, and don’t you dare feel bad about it!” She smiled at us. “I’ll be okay! Let’s do it, I…” she stopped in mid-sentence. “Mel, are you okay?” I asked after a few seconds. Her face twisted in agony, and she clutched her stomach. “Oh God, Mellisa!” Ike reached for her as she collapsed. I jumped up from the bed and ran to my mom’s room. “Jeff! Jeff!” I screamed. “What? What’s wrong?” He was sitting at his computer with Alex, no doubt updating it with the latest technology. “It’s Mellisa. Something’s wrong with her stomach. Is it the baby?” Alex’s eyes widened. “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of her.” Jeff sped by me and went into my room. I followed him quickly. Mellisa was propped up against the headboard of the bed, with many pillows tossed around her. Taylor, Zac, and Jawnell stood back as they saw Jeff enter the room. Isaac was sitting with Mel, holding her hand. She was breathing heavily, taking in big gulps of air. “It’s over, it’s over.” She murmured. “It might just be the beginning sweetie.” Jeff said, checking her pulse. He felt sorry for her, I could tell. “Your pulse is just a little above average, and well, it looks to me like your water just broke, so let’s go ahead and take you to the hospital.” I saw the panic raising in her eyes. “Come on Mel, be brave.” Zac said, giving her a smile of encouragement. I watched her being taken from the room by Jeff and Isaac. I was frozen, so afraid for her. Tay gently placed a hand on my shoulder, and I realized that the room was empty.

