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Chapter 25

I went down the hall to my bedroom. The door was slightly ajar, and I heard soft whimpers coming from inside. Leaning forward to hear better, I recognized the baby voice of Alexia. I peeked inside and saw the 3 of them laying upon the soft quilt. Mellisa and Isaac, fingers linked, were smiling down at their baby daughter. Alexia was gazing up at her daddy, lips upturned slightly. I knocked on the door, and they looked up as I entered. “Mel!” Mellisa said smiling. “How are you doing?” I asked, sitting next to her. “Better, definitely.” She answered. “That was quite an experience. Very painful, bus so rewarding.” She added, smiling down at Lexie. “May I?” I asked, pointing down to her. “Of course!” Ike said. I gently, carefully, picked up the baby and cradled her in my arms. “She’s so little. God. I can barely remember when Zachy was this little.” Ike smiled. “She’s so beautiful.” I whispered, as Alexia wrapped her small fingers around one of mine. I smiled and softly kissed the top of her head. The light fuzz that was to become her hair tickled my nose. “She’s doing great. I’m so happy!” Mellisa said joyfully. “Is she really well enough to come on the trip? Isn’t this kinda rushed?” I asked, choosing my words carefully. “We were just talking about it, and well, we’re still undecided.” Ike answered. “We have a comfortable and safe car seat, plenty of clothes for her, and she sleeps half the time anyway, so I think it would be okay.” He added, looking over to Mellisa for approval. “We need diapers. That’s it.” She said quietly. “So, what are you saying?” I asked, excitement welling inside me. “Let’s go get diaper, that’s what I’m saying!” Mellisa said, smiling. Ike nodded, and we all stood. “It will be a fun trip, and I will personally make sure that it’s a safe one.” He added, taking Mel into his arms. I looked down at Lexie and laughed. She was in a deep sleep, her little fists closed tightly at her sides. “Yep. She won’t even noticed we traveled at all.” Mel said laughing also. “I’ll go get diapers.” Ike said starting for the door. “Wait! Let’s take Lexie with us, stop by my place so that I can pack for us and that my mom can see her granddaughter. Then let’s swing by the store. We also need a pacifier.” Mellisa said, carefully taking her baby from my arms. We started down the stairs and went to the kitchen. Whiled Isaac was getting Lexie’s coat, we all met in the living room. “Well guys, we decided that we just couldn’t pass this up. Count us in. All of us!” Mellisa announced. “Yes!” Zac cried as he pulled Jawnell into a hug. We all went outside with them to see them off. I helped Isaac buckled Alexia in the back seat, and they were off. Jawnell and Zac went back into the house, but Tay and I lingered outside. “We are going to have so much fun.” He said, taking my hand. We made our way to the small wooden bench that decorated my front yard, and sat down. Darkness was beginning to engulf the neighborhood and suddenly, the streetlights became aglow. The shadows Taylor and I casted on the concrete melted into one. Tay’s shameless lips began to caress my cheek softly. We layed back and watched the first beam of the moon hit earth. “Hmmm.” I sighed. “I have to drive Jawnell to her house for a few minutes.” We slowly rose, and stood. We went back inside together to find mom waiting for us on the other side of the door. “So, you guys are going?” She asked quietly. “Yes. We have permission from my parents, and it’s okay with you right?” Taylor asked quickly. “Yes, it is. But Taylor, can I ask you something?” “Of course!” Tay walked over to my mother, and she took his hand. “Can I trust you to take care of my little girl?” “Mom!” I shouted. We all started laughing. “I promise Nicole, you’ve got nothing to worry about.” She smiled at him. “Thank you.” I rolled my eyes teasingly at mom and took Taylor by the arm. We went to Zac’s bedroom to find him and Jawnell in there. Zac was excitedly piling clothes into his suitcase. “Come on Jawnell. Let’s get you home so you have time to get ready too. Let’s all try to meet back in the living room by 7:00 okay?” I said. I turned to Taylor. “You, go pack! I’ll be back soon.” I kissed his cheek, and went to the kitchen, Jawnell following. “Mom, can I borrow the car? I need to take Jawnell home so she can pack.” She nodded, reached into her purse, and tossed the keys to me. “Thank you. We’ll be back soon.” “Drive safely!” She screamed after us. We went outside after Jawnell had quickly said good bye to Zac. We got into the car, and started to her house. “I’m so excited!” She said, smiling. “It will be awesome.” I agreed. I pulled our brand new Neon into Jawnell’s driveway a few minutes later. We both went into her house hurriedly. Robyn greeted us amicably. “Hey! How are my girls?” Jawnell ran to her mom and wrapped her into a fierce hug. “Thank you so much mom. I don’t know how I can ever thank you for letting me do this.” Robyn looked up, and pretended to consider. “Well, how about you just take care of yourself, and don’t get in any kind of trouble.” Jawnell smiled at her mom. “Don’t worry. I’ll be fine! It’s not like we’re going there with nothing. We have 4 responsible drivers, a house to stay in when we get there, and plenty of money for food and anything else we want.” Robyn nodded, smiling at her daughter. “Yea. I guess that money saved up will help after all.” Cameron said, coming into the room. “I know! I can hardly believe I made $600 just since last summer!” Jawnell exclaimed. “Well, learning how to save sure did you good honey. I’m proud of you.” Cameron said, placing a gentle hand on his daughter’s shoulder. “Thanks dad.” She hugged him also. “Well, come on Mel, let’s get going. We have to be back by 7:00.” She explained to her parents. They both smiled at her and nodded. She took my arm, and we quickly went to her room. She opened the door to her closet and took out her small suitcase. “So. Clothes for a week.” She began going through her drawers, and putting clothes on her bed. Once we had selected what she was take, we went back to the living room to say goodbye to her parents. “Take care now,” Her father advised. “Don’t talk to anybody you don’t know.” Jawnell laughed. “Dad, I’ll be fine! I’ll miss you both very much, but try not to worry about me the whole time!” “We’ll try not to.” Robyn said, pulling her daughter into a hug. “You take care too.” Cam said to me. “I will. There’s nothing to worry about.” After we said our final good byes, we got back into the car and started home.

