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Item Shop

This is where you buy items for the RPG with your earned Credits. Items listed on this page may be bought and used by anyone, regardless of their series choice. Later on the page will be linked to the specialized items pages. Items are found in many varieties, and can be curative, weapons, armor, or for learning skills.

Curative Items | Headgear | Greaves
Training Suits | Vests | Full-Body Armor
Swords | Guns | Mec Parts
Player-made Items

Curative Items
Cost: 10C
Restores 1/4 of a character's max HP.
Cost: 50C
Restores 1/2 of a character's max HP.
Cost: 250C
Restores 3/4 of a character's max HP.
Cost: 1,250C
Restores a character's HP to max.
Cost: 40C
Restores 1/4 of a character's max AP.
Cost: 200C
Restores 1/2 of a character's max AP.
Cost: 40C
Restores 1/4 of a character's max WP.
Cost: 200C
Restores 1/2 of a character's max WP.
Resurrection Amulet
Cost: 1,000C
Holds the wearer's spirit back before it departs their body. Allows for auto-restoration after 20 realtime minutes to half HP if the wearer dies. One character can posess no more than two Resurrection Amulets at once.

Cost: 300C
Advanced technology that allows for a perfectly accurate readout of an opponent's power level. Anyone with a scouter is able to ask anyone else their stats. The person being asked MUST answer truthfully. The only exception is for PL above 10,000,000. To this, you may answer "Above 10 million" or something similar. To read above this amount, a special chip must be installed to the scouter.
Scouter Expansion Chip
Cost: 1,200C
This chip allows a scouter to read PLs in excess of 10,000,000 with an upper limit of 100,000,000. To read above this amount, another special chip must be installed.
Scouter Expansion Chip 2
Cost: 4,800C
This chip allows the user to read any PL with no limits.
Egg Hat
Cost: 400C
A helmet made of thin metal plates as brittle as an eggshell. Reduces damage by 10.
Fiber Hood
Cost: 800C
A sturdier helm made of iron mesh, fitted into a stiff woven material. Reduces damage by 20.
Cost: 1,600C
Rather protective, and useful as well to those wishing to see security laserbeams. Reduces damage by 40.

Leather Boots
Cost: 250C
Basic protection against the elements. Reduces damage by 5.
Iron Clogs
Cost: 850C
Fully metal boots that are cumbersome, yet durable. Reduces damage by 20.
Cost: 1,300C
A very durable boot with support strips made of iron. Reduces damage by 35.

Training Suits
Weighted Mantle
Cost: 500C
In addition to its slight protective abilities, this cape/shoulderpad combo will increase the SL bonus from training by 1 for every 2 TL gained. While being worn, SL is reduced by 1/3 in battle. Reduces damage by 10.
Lead Mantle
Cost: 1,350C
Increases the SL bonus from training by 1 per TL gained. While being worn, SL is reduced by half. Reduces damage by 30.
Cotton Shirt
Cost: 300C
A basic cotton shirt, which gives little protection against attacks. Reduces damage by 5.
Cost: 900C
Worn by martial artist warriors all over the world, Budowear provides superior defense in comparison to the basic Cotton Shirt. Reduces damage by 25.
Cost: 1,400C
Considered by many to be the best training uniform, as far as defense is concerned. Reduces damage by 40.

Beast Leather
Cost: 600C
The most basic of all vests, and also the least protective. Reduces damage by 10.
Cost: 1,200C
An extra level of protection for those looking for a real fight. Reduces damage by 30.
Hyper Scale
Cost: 1,900
Armor made from interlocking steel scales, this is the best known to vendors. Reduces damage by 50.

Full-Body Armor
Combat Suit
Cost: 1,700C
A special suit that covers the entire body, designed for battle. Reduces damage by 1/4.
Powered Suit
Cost: 4,200C
This suit increases mobility, and increases physical strength. Raises SL by 25 and reduces damage by half.
Spriggan Suit
Cost: 6,800C
A tank of a suit, designed to allow the wearer to conquer whole regions. Raises SL by 70 and reduces damage by 3/4.

Shadow Dagger
Cost: 675C
Power: 45
A long dagger with symbols of the dark Otherworld inscribed upon the blade.
Broad Sword
Cost: 825C
Power: 55
A sword with a wide blade, useful for chopping attacks, where weight is an advantage.
Laser Knife
Cost: 1,125C
Power: 75
A dagger with a laser edge, for extra cutting ability.
Silver Spread
Cost: 1,500C
Power: 100
A rather decorative sword with a blade and hilt that shine like the sun from the silver inlay.
Twin Dragon
Cost: 3,000C
Power: 200
A distinctly eastern sword, with the form of a two-headed dragon engraved on both sides of the blade.
Zero Sword
Cost: 4,500C
Power: 300
Powerful, yet lightweight and compact, the Zero Sword is also engraved with spells to increase its durability and strength.