Chapter 21

“Come on! Let’s follow the van to the hospital with the car.” Taylor took my hand and guided me downstairs. Mom was in the kitchen, busily packing some ice water and some soda crackers for Mel. “Here!” She said, thrusting them at me. “Take those to her. If she has to wait a long time during labor, they’ll help. Well, they helped me when I had Zachy.” I took the foil package from her. “Please wish luck to Mellisa for me.” Mixed emotions flowed through me for my friend. “Okay, I will.” I promised mom. Tay and I rushed out the front door. Mellisa was slowly making her way to the van when another contraction hit. Her knees buckled and she screamed out in pain. Jeff and Ike held her up almost effortlessly. “Come on. Let’s lift her up.” Together, Jeff and Isaac picked her up and ran the rest of the way to the van. I buried my face in Tay’s shirt. “Can’t you just wait to have kids?” he asked laughing. “Taylor Hanson! Don’t you dare be laughing at me!” Mellisa screamed. I rushed to her side with him, and he took her hand. “Do you seriously think I would do something like that?” he asked. “Well, no.” She smiled at him apologetically. “Oh God Melodie. This hurts like hell.” “We’ll see you at the hospital okay?” I patted her forehead and looked inside the van. Zac and Jawnell were in there already. “We’ll take the car!” Tay screamed at Ike. He nodded absent-mindedly. He had so much on his mind at that moment, that he really didn’t care who took the car and when. As the van sped away, Taylor and I ran to the car. The ride to the hospital was in nervous silence. At the red lights, Zac and Jawnell peered out the back window and tried to describe what was going on the best they could with gestures. When we pulled into the hospital parking lot, Jeff went straight to the emergency. He worked there, so I prayed her could get us in faster. Taylor parked the car quickly and we ran to the van. Mellisa’s whimpers were getting louder. “Here comes another one! Quick! Go!” Jeff ordered. “They’re coming on too fast, this isn’t normal.” He whispered to himself. Ike had a frightened look in his eye. Jawnell and Zac jumped from the van ahead of Mel. “Let’s go get a wheelchair. Boys! Stay here in case they need any help.” Jawnell took my hand and we ran to the entrance of the hospital.“Oh God! I’m so afraid for Mel!” she said quietly. I gripped her arm. “Me too, me too. But whatever we do, we mustn’t let her see that. She already afraid enough as it is, she doesn’t need to sense fear from us. We have to be supportive. She’s not ready, she wasn’t prepared for this to happen today. She has to be strong and courageous, and let’s help her get there okay?” Jawnell nodded. We took a wheelchair from the lobby and informed a nurse that Mel was coming in. She asked a few quick questions, and went ahead to go prepare a room. We ran back outside as fast as we could decently roll the wheelchair. The others were slowly walking alongside Mellisa. We gave the wheelchair to Jeff, and he sat her in it. He pushed her quickly to the door. Mel was trying to hold back her screams as we rushed through the waiting room. Everyone looked at her, wide-eyed. We managed to get through the double doors quickly enough for the boys not to be recognized. The delivery doctor was waiting for us on the other side. “Hey there Dr.Luty! What can we do for you? It’s your vacation!” “My daughter’s friend is in labor.” He said, pointing down to the now silent Mellisa. “This is Dr.Grant, one of my co-workers. He is very good, and very nice. You don’t need to be afraid.” Jeff assured her. Dr.Grant bent down near Mel’s ear. “Hello, what’s your name?” “My name’s Isaac!” Ike blurted out nervously. The doctor looked at him with an arched eyebrow. “Okay, and what’s your name?” he asked Mel again. “Mellisa.” She gasped suddenly. “Hi Mellisa, I’m Dr.Grant. Is this the father?” he asked, pointing to Ike. She nodded and smiled faintly. “Oh God!” she let the screams out. With a business-like tone, Jeff began to explain something to Dr.Grant. “It’s not normal. She’s only been in labor for 10 or 15 minutes, and she’s having contractions 3 or 4 minutes apart already.” Dr.Grant nodded, thanked Jeff, and turned to Mel. Tears were flowing down her cheeks. Isaac was clutching her hand. “You’ll be alright.” The doctor soothed. “Let’s have a look.” He rolled the wheelchair to the nearest empty room, and we followed him in. Jeff helped him lift her onto the bed. “Okay, do you really want all these people in here?” Dr.Grant asked. “Isaac, Isaac. Stay with me please…Mel, Jawn…” she couldn’t finish. Jeff took Taylor and Zac outside, and stayed with them. I blew Taylor a kiss as the door closed. “Alright Mellisa! Can you hear me?” Dr.Grant asked. She closed her eyes and painfully nodded yes. A nurse came in quickly and poked an ivy in Mel’s arm. Dr.Grant opened a cupboard and grabbed a hospital gown from it. “Now, I need to go put some over clothes on. While I’m away, do you think you could all help Mellisa get into this?” Ike, Jawnell, and I nodded, and the doctor left. Mellisa fell back against the pillows and started breathing heavily again. “Okay, let’s do this quickly.” I said, taking charge. Mel sat up on the edge of the bed and started to take off her shirt. I slipped the gown over her head, and she took off her pants. Jawnell folded them neatly, and set them on the nearby chair. Mellisa lifted her legs onto the bed, and closed her eyes. Gathering her strength, she thought of the baby girl that was soon to be in her arms.