Chapter 26

“Now I have to pack.” I said, checking my watch. It was just under 6:45. “So. How are things with you and Tay?” Jawnell asked as we stopped at a red light. “Good.” I replied. “Are you still mad at him for the other day?” The light turned green and I sped up. “No. I’m sure he didn’t mean it. I mean, things are great now.” Jawnell nodded at me and smiled. “I didn’t know how to take it at first. I mean, what was I supposed to think?” “I guess it was just one of those things that you guys had to go through together. You know, to build your relationship stronger.” “I hope so.” We were silent for the rest of the ride home. When we arrived at my house, it was just starting to get black outside. Jawnell hopped out of the car excitedly and went to the trunk to get her suitcase. We walked into the house together and went to the living room. Mellisa and Ike weren’t back yet so Jawnell went to Zac’s room to see him. I went to the kitchen to see mom. She and Jeff were in the process of making dinner. “Hey guys!” I said cheerfully. “Where is everyone?” “Jake is at Andy’s house, Sam is at a birthday party, and Alex is on a date with Rose.” Jeff replied, smiling. “Ah!” I laughed. “Taylor is up packing, I think.” Mom told me. I smiled. “Thanks.” I made sure they needed not help, and went up the steps. I found Taylor zipping up his bag. “Hey babe, you ready?” I asked, sitting next to him. He smiled and nodded. “I have to pack now.” “I’ll help you! Let’s go!” We stood together. “It’s okay! I can do it alone Tay, I’m not a baby anymore.” “No! I want to, come on!” He took my hand, and we went to Zachy’s room. We found him in there, playing with his toy train. “Hey Zachy!” He looked up. “Hi!” He stood and hugged us both. “What you doing?” He asked. “I’m packing my suitcase.” “Why?” “Because Taylor and Jawnell and Zac, and Mellisa and Ike, and I are gonna go bye bye for a little while.” “Why?” He looked at me with teary eyes. I rubbed my forehead. He was going to have one of his ‘Why’ attacks, I just knew it. “Just a little while.” I told him reassuringly. “We’re going on a vacation.” “Why? I wanna come, can I come?” “No, I’m sorry. You have to stay with mommy. You have to take care of her remember?” “Yea, but why?” Taylor laughed and picked Zachy up. “We won’t be gone long Zachy, I promise.” “Will you come back to my house?” he asked in a pleading voice. Tay laughed again. “Of course! I have to bring your sister back don’t I? I wish I didn’t.” “Yes you have to.” Zachy said firmly. I laughed and walked over to them. “Zachy, why don’t you put your train away and go play downstairs.” “Okay!” He picked up the pieces of railroad tracks along with the small cars, and out them under my bed. “See you!” He left. “I always hate leaving him.” I said, sitting down on the bed. “Cheer up,” Tay said. “He won’t even notice we’re gone until we come back.” I smiled. He always made me feel so much better. “What would I ever do without you?” I wondered out loud. “What did I do before you?” “I don’t know.” He replied, pulling me into his arms. “I survived. Now I need to live.” He kissed me slowly. “So! Where’s your suitcase?” He asked. I walked over to the closet and opened the door. Reaching for the top shelf, I accidentally hit a puzzle box, and it came crashing down on me. “Uh!” I yelled out in frustration. Taylor laughed. “Here. Let me help.” Together, we picked up pieces of ‘Dragonland’. “Zachy loves this show. It’s his favorite.” I told him. “Really? Zoë too!” I smiled as we picked up the last of it. “I think they’ll get along great.” “Yea! Maybe they’ll even start liking eachother later on!” he said enthusiastically. “Now that would be weird.” I laughed, getting up. I carefully reached up again, and this time got my suitcase down safely. I carried it over to my bed and zipped it open. “Okay.” Mentally going over what I needed to take, I walked over to my dresser. Taylor watched me as I took a stack of underwear, 2 bras, and socks from the drawer. I set them quickly inside and walked back. I selected a few outfits, put them in next to my undergarments, and threw the rest of my clothes on the floor. “Here. Come and help me chose what to take for the rest.” We both sat down next to the pile, and nonchalantly began going through the clothes I owned. “Here, how about this.” Taylor laughed as he held up one of my Hanson tee shirts. I quickly grabbed it from him and tossed it inside the closet. “No. Thank you. I prefer the real thing.” Tay leaned over and kissed my cheek slowly. About 15 minutes later, my suitcase was packed and ready to go. We went down for dinner. Mom and Jeff had prepared chicken, rice, and broccoli. “Mellisa called.” Mom said. “She and Ike will be eating at her house.” “Okay.” Jawnell and Zac joined us shortly. “So, you guys are pretty much ready too?” Taylor asked. “Yea. Pretty much.” Zac answered. “I still have to get a few things together, but we’ll be ready. I’ve got to bring my game…I forgot I had a playstation at the house. YES!” He screamed out. I laughed. “Well, I hope you guys have fun! Take lots of pictures Mel, I’ve never been to Hollywood.” Mom said. I smiled. “Okay. I packed my camera.” “Me too!” Jawnell added. The boys laughed. “It’s not that exciting. Just a city like any other.” Tay said. “Yea, well you’ve lived there. It’s not the same. I bet you were excited when you first went to LA” Jawnell argued. “Yea, I guess we were.” Zac agreed. “Well, you guys just be careful out there.” Jeff said. “Actually, this will make you feel better. Our parents have agreed to let us be in the house by ourselves, but our personal security guard, Jason, will be at our side when we go out into the city.” Zac told Jeff. “Your daughter is safe!” Tay said, smiling at mom. “Ah! Well, it’s nice when you tell me things.” I said to Taylor playfully. “Sorry. I forgot.” He apologized. We finished eating, and helped to clear the table and wash the dishes. Jawnell and Zac went back to his room for last minute double-checking. Tay and I went outside to take in some fresh air. We took off our shoes on the porch, and slowly made our way down the stairs. My hand slipped in his as the dew covered grass tickled our toes. We went to sit on the swing set together. “So! Do you know what we’ll do when we get to LA?” “Well, we definitely have to take you guys to Universal Studios. That place is so awesome!” I laughed. “That would be fun. How long are we staying there exactly?” “Well, it will take about 3 or 4 days to get there with the car from here if we stayed in hotels at night. So. We want to stay at least a week in LA, so we might be gone for 10 or 12 days.” He estimated. “Cool.” “If Ashley’s in town, we’ll do something with him.” “Okay! He seemed so nice. I just met him for a couple of minutes, that’s all.” Time seemed to pass faster than it really was. Soon, the moon was glowing bright in the sky. “Brr. It’s getting cold out here. Let’s go in.” I said. “Okay,” Tay agreed. We entered the house to find Zac, Jawnell, and Mel sitting in the living room. “Hey guys!” I said, smiling. Mel and Jawnell were sitting on the couch together, and Zac was in the rocking chair with pillows and Alexia on his lap. “Where’s Ike?” Tay asked. “He decided to go rent a minivan. That way, we’ll have way more room, and be safer.” Mellisa explained. “Hi! I’m back!” Ike walked into the room at that moment. “I got us a cherry red van with air conditioner and a TV!” Ike exclaimed. “A TV?” Jawnell asked. “Yea! It takes VHS and DVD!” “Wow!” I exclaimed. “Technology nowadays,” Tay agreed. “Well, let’s take some movies while we’re at it.” I laughed. “I’m sure Jeff won’t mind.” We gathered around the cupboard and chose several movies. “So,” I said, sitting with the others. “Is everyone packed?” They all nodded. “We are going to sunny California baby!” Ike yelled. We all joined in the laughter, caught in the moment of happiness.

