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The Johnny SHOW!
August 03, 2002
Angry Johnny

SHAZAM! We are ON the air. Let's get this going as I wait for Raw to start biting so this can be the best WWF show again.

Sparky Plug VS Droz's Piercing Artist
Multiple choice was this a:
A)Spectacular Lucha Display
B)Pride Style Shoot
C)Breathtaking Theatre of Drama and Ring Psychology as Hardcore and Albert traded holds.
D)Perfect example of why making the midcard all use the same style (thus rendering them interchangable) wasn't such a good idea.
Guess. Go ahead.
Holly wins with the Alabama Slamma Gamma Jamma Miller might hurt someone call his Mamma. -5*

Hardcore slapped Mark Loyd during the break because Loyd will have a job with the WWE in ten years and he'll be in the indys or stuck in Tough Enough Hell.

That 70s Guy VS Farooq
Oh Jesus... why don't you just look at the last match recap. Mike Awesome dominates most of the match and Farooq wins out of nowhere with a spinebuster. 1*

They talk about Brock and Hogan and show SD clips.

Billy don't be a Hero VS My Partner is Gone but I'm still EVIL
I just learned the other day Taka isn't injured he's just gone. That blows. I'm not surprised seeing as how the WWF treated him and Funaki. Which reminds me, Funaki loses here after Kidman hits the Seven Year Itch. Funaki jobs. AGAIN. 2.5* At least he's rolling in mad dough while Brian Lawler makes an ass out of himself in the NWA.

More SmackDown replay as Steph blah blah blah blah ablah blah blah she's a dumb bitch and I don't want to deal with her.

Hurricane gives a speech to Shannon backstage about how they can beat Billy and Chuck this week if they keep Rico in check. This is a promo of CONSIDERABLE length and Helms stumbles a few times to remind us why WCW stuck a piece of shit like Evan K in front of 3 Count to talk. The thing that TOTALLY had me going off in laughter was Shannon. First of all, he doesn't say a damn thing. He just nods. Second, while he nods he has a look on his face that reminds me of animated Jay from the Clerks Cartoon. Just smiles, big doe eyes, and nods like "Yeah Shane, you're right Shane, yeah yeah yeah." Third, he looks like a foot shorter than Helms. MY guess is Shannon's happy he didn't end up like Jason Jett and Mike Sanders. Regardless, it's just classic.

Three Count (Except Evan) VS The New Age Outlaws and Natural Born Thrillers (Except Road Dogg, Sean O'Haire, Mike Sanders, Mark Jindrak, and Sean Stasiak)
That may have been the longest header joke ever. Well something has to make up for my match recap being "See last week's match between these two teams". Chuckabilly win after a Jungle Kick.

Johnny Awards
Best Wrestler:Hurricane Helms
Best Promo:Shannon Moore
Worst Wrestler:Hardcore Holly
POS Award:Michael Cole

What happened on Confidential?

More talk of WCW's destruction, except this time it isn't a segment designed to kiss HHH's roided ass and give him all the credit like last week. Now, we bury Bret Hart by using him as the example of talent payed a lot to do nothng. I can't win here.

Behind the Rassler stuff about Edge and Christian. Talk about ther early days. Christian used his last student loan to pay for Wrestling school. Word. Talk about E&C's days driving to the middle of nowhere Canada to wrestle, no mention of Rhyno being one of their running buddies back then. Surprising since he shows up later in his own segment.

Booker T shows us how much his house kicks ass.

More WCW stuff.

Rhyno talks bout his injury.

Al Snow shows us his jersey collection and tries to set a record by wearing 27 at once.

That's it for them and me. Oh and go buy "Happenstance" the new Fozzy album.