Chapter 22

“Mellisa! We’ll be back okay?” She nodded. “Ike. Come with me.” I whispered. He and Jawnell followed me out into the hall. Zac, Taylor, and Jeff all shot up at the same time. “What happened?” Zac asked nervously. “Nothing yet.” I answered calmly. “Is she okay?” Taylor asked. “She’s fine.” I assured them. I turned to Isaac and hugged him. I took his hands and looked deep into his eyes. “Ike, calm down. Nothing is gonna happen to her.” The troubled look still didn’t leave his face. “Why are you so stressed out? This is supposed to be a happy day!” He swallowed nervously and whispered, “Melodie! Our baby is on the way, and I still haven’t married Mellisa. She wasn’t due until August, so I planned it…Oh God! I’m such a fool! I haven’t even proposed to her yet. I was waiting for the perfect moment.” “Now’s a good moment.” Jawnell suggested. Ike looked at her helplessly. “I don’t even have a ring!” “What about that one?” Taylor asked, pointing to Ike’s simple sterling silver band. He looked at it slowly. “It would mean more to her than any diamond studded ring Ike! You’ve never even taken it off since you were 15, you’re attached to it. I think if you propose with that one, it will show how you’re attached to her.” Ike smiled. Dr.Grant came back as a nurse quietly slipped from Mel’s room. “She’s 9 inches. We don’t have time to move her.” She said to Dr.Grant quickly. “We’ll have to.” He replied firmly. “Who’s going to stay with her?” “I am!” Ike said. “Me too.” Jawnell said. “I…I’ll stay here with Zac.” Taylor said quietly. “Yea, me too.” Jeff said. “I guess I should go. I have a feeling both Ike and Mel will need support from us at one point during this.” I linked arms with Jawnell. Jeff smiled at me. “Okay, let’s go! We have o mover her up 2 floors!” Dr.Grant started moving toward the door, but Isaac blocked his path. “Give me a moment alone with her, please.” “I’m afraid we don’t have time. She can’t start having the baby down here, I’m sorry.” He tried to go passed Ike again, but he was forcibly stopped. “No, you don’t understand. I need a moment with her. Alone. Just a few minutes.” Dr.Grant nodded. “But if she starts feeling like she has to push, finished or not, we’re taking her upstairs.” He added quickly as Ike pushed passed him. Mellisa was laying on the bed on her side. She didn’t see Isaac come in. A thin, clear tube filtered IV in her blood. She began to cry softly. “Mellisa, honey, I’m here.” She turned her head and smiled through her tears. “Isaac…I’m so scared.” He kissed her knuckles softly. “I know it baby, but you’ve got to be brave. I know you’re strong.” He began to cry with her. “I’m…I’m so sorry. I did this to you…” he began. Mellisa cradled his face in her palms and smiled. “Isaac, I love you.” “Mellisa, I have to talk to you.” “Oh God!” She closed her eyes and squeezed his fingers. “Mellisa! Don’t push, not yet! I have something to tell you!” “Oh Isaac! She’s coming!” “I love you so much.” He murmured. “Ike…Hurry.” Mellisa’s eyes were wide from the pain. He fumbled the ring off his finger quickly. Mellisa was weeping. The contractions were coming in gaps of 1 minute now. Isaac too her left hand. His tone was sure and gentle, soothing to her ear. “Mellisa. I love you so much. So much. Will you marry me?” She looked at him quietly. A single tear trickled down her cheek. “Yes, yes, I’ll marry you.” He slipped the ring on her finger and kissed her. “Okay, now! NOW!” Ike screamed. Dr.Grant rushed in and started wheeling the bed out the door. Isaac remained standing there. Jawnell and Zac followed Mel’s bed into the elevator. Taylor and I went into the room to find Isaac sobbing into his hands. Tay touched his shoulder lightly, and he looked up. “She said yes. Mellisa said yes.” He collapsed into Taylor’s arms and cried. Tears welled up in my own eyes as I watched.