Chapter 27

“Alright!” Zac said. “Okay. I’ll pack a cooler with breakfast and lunch for tomorrow, and make sure we have lots of blankets and pillow. What time do we leave in the morning?” “Let’s be on the road by 4:00, so let’s get up at 3:30 so we can just sleepwalk over to the van. I’ll drive first, so I’ll take a shower at 3:00. Do we have an alarm clock?” Isaac inquired. “Yea, you can borrow mine.” I told him. “Where’s the baby going to sleep?” Zac asked. “We have a tiny old cradle in the attic that used to be mine when I was a baby. Tay, will you help me get it down?” “Of course!” “Okay…” I clasped my hands together. “Anything else we need to discuss?” “Just one thing.” Ike turned to Tay. “Do you mind if Mellisa and Lexie sleep with me tonight?” “Not at all.” Taylor said, smiling past his brother at me. “Okay, let’s get going.” Mellisa said, clapping her hands. “Jawnell, Zac, would you guys mind watching Alexia while Ike and I put the car seat in the can, and Mel and Tay get the cradle?” “Sure.” Jawnell answered. Mellisa and Isaac left together. “Alright, where’s the attic?” Taylor asked. “Funny enough, it’s in my room. Come on!” I pulled him after me. We went into the garage to get a ladder, and carried it up the steps. Taylor placed it right under the trap and began to climb. “Just a sec, you’re going to need a flashlight.” I ran to get one quickly, and handed it to him. He shoved the trap open and slipped inside. “Come on up Mel, it’s safe.” I carefully began to climb up, and soon I was in the dusty hole with Taylor. “Here, bring your legs in.” I started to lift my feet, but my shoe caught on the last rung. I gave it a tug, but it slipped off my foot, sending the ladder crashing to the ground. “Uh, oh.” I said to Taylor. He laughed. “I think you did that on purpose.” “I did not!” I protested. “Oh come on. You know you did.” “Okay, so maybe I did. What you gonna do about it?” He wrapped me into his arms and kissed my cheek. “Come on Taylor, it’s late.” “So what…” he whispered. “So we have to get up early.” “So, we can sleep in the van.” “Tay, come on.” I took the flashlight from him and waved it around. I spotted the cradle and started moving towards it. My knee banged on the floor a little too hard and a cloud of dust flew up in my face. I sneezed twice, violently. “Mel, you okay?” Tay asked. “Yea, I’m fine.” Together, we brought the cradle to the lighted corner of the attic. “Thanks for helping me.” I said to Tay. I kissed him, and my lips lingered on his longly. “Okay. How do we get down?” I asked. Taylor looked down from the ledge. “Well, it’s not that high. I’ll jump.” “But you might hurt yourself!” “Don’t worry, I’ll be fine.” He sat on the edge, and let his legs dangle out. “Okay. 1-2-3!” He jumped out and easily landed on his feet. “See? Piece of cake!” He reached up and took my ankles into his hands. “Taylor! Don’t make me fall!” I warned. He gave a short yank and I slipped off the ledge and fell right into his arms. “Tay!” I gasped. He laughed. “You’re okay.” I gave him a playful frown and reached for the fallen ladder. In a few minutes, we had gotten the cradle down, and I was putting fresh sheets into it. The playing bears smiled up at me as I smoothed the coverlet down. “Okay, we’re about done.” I told Tay. I looked around the room satisfied. Mellisa and Ike came in. “Mel, this is so sweet, thanks!” Mellisa said, giving me a hug. Alexia was asleep in her father’s arms. Mel put down her luggage and looked around her. I had borrowed some of Zachy’s stuffed animals and they were scattered around the room randomly. I had fluffed their pillows, and Taylor had gotten a candle. It glowed dimly, casting soft shadows on the walls. “Thanks guys!” Ike added. “I set the alarm for 3:00 Ike, so don’t worry.” “Thank you.” He said again. I walked to him and glanced down at Lexie. A small sigh escaped her lips and she turned her head so that it was comfortably buried in Isaac’s jacket. I smiled and touched her delicate hand. “See you guys tomorrow!” Tay said as he guided me from the room. “Good night.” Mellisa said, as she closed the door after us.

Chapter 28

“You go ahead and get in bed. I’ll get Jawnell settled on the couch and be right up.” “Okay.” Tay agreed. He went into Zachy’s room as I took blankets and pillows from the linen closet. I went down the steps with the armful of warm bedding and set it down on the couch. Quickly, I made Jawnell’s bed and then went to get her. I knocked on Zac’s door and opened it. They both looked up from the bed where they were. Zac was sitting up, and Jawnell was laying with her head in his lap. His fingers were tangled into her hair. “Come on babe, time for bed.” I said to her. She smiled up at Zac, kissed his lips slowly, and joined me by the door. “Good night Zac. See you in the morning.” He nodded at me as I quietly shut it. Jawnell followed me into the living room. “Here you are. Sorry you can’t sleep in my room but…” “No, I don’t wanna know!” She interrupted laughing. I shook my head and smiled. I gave her a quick hug, and went upstairs. I decided to stop by mom and Jeff’s room before I went to mine. I knocked on the door softly and entered. They were both in bed, reading. “What’s up?” Jeff asked. “Nothing. I just wanted to say goodnight. You won’t be up when we leave.” “I hope not!” mom laughed. “So, you guys won’t miss me too much?” I joked, sitting on the foot of the bed. “Nah, it’ll be great!” Jeff replied, laughing. I rolled my eyes and smiled. “Listen, you be careful out there okay?” mom said, taking my hand. “Please don’t worry,” I told her. “Everything will be under control.” “Okay.” “Well, goodnight then. See you guys in about 10 days.” I kissed mom’s cheek and left the room quietly. I walked down the hallway to Zachy’s room. Opening the door carefully, I saw that the light was turned off. I crept to my side of the bed soundlessly, and slipped under the covers. Soft, rhythmic breathing came from Taylor’s mouth. I leaned over, kissed his eyes, and settled my head against the pillow. Tomorrow we were going to LA. That was the last thought that drifted through my head as I fell asleep.