Cost: 675C
Power: 45
The first of Aguni's line of handguns. Rather weak, as is to be expected from the prototype.
Cost: 900C
Power: 60
A more advanced model from Aguni, but not nearly the best they could produce. Left with few, but large bugs to work out, this was their prelude to the best gun they ever produced.
Troop Rifle
Cost: 1,650
Power: 110
Standard issue rifle for Patrolman cleanup soldiers. Quick, effective, and strong enough to get the job done.
Cost: 3,000C
Power: 200
Aguni's best gun, and one that took years of research to produce. Based on the earlier SSP and CP1 designs, Aguni designed and built this third and more effective model.
Duel Gun
Cost: 3,750C
Power: 250
A handgun made for life-and-death duels, this gun is a favorite among wilderness lovers.
Lethal Gun
Cost: 4,500C
Power: 300
As its name suggests, this gun packs quite a punch. Capable, some say, of piercing full armor, the Lethal Gun has quite a reputation among those on either side of the law.

Mec Parts
Nakajima Board
Cost: 200C
The first of Nakajima Robotics's line of Mec boards. Increases move slots by 1.
Nakajima Board 2
Cost: 400C
A more advanced version of Nakajima's original design, and usually only seen on their Mecs. Increases move slots by 1 and raises SL by 15.
Memory Board
Cost: 800C
A board specifically made for increasing Mec capacity. Increases move slots by 2.
Secret Board
Cost: 1,600C
A very special board, as it allows the use of "Jammer" and "Logic Bomb" with the Virus program. Also increases move slots by 1.
Octopus Board
Cost: 3,200C
Allows the use of "Maelstrom" with the Dragon Program program, and allows the use of "Tiger Rampage" with the Tiger Program program. Also increases move slots by 2.
Maelstrom - A massive water attack, resembling a great storm more than a Mec attack.
Power: 250, Cost: 200 AP
Tiger Rampage - The Mec using this goes all out, striking with swords, punches, anything they can muster in this powerful assault.
Power: 250, Cost: 200 AP
Mec Body A basic Mec body, with a high versatility factor. Reduces damage by 40.
Fort Body Literally a tank of a Mec body, with massive defense capabilities. Allows the use of "Graviton", and reduces damage by 80.
Graviton - A gigantic energy bolt that comes from the chest of the Mec that uses it.
Power: 300, Cost: 100 AP, 150 HP
ECM System A Mec body specifically designed for anti-Mec operations. Allows the use of "ECM", and reduces damage by 40.
ECM - Makes the user immune to missile attacks.
Power: N/A, Cost: 150 AP
Accelerator The Mec body that was designed by Nakajima Robotics in order to be the fastest Mec in existence. Allows for one extra turn every 3 rounds, and reduces damage by 40.
Mini Plant A Mec body with its own built-in power reactor. Reduces damage by 40.
Repair Pack Fixes damaged Mecs, to an extent. Can only be used up to 10 times per battle, and restores a Mec's HP by 1/2.
Medi-Pack Heals non-Mec characters, and can only be used up to 5 times per battle. Restores the target's HP by 1/2.
V-System A phenomenally advanced system, one that robotics engineers have yet to duplicate. Allows use of V-Max.
V-Max - Enhances the Mec's abilities drastically, and allows the use of "Starlight Shower" and "Cosmic Rave". While under the effects of V-Max, a Mec's SL is doubled. This effect wears off in six rounds, at which point the Mec's SL is reduced by 3/4.
Power: N/A, Cost: 50 AP
Starlight Shower - The Mec leaps into the air and dives down on their opponent, hitting them like a shooting star.
Power: 150, Cost: 140 AP
Cosmic Rave - The user unleashes a furious assault of mechanical punches to their enemy.
Power: 150, Cost: 140 AP
Micro Missile
Power: 50
Fires many small missiles at the target.
Bit System
Power: 100
Launches small spheres (bits) into the air around the enemy, which attack them with lasers.
Power: 125
A powerful missile, with great damage capabilities.
Rail Cannon
Power: 175
Fires a high-caliber shell at the target, piercing lesser armors.
Power: 225
Smashes a giant mallet into the enemy's head.
Laser Cannon
Power: 250
Attacks the opponent with a high-intensity laser beam.
MegaBeam Sword
Power: 275
Produces a large sword made of laser beams, allowing for superior cutting power.

Player-made Items