Chapter 23

“Come on Ike! Your daughter’s on the way. Let’s go up to see your bride-to-be.” Ike smiled, and we started out of the room. We made our way to the elevator quickly. “Come on! Why isn’t it coming?” Ike said, getting frustrated. He waited a few seconds more, and punched the elevator’s door. “Isaac, chill!” Tay tried to grab a hold of Ike’s arm, but he pulled away and ran for the stairs. We followed him quickly, and soon we were on the hospital’s third floor. “Sir, can I help you?” a nurse asked, coming out of the nurse station. Isaac ran right passed her. “Could you please tell us where Mellisa Horne is?” I asked politely. The nurse pointed to the 4th room down to the right, and we all ran there. Zac and Jawnell were sitting on little chairs beside the door, waiting impatiently. Jeff was pacing the lengths of the hallway. They looked up as they saw us arrive. Zac and Taylor immediately left our sides and went to Ike. Jawnell and I stood back and watched with curiosity as Ike, Zac and Tay joined hands. I heard them mutter a quiet prayer each in turn, and embrace eachother. Their gesture really touched me. “Coming guys?” Ike asked us. I nodded quickly, and hugged Tay before Jawnell, Isaac and I entered Mellisa’s room. Dr.Grant was wearing a cap, an overcoat, and gloves. A single nurse busied herself with some kind of monitor. “Just in time.” She informed us quietly. “She’s ready for her first push.” Dr.Grant turned and bent over a table, sorting through several odd-looking silver instruments. Isaac eyed them with a worried glance. “Don’t worry. Those are only in case of emergency, and I’m sure there will be none.” “Ahh!” Mellisa wailed. Jawnell and I quickly ran to one side of her, and Ike to the other. I took her trembling hand into mine, and gave it a squeeze of reassurance. “Alright Mellisa, you’re ready. Now push!” I closed my eyes as her cries of pain echoed vibrantly throughout the room. “Alright, I can see the head!” The nurse announced. “Push, Mellisa, push!” She looked directly at me helplessly. “Come on Mel, you can do it!” I whispered. A look of strength began to form in her eyes. She pushed with all her might and gritted her teeth. “Good girl, good girl!” Dr.Grant screamed. “The shoulders have passed. One more push, and your baby will be out.” With a final grunting effort, Mellisa finally released the child from her womb. “You did it honey, you did it!” Ike said, kissing her forehead. She smiled as Dr.Grant placed the delicate infant on her chest. “Alexia…” Mellisa whispered, looking into her daughter’s eyes for the first time. “Woo! One of fastest births in my history as a doctor!” Dr.Grant said smiling. “You did great Mellisa.” She thanked him quietly as a nurse took the baby away for cleaning. She looked up, and smiled at Isaac who was beaming with joy and pride. I squeezed Mel’s hand, and went to get Tay, Zac, and Jeff. “She’s here guys. Alexia Isabel Hanson is born.” Tay and Zac smiled at eachother. We all walked in together and went to Mel. She was pale against the pillow, but Dr.Grant assured us she was doing fine. The nurse returned quickly with Alexia, and Mellisa proudly showed her to the others. “She is so small!” Zac exclaimed. Jeff got on the phone with mom and told her how everything went. She arrived about 15 minutes later with Jake, Sam, and Alex. Mellisa was showered with flowers, balloons, and small presents they had gotten her in the hospital’s gift shop. “She’s beautiful! Congratulations!” Taylor and I stood back and watched her proudly show off Lexie. Isaac couldn’t wait anymore. He had to call his parents. He dialed his house quickly, using the cell phone Zac carried around. “Mom! Hi mom! Guess what! My daughter is born!” We could hear Diana yelling questions to her eldest son from across the room. “Yes, she’s fine! Here she is!” Ike passed the phone to Mellisa, and went to his brothers. “She’s kinda mad she missed it.” He told us. “Nah, she’s just mad cause she’s a grandma now!” Zac said. We all laughed. “Isaac!” Mellisa called. “Your mother would like to speak to you again.” Ike took the phone from her with a questioning look in his eye. “Isaac, honey. I am so happy for you. Your father and are so proud of you and Mellisa.” “Thanks mom.” “Ike, since Alexia is born now, do you think we should all come out sooner and plan the wedding for an earlier date?” Isaac was silent for a few seconds. “I don’t know mom. Talk about it with the rest of the family, and get back to me okay?” “Okay! Do me a favor, and put Tay or Zac on will you?” Ike said goodbye to his mom and passed the phone to Tay. “Well, they want to come earlier now.” Ike whispered to me quietly. “Really? That’s cool!” Ike smiled. “Yea. We’ll have so much fun, you’ll see. Problem though. We should talk to your mom and Jeff about it don’t you think?” I nodded in agreement. “Don’t worry. We’ll take care of it later. Go see your daughter!” I said, shoving him toward Mellisa’s bed. He smiled at me gratefully, and joined his family on the mattress.