Chapter 29

When I opened my eyes, Taylor was shaking me lightly. “Mel. It’s time to get up. It’s 3:40.” I opened my eyes and smiled. “Really? Already?” I sat on the edge of the bed and rubbed my eyes. “I’ll be downstairs making coffee okay?” I smiled at him. He was already dressed, wearing simple jeans and a sweatshirt. “Okay, see you in a few minutes.” I slowly stood and stretched. I took off my pj’s and quickly put on a sweat suit. A chill crawled down my spine and I jumped back onto the bed. I fought the urge to close my eyes and stood again. I took our pillows, picked up my cosmetic bag, and carried them out into the hall. I knocked on the door of the room where Mellisa, Ike, and Alexia were staying. “Come in!” I turned the doorknob and walked into the room. Ike, freshly showered, stood over his fiancée and infant child. Alexia, already aware of the excitement in the air around her, was waving her arms and legs wildly. “Lexie! Sit still!” Mellisa laughed. “Here, let me help.” I walked over and sat down beside Mellisa. I gently took Alexia’s right leg and raised it as she fastened the buttons of the pale yellow camisole. Ike laughed and smoothed his big hand over his daughter’s head. “Well, I’ll see you guys downstairs. I’m going to start packing up the van.” “Okay honey, see you soon.” Mellisa and I finished dressing Lexie, and headed out of the room. We made our way down the stairs quietly. Jawnell, Zac, and Taylor were huddled around the coffee machine, talking quietly. Zac inhaled deeply. “Hmmm! Coffee!” I laughed. “I hate coffee! Except for frapucinos with whipped cream! Yummy!” Tay looked at me, dumbfounded. “How can you hate coffee! It’s 90% of what flows in my veins!” Jawnell laughed. Mellisa layed Alexia into the carry-on car seat and she instantly fell asleep. “Well, you guys ready to go?” Ike asked, coming in. “Yea, hold on. Coffee’s almost ready.” Zac said eagerly. “Okay. I’ll bring Lexie in the van.” “I’ll go too. I’m already falling asleep.” Mellisa said. She picked up the baby’s diaper bag and followed Ike outside. I yawned. “Were you comfortable on the couch?” I asked Jawnell. “Yea! Perfect.” I smiled, satisfied. “Well, I think I’ll go join them. I’m tired too. Make sure all the lights are turned off okay guys? Jawnell, do me a favor and turn on the alarm when you guys come out okay?” “Sure. No problem.” I picked up my stuff and stepped outside. I hugged the pillows against my chest as the chill east wind prickled the hair on my skin. The moon shone brightly above and I stopped to admire it. “I am so cold!” I turned toward the voice and realized Mellisa was standing right beside me. I linked my arm with hers and leaned my head on her shoulder. “Mellisa! We’re going to Hollywood!” She turned and smiled at me broadly. Ike joined us and took Mel into his arms. “This is going to be so fun! I can’t wait to show you guys around!” Isaac said. Zac, Jawnell, and Taylor all came out of the front, quietly closing the door behind them. “Alright! Ready?” Ike asked. We nodded and started to get inside the van. “Here’s your coffee Ike,” Zac said, handing his older brother a large plastic travel cup. “Thanks,” I made my way to the back of the van and made a nest of blankets and pillows for Taylor and I. I sat down and buckled my seatbelt. Jawnell and Zac sat together in the first row of seats while Alexia’s car seat was buckled in the center. I leaned back comfortably and smiled up at Taylor, who had joined me. “Everybody ready?” Ike asked. “Yes!” We all yelled in unison. “We’re right on schedule! It’s 3:57!” I smiled as Isaac pulled the van out of the driveway slowly. I sighed deeply and leaned my head against Taylor’s shoulder. I closed my eyes, and fell fast asleep.

