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Martial arts for the Family

Why do martial arts?

************HEY THERE!! WELCOME TO MY HOMEPAGE! ************* I have been in the Martial Art known as Taekwondo for over three years now and soon will be testing for my black belt. I am also a housewife and mother of two sons , 10 and 12 ( by the way, they are also testing for there black belts as well). ** My husband and I first got into this to help our sons with there training, but I soon found out that I enjoyed what I was learning for reasons of my own. We have enjoyed having a common family interest and the time we get to spend together, whether it is training in class or for the local and state compitions.** But i think that one of the best things that we have gotten out of these classes is the self confidence we have gained knowing that we are able to defend ourselves if the situation ever comes up. Now I am not talking about KICKING BUTT, I am talking about defending yourself enough to be able toget away...thats what is important!** You need to understand that I am a very small women. And like most women the thought of defending myself made me a little nervous. So getting to the point where I feel that in most situations I can take care of myself was a feeling that I never thought I would have.** I promised myself that when it came time I would pass on what I have learned so that other women can feel a little safer as well. Well, that time is almost here and I have to say that I am excited! I hope to start a womens self defense course for women that don't want to spend years in martial arts as I have, but want to be able to defend themselves if needed.** Also, I am happy with the morals that are taught as well. It strengthens what we are trying to teach at home.** Believe me, if I can do this, anyone can! Thank you for stopping by and come back soon. I will be updating and adding to this page often!** REMEMBER: THE FAMILY THAT KICKS TOGETHER STICKS TOGETHER**

My Favorite Web Sites

Foundation of Taekwondo
Belt Colors and Their Meanings
National College of Martial Arts
Martial Arts Network (lots of great info and links)
