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Training can be done in one of two ways: Solo or Sparring. In Solo training, you basically are training like you're in a gym. Lift weights, run laps, that kind of thing. One action per minute will be fine for this system, and to do this, you will use the chatroom command /a. This will make the text look as such:

If I put in this: /a does push-ups
It will look like: ** Narka_RSI does push-ups **

We use these actions because they make it less confusing to players that are talking. For sparring, it's generally the same idea, but you are battling other players. Please remember this: NO ONE can die in sparring. Sparring can involve as many people as you want, and you don't use any of your stats, with the one exception of PL. In sparring you should be fairly realistic about things. Two people at 3,000 PL are going to be fairly matched, but if one player is a full 10,000 PL higher, they're going to have a distinct advantage, unless they're both over 100,000. What I basically mean is just use your head, but have fun too. After all, that's why we're all here.

After 10 minutes of training you add one Training Level (TL). With each TL you gain, your stats increase as follows:

PL +1,000 - SL +1 - HP +20 - AP +10 - WP +5

All players start with the following stats, all at zero:
Power Level (PL), Training Level (TL), Strength Level (SL)

All players also start with these stats, at the set numbers:
Health Points (HP) - 100
Ability Points (AP) - 50
Weapon Points (WP) - 25

There is a 7 hour per day limit on all training, whether it be Solo or Sparring.


Battles are one-on-one only. The two involved decide beforehand what goes on. This includes who goes first, if the loser dies, whether it's for money or an item, and other such things. Neither person can act against this agreement. Basic rewards for battle are:

Any or all of these options can be decided against, and there are battles that players can bet on. These must be scheduled in advance so that an Admin can be present at the time. Players can bet anything: Credits, items, Dragonballs, etc. When the battle is over, the bets that won are doubled and given back. So if someone bet a bag of 10 Senzu Beans and won, they would have a bag of 20 Senzu Beans afterwards. In the case of Dragonballs, they would recieve another Ball from the same set. Dragonballs may ONLY be used as a betting item when the two PCs battling are within 5,000 PL of eachother. Now for the actual system itself.

When you battle, you use most of your stats. Health Points (HP), Ability Points (AP), Weapon Points (WP), and Strentgth Level (SL). HP is your lifebar. If it goes down to zero, you pass out, and lose the battle. (Note: It IS possible for both PCs to lose.) AP goes down as you use special attacks, such as DBZ's Kaio-Ken or SaGa Frontier's Ogre Run. AP is used for all special attacks, no matter if they're weapon-based or magical. WP is used when you attack with a weapon, and could be an extra cost for weapon-based special attacks. If this is the case, the AP cost is usually lower than if it didn't have the WP cost. When you use an attack in battle, you add your SL to its power. Basic attacks (punches, kicks, and such) have a base power of 50.

When you use anything in battle, no matter if it's a basic attack, weapon, or special, it takes up one turn. The only time it doesn't is when it specifically says so in its description. For example, DBZ's Multi-Form doesn't take up a turn, and neither does SaGa Frontier's Overdrive. Usually only special attacks that don't deal damage have this "free" ability. If a special has a power of "N/A" listed, it will never deal damage, and if it has "Heals" with the power rating, it'll ADD that much HP instead of take it away. Some specials and items refer to a "round" in combat. One round is where all the PCs involved have had one turn each. It's like a round of cards. Usually this is referred to with delays. Such as: "This special cannot be used again until two rounds have passed". Most times, this drawback is reserved for very powerful or unbalancing specials. Rounds in battle continue until one of the players reaches zero HP. (Note: NO stat can be negative.) At that time, everyone involved collects their rewards and moves on with their day. Once outside of battle, AP and WP is restored, but HP restores at a rate of 30 HP per 5 minutes.

Multiplying Stats
This is how to deal with tranformations and powers that multiply your stats when you use them. (See the Character Types pages for examples.) Multiplying stats does not heal, so if you have 150/300 HP and use a transformation that gives HPx3, you now have 450/900 HP. For anything that multiplies with a half (x1.5), round up if you get a decimal, though this should rarely happen, if ever.

KO and Death

There is a difference between being defeated and being killed. The main reason is that in one instance (defeated) you're alive, and in the other (killed) you're not. Sounds simple enough, but here's where it gets complicated (marginally). If you're killed while posessing a Resurrection Amulet, you will automatically be revived in 20 realtime minutes. Otherwise, you'll have to wait for a friend to collect 7 Dragonballs and wish you back. As a ghost, all you can do is train and talk. You can't fight, nor buy items or skills.


There are two sets of Dragonballs: Earth and Namek. Both are yellow with red stars, but there is a size difference. The Earth Dragonballs can fit in your hand much like a baseball. The Namek Dragonballs are about the size of a human head. When all 7 Dragonballs of a set are gathered together, it is then possible to call the Eternal Dragon to grant you a wish. Earth Dragonballs grant one wish per summoning, but the Namek set grants three wishes at once. After the Eternal Dragon is summoned, the Dragonballs of the used set are unable to be searched for until one realtime month has passed. With a Dragonball set you are able to wish for the following:
It may be possible at a later time for players to create their own Dragonball sets. Keep in mind that anyone wishing to do this will:
1. Be required to attain a certain PL, which is undecided at this time
2. Have to role-play the creation in-chat, or send a story outlining it (make SURE this is a good story)
3. Be unable to search for the Dragonballs of their set, and will also be unable to use them for wishes
4. Be responsible for deciding on the amount of wishes the set provides (no more than 5), as well as any restrictions on the set they create


Items can be found on the Items page, and anyone can use them. There could be special items for different occasions, or certain character types, but (for the most part) everyone can use any item. Items displayed on the page can be bought at the price listed, and all buying is done on an honor system. You don't have to e-mail us, talk to us in chat, you just add the item you want, and subtract the Credits you spent. Please, don't cheat in this or any other part. You will be caught, you will be dealt with. Hopefully I don't need to say this to anyone in person.

Character Types

These are the character types that you can choose. All info you need to know about them is listed here, from special attacks to quirks about the race. Bonuses are listed in this format:

If an attack is listed with a form, that means that the character must be in the form to use that attack. No attack that a player learns from a form takes up a slot in their list. By the same token, you cannot use a form's attack unless you're using that form.

For the list of character types, click here.

Special Attacks

These are the special attacks available for each series. Some are marked as being specifically Saiyan or some other race's. Only those races listed may learn that move. Unless marked in such a way, anyone with a character from that series may learn the attack.

For the list of special attacks, click here.

Unique Rules

As should be expected when combining so many systems, each one has special rules regarding unique situations that their character types are likely to get into. These will be covered here.