Chapter 30

My eyes fluttered open 3 hours later. I looked around me, feeling disoriented for a second. I suddenly became aware of the weight on my arm, and I turned. My lips parted into a smile as I looked down at Taylor who was asleep on me. I slowly stretched out my arms and sat up, careful not to wake him up. Ike smiled at me in the rear view mirror. “Hey Mel!” “Hi! Where are we?” I looked around. Everyone was asleep except Lexie. “We’re a bit passed Bend.” He told me. “Wow. You must be tired. Why don’t you let me take the wheel for a while?” He glanced at me again. “Are you sure?” “Yea! I’ll drive until 9 or 10, then we’ll stop for breakfast.” “Okay, well if you’re sure.” “Of course I am! We’re in this together remember?” He smiled, took the nearest exit and pulled into a gas station. I carefully made a break from Taylor and ran up to the front seat. Ike went around and got in the center seat with his daughter. He played with her for a few seconds, then layed his head down, too tired to continue. Time passed quickly enough, and soon it was 9. I sighed wearily and looked at Mellisa in the seat next to me. I suddenly became aware of a presence behind me and glanced up. “Hey babe.” Taylor said, smiling. “Good morning! How do you feel?” “Great! You?” “Okay.” “Have you been driving long?” “A couple hours. We’ll stop for breakfast soon.” “Great! I’m hungry.” “Here. Let’s stop at this rest area.” I turned the van into the exit, and carefully parked it along the curb. It was deserted except for an elderly couple walking along a path with their dog. Jawnell stirred. I unbuckled my seatbelt and stepped outside. I inhaled the fresh air deeply. I went around to the side and opened the door. Taylor was slowly making his way out. He half closed the door behind him. “Where are we?” he asked, taking me into his arms. “We are…You know, I’m not really sure.” He laughed. “Well, I hope you were driving in the right direction!” He joked. “Oh, I was. Come help me make breakfast.” Together, we walked to the back and opened the trunk. “Okay. I packed lots of fruits, cereal, bread, peanut butter and pop tarts. Let’s take it all out.” We carried the heavy cooler onto the nearby table and spread out a blanket over the wooden surface. I went to get the paper bag that held the bowls, plates, glasses, and utensils, and I realized Alexia was crying softly. “Here.” I handed the bag to Taylor and went to see what was wrong. “I bet you’re hungry aren’t you baby?” I whispered. “Unfortunately, I can’t do anything about that until your mommy wakes up. Here, come see me.” I carefully unbuckled the small seatbelt and picked Lexie up. I took her little pink blanket, wrapped it around her comfortably, and carried her outside. “Look who’s up!” Taylor gushed Over Lexie’s small frightened face. I smiled. “Could you please set the table? I’ve got to keep her with me.” He nodded and started laying items on the table in a leisurely fashion. I sat down on the bench and just gazed at Alexia. She was such a beautiful baby. She looked up at me with crystal blue eyes and made soft noises. She was so small. I loved children so much. For just an instant, I wished she were mine. “Everything’s ready!” Tay said, breaking through my thoughts. I smiled at him. “Thank you. Here, hold your niece while I go wake the others.” I carefully handed Alexia to Tay and went to the van. “Rise and shine!” I said opening the door. Jawnell’s eyes opened slowly. “Time for breakfast!” I returned to the table and sat down next to Tay. There were lots of things to eat. I started slicing a cantaloupe into strips and ate one. Ike stumbled out of the van and opened Mellisa’s door. Zac and Jawnell came out holding hands. “Good morning guys!” Taylor said smiling. “Hi!” I gave them both a quick hug and let them sit down. Zac reached for the pop tarts right away. I laughed. “I got those just for you.” “Thank you so much.” He said, a mouthful of sweet dough slurring his speech. Jawnell giggled. Alexia had fallen back asleep in Taylor’s arms. “How is she doing?” Jawnell asked. “Good I hope, I really don’t know.” “She’s fine.” Isaac said, coming from behind Tay. “Here, let me see her.” He took his precious daughter in his arms and began to hum a sweet tune to her. “Her, where’s my baby girl!” Mellisa said, slipping her arms around Ike’s waist. Alexia recognized her mother’s voice and her eyes fluttered open. We all sat around the table and began to eat breakfast. I poured everyone a glass of orange juice. “Wow, what