Chapter 24

Just a few days later, Mellisa was back on her feet, Alexia was doing great, and they could both go home. Tay and I went to pick them up at the hospital. Ike was there with them already. Mellisa had Alexia dressed up in her little jumpsuit and bonnet. She looked adorable. Mellisa went to see Dr.Grant, and thanked him one last time. When we stepped out of the hospital, the sun greeted us with its warm glow. “Hmmmm! Sunlight!” Mellisa said. I laughed and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. Alexia was quietly gazing around in her mother’s arms. “Mel, she is so cute!” Mellisa smiled. “Thanks.” Ike and Taylor were frustratingly trying to figure out how to put in the car seat. I rolled my eyes at Mel. “Men are so incapable!” She laughed as I made my way to them. “Clear a path gentlemen! You break, I fix.” Tay smiled at me as I adjusted the seat effortlessly. “Thank you, thank you very much!” Everyone laughed. Mellisa buckled Alexia in safely, and sat down beside her. I joined her on the other side, and the boys climbed in the front. “So, what’s been happening? Ike tells me you guys are still considering the trip. You better!” I laughed. “Well, it’s something we can’t do without you. So unless you feel that you can’t come, and I don’t think you should, we’ll just cancel it.” “Why? Why can’t I come?” Mellisa looked at me with imploring eyes and I laughed. “Mel, you just had a baby!” “So?” “So, usually when people have babies, they stay home and rest for a couple of weeks!” “No no no. I don’t have weeks. Ike is here now.” I smiled. “Well, you just think about it okay?” She nodded. Soon, we arrived at house. I helped Mel and Lexie out while the boys got her suitcase. Mellisa arranged Alexia in a blanket, and cradled her in her arms. We walked into the house and went to the living room where Zac, Jawnell, mom and Jeff were waiting for us. “How are you doing Mellisa?” mom asked, as Jawnell ran to give her a hug. “I’m great thanks. Alexia is too.” Mom nodded, smiling. The boys came in with Mel’s suitcase. After everyone got to hold the baby, and she was finally asleep in her carrier, we ordered pizza for lunch, in honor of Mel and Alexia’s return. “Zachy! Come and eat!” Mom called to him. “No!” He was in the family room, adjacent to the kitchen, sitting by Alexia’s carrier. He was just smittened with her. He was holding her delicate little hand, and singing the ABC song to her. I went to get him. “Come on big boy, we don’t want to wake her up.” “Okay.” He sighed. He went to Mellisa and tugged on her sleeve. “Yes Zachy?” “I like Lexie.” He said shyly. Everyone laughed. “Are you her mommy?” he asked innocently. Mel smiled. “Yes, that’s right. I am.” “Well, does she like Buzz Lightyear?” he asked, arousing laughter again. “I don’t know Zachy.” “Oh.” Satisfied for now, he went to take his seat and ate quietly. After lunch, Tay, Zac, Jawnell and I went to sit on the couch while Mel and Ike brought Alexia in the bedroom upstairs. “So. Do we go or not?” Zac asked. “Well, I want to. But it just wouldn’t be as fun if there’s two of us missing.” Jawnell nodded in agreement. Mom quietly poked her head in. “Jawnell. Your mom’s on the phone.” “Thanks.” Jawnell and Zac both got up and left the room. While they were gone, Taylor and I had a chance to talk. “This is kind of weird.” Taylor said to me. “What do you mean?” “Well, at the end of the summer, Mellisa and Ike will be married, and they’ll probably want to move somewhere together. Like now. It’s weird not having them be around.” “Taylor, they’re just upstairs!” “I know…” “Well, you knew that Ike was gonna move out eventually right?” Tay sighed. “Yea…But you know, it always hits you hard when it happens. Before, it’s just in the back of your mind.” He looked down. I smiled sympathetically at him, and touched his hand. “You’ll be okay honey.” I reached for his lips with mine and kissed him softly. “Well, my niece is a lovely baby. I’m so glad everything went well… How was it?” Tay asked tentatively. “It was a strange combination of gross and beautiful.” I admitted. We lay amidst eachothers arms in silence for a few minutes. “Do you want kids?” Taylor asked. “Yes.” I answered without hesitation. “Do you?” He considered for a few seconds. “Yes. Yes I do.” “How many?” “As many as life brings me.” He answered, smiling down at me. I entwined my fingers in his and sighed. Jawnell and Zac reappeared a few seconds later. “My parents want to know, and I quote, right now, if we’re leaving in the morning. They’re already hesitant to let me go, and the fact that we’re not sure of what’s happening doesn’t make feel very secure.” “Well, it’s entirely up to Ike and Mel. I mean, they’ve got to be thinking for Alexia. Would it be safe for her to travel at such a young age?” “You’re right.” Tay said quietly. “We shouldn’t go.” “We could take the plane,” Zac suggested. “And drive back after the week.” “I don’t know…” Jawnell said. “Well, I’ll go find out. I’ll be right back guys.” I kissed the top of Taylor’s head lightly, and went upstairs.

Chapters 25-32
