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Weapons from WH40K

Small Arms Conversion Notes

The weapons here converted from the WH40K rules using the following rough guidelines:


  1. Basic DC were based off Str. So a meltagun (Str. 8) does 8 DC or 2 1/2d6 killing damage, while a lasgun (Str. 3) does 3DC or 1 d6 killing.
  2. Every point of AP gave either +1 DC or +1 Stun Mod. So a Bolter (basic of 4 DC) has 2 points of AP, giving it 5 DC and +1 Stun Mod, for a final damage of 1 1/2 d6, +1 Stun Mod.
  3. Shotguns got an extra +1 Stun Mod to reflect their heavier ammo.
  4. Weapons gained +1 range mod. for every 12" of range.
  5. Pistol weapons got a +2 OCV and a &endash;1 Range Mod, while Assault weapons got a +1 OCV for every "Assault rating". Thus an assault 2 weapon like an assault cannon has +2 OCV, while a splinter cannon has +4 OCV
  6. Rapid fire weapons became autofire.
  7. Heavy weapons get the "full phase" and "OAF: Bulky "limitation, which means they cannot both move and fire, and the user is at half DCV while shooting.
  8. No. of shots was taken from the rules in Inquisitor, or where necessary extrapolated.
  9. Heavy weapons were given 5 shots autofire for every "heavy rating" above the first &endash; so an autocannon (heavy 2) is AF5, while an assault cannon (Heavy 3 is AF10)
  10. Pistol weapons were automatically classed as "one-handed weapons", heavy weapons as "two handed weapons" and everything else as "one and a half" handed weapons. The latter have a STR Min 2 points higher if used one-handed.
  11. Most small arms are costed as OAF (-1), except the assault cannon which is OIF (-1/2), Independent (-2), STR Min (-3/4).
  12. Most weapons apart from pistols are calculated as STR min &endash;5 since they are both high tech and have a stock. However, many of the heavy weapons were calculated without a STR min, since otherwise the STR min.s just get silly They do not get the appropriate limitation however. This reflects the fact that they are jammed full of high-tech compensators to make them man-portable. Such weapons were instead given the limitation "bulky"(see not #7 above). The assault cannon WAS calculated with a STR mins since it was only intended for use on vehicles or Terminator suits. Ork weapons were not calculated with such reduced STR mins to reflect their bulky, heavy nature and the fact that Orks LIKE weapons with big recoil.
  13. Combi-weapons can be made by taking the most expensive of the two weapons in the combination and adding 20% to the real cost. This effectively generates a multipower containing the two weapons as slots.

Hand to Hand Weapon Conversion Notes


The weapons here converted from the WH40K rules using the following rough guidelines:


  1. Basic HTH weapons were simply converted directly from existing Hero system rules &endash; for further notes you can see the medieval weapons list. This approach means that HTH weapons actually do more damage than you might expect, compared to firearms. This is entirely intentional &endash; in WH40K, HTH combat has always been bloodier than shooting, so this should encourage combat monsters to close to HTH combat.
  2. Power weapons were given extra dice of damage, calculated off the WH40K rules as for small arms above. This damage can only be applied to negate defences. That means power weapons ignore most armour or toughness, and do the same damage to an armoured or unarmoured foe.
  3. Force weapons got an extra dice of damage IF the psyker using them makes an EGO roll.
  4. All hand weapons are costed as OAF (-1) except the powerclaw and powerfist which are OIF (-1/2), Independent (-2), STR Min (-3/4), 0 END (+1/2).
  5. STR min for Power weapons and shock weapons is the same as for normal weapons of their type since the power field or shock requires no STR to use and thus does not use the STR min limitation.

Standard Imperial Small Arms

Exotic Imperial Small Arms

Extra and Alternate Ammunition for Imperial Weapons

Primitive Small Arms


Alien Small Arms

Imperial Hand to Hand Weapons

Armour, Force Fields and Wards, Shields.