a nice day!” Jawnell commented. “Yea! It’s gonna be a hot one!” We lingered at the picnic table for several minutes after we had finished eating. “Well kids, I think it’s time to get back on the road!” Ike said laughing. “I’ll drive!” Tay volunteered. “Okay.” Everyone helped pack up the van and we got it all back in the trunk without too many complications. Mellisa and Isaac sat in the middle with Alexia, and Jawnell and Zac in the back. I climbed in next to Taylor and buckled my seatbelt. “Alright! Everyone ready?” He asked. We all nodded and he pulled away from the curb. We drove for several hours, talking, listening to music and sleeping. Soon, the sun set and it was nearing dinnertime. “Oh! 23 more miles to San Francisco!” I said, reading a sign. “Okay, let’s drive to the city and we’ll get a hotel there. We can stay there a bit in the morning too.” Ike suggested. “Sounds good! Let’s go out somewhere nice for dinner. My treat.” Zac said. “I’ll take you up on that!” Tay said laughing. We began to spot the big lights 2 miles before we turned into the exit. “Wow! Look at that!” Mellisa exclaimed. Ike laughed. “Wait until we get to LA honey. Just wait.” “Look! There’s the Golden Gate Bridge!” I stared out the window at the amazing structure that we were rolling on. “I can’t believe we’re here…” I whispered. Taylor smiled and took my hand. There was a bit of traffic at the end of the bridge, but we exited soon enough. “Let’s go to the ritzy part of town. These girls deserve to be pampered.” Ike said, smiling at Mel. As we drove toward the big buildings, we passed several homeless people on the street. “That is so sad.” I whispered. “Yea, it is.” Tay said. “Here! Here! Remember we stayed in this hotel last year!” Zac exclaimed pointing outside. “Yea! It was great! Does this look okay girls?” I peered through the window at the majestic white building that stood to our right. “It’s beautiful.” Mellisa said. “Okay, problem solved. Let’s get out of this evil car. Enough for today.” Zac exclaimed. Taylor turned the van into the parking lot and we got out. I stretched my arms up toward the sky and closed my eyes. Taylor came around and wrapped me into a bear hug. I kissed his cheek and pulled his head onto my shoulder. “I missed you.” I whispered into his ear. I sighed deeply. “I missed you so much. Did you miss me? Am I who you remembered Taylor?” His gaze found mine and he smiled. “You’re everything I remembered.” He kissed my lips. “And more.” I hugged him again. “Should we take the luggage with us now?” Isaac asked, interrupting us. “No, we should register first.” Ike nodded. When Mellisa had Lexie settled in the carrier, we all went in together. It was magnificent. The lobby was filled with oriental rugs, plants and flowers of all sorts, and crystal chandeliers were hanging from the high, elevated ceiling. Just like you saw in the movies. “Mr.Hanson!” The employee sitting at the registration desk shot to his feet. “How good to see you at the Benzon hotel again!” “Good evening!” Isaac said. “We would like a 3 room suite please.” The man clicked away on a computer and smiled. “Ah yes! Here is one right here. Does the 27th floor suit you fine sir?” “It’s perfect.” Isaac replied. “Okay. Rooms 424,425 and 426 all open up into each other if you desire. The beds are king sized, but there is also a pull out couch. The rooms are equipped with a kitchen, living room, sitting room, a luxurious bathroom with a jet bath, and there is also a fireplace for your comfort.” He paused and caught his breath. “Do remember that there is a 5 star spa on the second floor. Enjoy your stay, and thank you for choosing the Benzon Hotel.” He handed Ike 3 keys. “Thank you very much.” “Do you need help with your luggage sir?” “No that you. I think we’ll manage. We’ll just take one of these.” Ike replied, pointing to a cart. “Thank you though.” Together we went outside. “Wow.” I whispered to Jawnell who was walking alongside me. “I know! I’ve never seen anything so gorgeous!” she exclaimed. We helped the guys pile everything on the cart and walked back into the building. This time, 3 uniformed bellhops were waiting for us. “Please sir, let me take care of that.” Zac let the young man take the cart from him, and we followed the others. “Which floor sir?” He asked politely. “The 27th please.” Taylor said. The man pressed a button with his gloved finger and we started up. The bellhops guided us to our rooms, unloaded our luggage, and when Ike had given them a tip, left.

