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June 30, 2002
Alan Edwards

Welcome to LISTEN to the RADIO, the best damn HEAT recap on Da Net. It's BACK!!! And it's not going anywhere. I'm about to leave my 65 hour a week job in favor of a 5 day, 40 hour work week. Ya wanna know why? Well, it sure as hell isn't for Johnny... but I wouldn't mind dedicating some time to this thing we call Smarktown. Recaps, rants...all the things you've come to expect from RadioGuy. Perhaps even a *gasp* HAPPY article about wrestling if Vinny gives me a reason. Coach and D'Lo are at the annouce table, let's do some HEAT!

The video package of Vince's Ruthless Aggression segment is shown, following by Eddy seeing Spike Dudley in the hall, and accuses him of trying to jump Eddy. Spike says he was only going to the locker room, Eddy says he knows better, and Spike is nothing but Dudley Trash. Spike asks Eddy if he wants to get in the ring, and Eddy says if Spike feels froggy, then just jump. Spike tells Eddy that he IS a Dudley, and he's never backed down from a fight. This is no exception, and we will see Spike vs. Eddy. Not in the main event, but in the first HEAT match of the night! The fans pop really nice for Spike. At the opening bell, the crowd begins an Eddy Sucks chant, and Spike takes the advantage with a backbody drop and a dropkick. Eddy pounds Spike in the corner, then kicks him as he is down. Blatant choke on the ropes by Eddy, and the announcers tell us about Matt Hardy facing the HEAT-only wrestler Raven. Spike hits his spear then trades punches with Eddy, followed by a couple of nice clotheslines and a two count, then a neck-breaker, a two count, and the attempted Dudley Dog. Eddy reverses it into a back-breaker, hits a powerbomb, and the frogsplash for the victory. The crowd gives Eddy major heat for the victory, and the first match of the night was very impressive. Out of four stars, this one is 3 1/2.

Sean O'Haire makes his debut on HEAT! He's taking on Justin Credible, and he sure as hell doesn't look like pretty boy O'Haire that I remember. He seems to have some "ruthless aggression." Justin tries to leave the ring for a moment, but O'Haire runs out and throws him back in and does the Goldberg Press in the middle of the ring. Justin sits on the mat and O'Haire does a blockbuster, but soon after, Credible hits one huge superkick and knocks O'Haire out of the ring. O'Haire kicks out and throws Credible a couple feet in the air for the kickout, but still doesn't gain an advantage. Some offense and near-falls by Justin, but nothing spectacular. Sean hits some decent moves, including a superkick of his own, and an inverted Death Valley Driver sort of move that was DAMN impressive, and he gets the three count. There was some downtime in this match, but the finisher was great, and for that reason, this match earns a 3 out of 4.

Another debut, Johnny the Bull, flirts with Terri and notes that his opponent in his debut match is a cupcake, and he doesn't like this opponent. The opponent is Tommy Dreamer, and the match will be later tonight. The Undertaker and Hardy Boyz video package is shown, and if they live up to the new gimmick, I may even become a SLIGHT Hardyz fan. However, I will never remove them from the "Billy and Chucky" category. Undertaker in a LADDER match??? Tomorrow night should be interesting.

Johnny Stamboli comes out to VERY uninteresting and unentertaining Italian music, and he tries to act tough while this laid back Mafia type music continues to play. Tommy Dreamer then comes out wearing his "Get the F Out" shirt backwards, and Jackie will be the ref in the Bull's debut. Johnny wins the initial lockup and sends some kicks into Tommy, who whips Bull into the ropes, does a nice hip-toss, and tosses Johnny out of the ring. Dreamer takes someone's cup from the audience, takes a drink, ducks to clothesline attempts by the Bull, and hits the Russian Leg Sweep. He THEN hands the cup to Jackie, and Johnny takes advantage. This leads to a big clothesline and a two count, then a blatant chokehold by Stamboli. Scoop slam, legdrop, two count, and Johnny calls for his finisher. He jumps up on the top rope, facing outwards, and Dreamer knocks him off. Back body drop, spinebuster, and a two count by Tommy. Tommy then hits a very nice DDT for two more. The blatant low blow by Johnny, and Jackie instantly throws out the match. Stamboli starts to kick Dreamer and JACKIE GIVES HIM THE CLOTHESLINE FROM HELL! He rolls out of the ring holding his head and goes to the back! Nice DDT, and I loved the bit holding the drink and ducking the clotheslines. Jackie calling the match because of the low blow is a great change of pace, and a breath of fresh air in the "no holds barred" style that never results in DQ's. FOUR STARS!

The Brock Lesnar/RVD segments from Raw were shown, and Brock is looking more and more like the next WWE champion every day. The Next Big Thing is a deserving champion, not because he's been around awhile because he hasn't. He deserves it because he has everything a champ should, and the fans are responding to him more than alot of the old timers in main event rotation now. Raven comes out, followed by Matt Hardy, for tonight's main event. Matt's attack on Raven from Raw is shown, and the announcers note that this is what led to the match tonight. Matt hits once, twice, spins and hits one more time, knocking Raven down, a la DDP. A few reversals, a few more reversals...a cruiserweight style match, and a drop toe hold by Raven sending Matt through the ring ropes to the mat. Raven pulls him back in and gets a two count. A little more offense and a two count for Raven. Double clothesline, then a follow up clothesline by Matt, and a two count. Raven tries his off-the-ropes clothesline, but Matt turns it into a neckbreaker and hits his "extreme leg drop" for two. Matt tries the Twist of Fate, Raven tries to reverse it into the Raven effect, and Matt reverses it into the Side Effect. Matt knocks down Raven and tries a huge moonsault but misses and Raven pins Matt, using the ropes for leverage and winning via pinfall as HEAT leaves the airwaves. Nice match, nice finishing move reversals...3 1/2 out of 4 stars.

Two debuts tonight on HEAT, some great action in the ring, and a very entertaining, flowing show. I'm happy with HEAT, and that's not a bad thing...that's a good thing. It seems that HEAT may even establish itself as a seperate brand to a certain extent. The move of the night had to be Jackie showing Johnny the Bull how it was, ending his assault of Tommy Dreamer with the clothesline from hell. So, out of ten possible clotheslines from hell, this show gets...A NINE POINT FIVE!!! Great, great show, and I'm looking forward to Raw tomorrow night. Don't forget, RadioGuy is BACK!!! Tune in next week for LISTEN to the RADIO, the best damn HEAT recap on Da Net! And don't forget that is my e-mail address, and I'm looking for your comments!