Chapter 31

“Wow, just look at this room!” I exclaimed, closing the door to Taylor and I’s part of the suite. He laughed and followed me as I made my way around each apartment in a daze. “Do you like it?” he asked. “Like it? I love it! It’s gorgeous!” He guided me to the bedroom. “Check out this monster bed!” I jumped on it and giggled. “It’s huge! Do we really need all that space to sleep?” “No.” There was a knock on the door. “Come in!” I yelled. Mellisa and Ike entered the room smiling. "Hey guys! Could you do us a favor? Ike and I want to go for a car ride around the city before dinner. Would you mind watching Alexia while we’re gone?” “Of course not!” I exclaimed. “Jawnell and Zac are walking around here somewhere, just in case you’re looking for them.” Ike added. “Here baby, go see auntie Mel and uncle Taylor.” I laughed as Mellisa handed Lexie to me. “Thanks again!” “No problem!” They left. I laid Alexia’s down on the bed and gazed at her. “I can hardly believe this is Mellisa’s baby! It’s so…weird. They’re so young. I hope everything works out.” “I’m sure it will.” Tay said reassuringly. “Do you think it was a mistake that Mellisa got pregnant?” I asked. “They should have been more careful,” he agreed, “But if it happened, it wasn’t a mistake.” “You’re right.” I sighed. “So now that we finally have a chance to talk, how are you? Really.” He asked. “I’ve been great. I missed you desperately, but life was good to me. My school year was great. I got good grades. I very much enjoyed being in band and choir, and it’s going awesome with my guitar.” “I’m so glad Mel. How long have you been playing now?” “Since Christmas.” “You must be getting good! I can’t believe I haven’t heard you play yet. First thing when we get to LA, you’re playing for me. How did you learn? Did you take lessons?” “Well, sort of.” “What do you mean?” I laughed. “I actually learned how to play from the Middle of Nowhere music book. I got lessons from you guys.” “Are you serious? You just looked at the tableture and that’s how you learned how to play?” I nodded. “Wow! Good for you! That’s cool! I’ll hear my own music! I’ll teach you more stuff this summer if you want.” “I’d love it. How did you learn so fast?” I asked. “Well, when your brother is a professional guitarist, it’s hard not to be influenced.” I smiled. “That’s what I figured. So how is your family Tay? You haven’t exactly talked about them very much.” “Everyone’s great. Zoë is nearing 4, Mackie is 7 now, Avy is 9, and Jess is 13. She’s the one that’s growing up the fastest.” He shook his head in disbelief. “You know she has a boyfriend now? She’s 13!” I laughed. “She does? Is it someone you know?” “It’s someone I know very well. It’s Ashley’s little brother!” I laughed and patted his back. “It’s okay Taylor. We’re all growing up too soon. You’re 18 for crying out loud!” “Don’t remind me.” “You’re illegal.” I joked. “I am aren’t I.” He shrugged. “Oh well.” Slowly, he approached me. “You’re more beautiful than in my dreams.” He whispered. I looked down, and let him take my chin into his hand. “I want you.” The words he spoke barely above a whisper stabbed at my heart. I couldn’t help but to look up at him and cry. “What’s wrong?” he asked. “I want you too.” I closed my eyes as my quivering lips made contact with his. I laid back on the bed and looked at Lexie who was asleep at the opposite end of the giant mattress. Taylor’s body loomed over mine as he kissed my ear. I slipped my hands under his shirt and let my fingers trickle down his back. A shiver ran down his spine, and he collapsed on top of me. “Oh, I love you.” I said truthfully. His mouth was too busy to answer. His lips were making their way down my neck. Lower, lower. My hands continued caressing his back, softly kneading the muscles sensuously. He slowly sat up and took his tee shirt off. My breath caught inside my throat. I just wanted to reach up, grab him, and hold him forever. He laid back down and kissed my cheek. His right hand began to move up inside my shirt. A small knot began to form in the pit of my stomach, but I didn’t stop him. I didn’t want to. Soon, his hand was cupping my breast. I knew I was breathing faster than usual. Taylor stopped and looked at me with a serious expression. “Mel, are you okay?” I closed my eyes and nodded. “No, seriously. If you want me to stop, all you have to do is tell me. The last thing I want to do is make you uncomfortable.” I answered his question by suddenly slipping out of my shirt too. He sat back in surprise for a few seconds, then a grin began to form over him handsome face. He seemed to be hesitating. “It’s okay Taylor, you can touch me.” I said laughing. “Are…are you sure?” I reached out and took his hand. “Yes, I’m sure.” We laid back down again, but he didn’t do anything. We just held eachother as he sang softly in my ear.

Chapter 32

It was one of the best times we had had together since he arrived. I felt we really saw eachother throughout. We were face to face, soul to soul. Lexie began to whimper softly. “Oh shh!” I said, bending to pick her up. I layed her between Tay and I and she almost instantly fell back asleep. I wove my fingers in his and layed back. “Thank you.” I said to Taylor. “For what?” he asked, smoothing my hair down. “For knowing when to stop. That means a lot to me.” He propped himself up on his elbow and looked deep into my eyes. “I wish you would tell me when I’m going too far. I don’t want to push you into anything that you don’t want to do.” I smiled and kissed his cheek. “Don’t you worry sweetheart, it’s alright.” “No, it’s not. I love you and respect you. I want you to feel that when we’re together like this.” I smiled up at his truthful eyes. “Thank you.” I whispered. I rolled over and looked at the clock. It was almost 7:30. “I’m getting hungry!” I told him. “Me too.” We slowly got up, careful not to wake the baby. “I’m going to change. If we’re going to a classy restaurant, I don’t think they’ll let me in dressed in a sweat suit!” I said laughing. “Good idea! Me too.” I went to my suitcase, opened it, and took out a black velvet dress with straps made of fake diamonds. I had bought it about 5 months before for my aunt’s wedding and had decided to take it along with me at he last minute. Taylor hadn’t seen it yet. I held it up for him to see. “What do you think? Too much?” “No! It’s beautiful!” he said smiling. “Are you sure? I don’t want to be overdressed.” “No! I’m sure! I’m going to wear something formal too.” “Okay then, I’ll go change.” I took everything and went to the bathroom. When I was dressed, I went to get my makeup and finished getting ready. I pinned my hair up and let a few tendrils of curls escape and dangle around my face. I applied shimmery gloss on my lips and stepped out. Taylor was sitting on the bed playing with Alexia. He was wearing black slacks, a light blue shirt and a casual black blazer. I went to my suitcase again and took out the strappy black sandals that completed the outfit. “You look lovely!” Taylor said from behind me. I turned and smiled. “Thanks. You look great too.” “Ike and Mellisa returned while you were getting ready. They’re getting ready while we’re watching Lexie, again!” he laughed. “Jawnell and Zac are also getting things together. We’re all dressing up! We’ll have so much fun!” I smiled. “When will they be ready?” I asked. “Very soon. Let’s go see right now.” “I know Jawnell brought a dress with her, but I don’t know about Mellisa.” “She and Ike went shopping and Mellisa bought one.” He told me. “Ah, okay.” I took Alexia from Taylor and he got up. He turned off all the lights and we left the room. We walked the short distance to the next room and knocked on the door of Mel and Ike’s room. Mellisa answered the door smiling. She wore a ravishing light purple dress with a low-cut neckline. “Mommy, you’re so pretty!” I said, making Lexie’s lips move with my finger. Mel laughed and took her daughter in her arms. “Are you guys ready?” Tay asked. “In a second!” Isaac called from the bathroom. “I’ll go check on Jawnell and Zac next door. Come by when you’re ready.” “Alright, I have to change Lexie anyway.” Mellisa said. I waved Tay goodbye and went to knock on the next door. Zac opened it. “Hey Mel! We’re almost ready! My, you look nice!” I rolled my eyes and punched his shoulder. “Jawnell’s in the bathroom. You can go see her if you want.” I smiled. “Thanks.” I walked into the bathroom to find Jawnell curling her hair. “You ready?” I asked. She jumped and turned around. “Oh Mel! I thought you were Zac! This is kinda weird. You know, just the two of us staying in the same room.” “Are you both going to sleep in the bed?” I asked. “I don’t know.” She said looking at me. “I don’t want him to try anything that’s all.” She looked worried. “I don’t think he would do that. Come on! You know Zac! But if you’re nervous, I guess you could always come stay with Taylor and I, but I think you would hurt Zac’s feelings. Remember that a relationship is built on trust. If you don’t trust him, you guys are going nowhere. Sorry if this is kinda blunt, but it’s the reality.” She nodded. “You’re right. I shouldn’t be worried. But he’ll understand if I ask him to sleep on the couch though, won’t he?” I nodded my head. “I’m sure.” She twisted her hair out of the curler and smiled at her reflection in the mirror. “How do I look?” she asked. “Gorgeous!” She wore a crimson dress that flowed down her slender frame with graceful lightness. The V-neck revealed the delicate heart shaped diamond that she wore. Her dark hair framed her lovely face perfectly and it bounced when she laughed. The effect was stunning. She was picture perfect. “Come on! Let’s go!” She turned off the curler and the lights and we left her room, Zac following. Isaac, Mellisa, and Taylor were just stepping out also. Alexia was wearing a miniature little dark purple dress that contrasted with her mother’s. “Everybody looks so great!” I exclaimed. “Yes! We do! Let’s go!” Taylor said, slipping his arm through mine.

Chapters 33-42
