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Kyla's Home Page
Welcome to my world!!!

Ok for all those who want to know this is me.

INFO: I'm 23 years old and live in Sydney, Australia. I have 3 cats (2 Birman and a Moggy) named Sonic, Rascal and Dallas. I own and drive a White Proton Satria XLi. And I am currently working at Royal North Shore Hospital as a Registered Nurse. I have been rotating through the different wards and am currently in coronary care.

COMMENTS FROM ME: This has been one eventful year full of many trials and tribulations. I have been travelling the great east coast of Australia and New Zealand with many more places coming up around the corner. I made some great new friends along my travels some of which I am going to see in late January.
I have now become a registered nurse and am up for some major job changes this Feb. Christmas saw me light up my house like a Christmas tree and creatively decorate the inside as well. I can't believe that another year has now passed and that it is now 2004. I hope that everyone had a safe and happy Christmas and a brilliant new year.

FAMILY: I have the usual 2 parents (with plenty of surrogate parents along the way). I had a brother, Ben who died at the age of 10 in 1993 from an operation. My auntie gave birth to Quads, Angella, Dannielle, Joshua and Ricky (unfortunately he died) they are 10 this year. And my other auntie has four kids to aged 14 (Mitchell), 7(Catriona), 5(Nicola) and 3 (Cameron). And there all gorgeous kids. I love them all so much.

FRIENDS: Friends come and friends go but I have had the pleasure along the way of making some exceptionally great ones. In the profession I’m in, it often makes things hard when trying to catch up with friends as the shift work often clashes. It's always great to know that your true friends are always there no matter what. And when your really busy and they are really busy they still give you that two secs just to drop a line say hi and make sure all is alright.
True friends you can't live with out them.
Thanks guys you know who you are.

HOBBIES: I like to play all sports (except netball and cricket). I play softball on the weekends in B grade. I coach a T-Ball team which I really enjoy as I love working with and looking after kids. I guess in a way kids are my life. They are around me everywhere.
I also enjoy playing the occasional squash. I compete in league bowling with an average of 145. The highest i have bowled is 208 never to be done again.
I love drawing pictures, painting, scapbooking, and decorating things. It's good for clearing the mind and I enjoy it. My brother and I both loved art.
Up until 1999 (due to Yr 12) I played the flute in the school band (CB1). I have been playing since 1990. And also use to play the piano for 6 yrs.

INTERESTS: I love to have fun. Going to parties. I like to make the most out of life as you never know what's around the corner. I enjoy most, spending time with my friends and family. I like going to the movies, to the beach, through the bush, clubs and pubs. I also enjoy going for drives and spur of the moment things. I listen to mixed music. I would like to work in the Paediatrics or the NIC (neonatal intensive care) wards.

THE WORLD: If anyone has ever had the travel bug. The urge to see the sites, travel the world and just get out of your own back yard. To be able to take claim that you have at least tried to see all that you have ever wanted to see. Well that is me. I love to travel. If (like everyone else) I had the money I would just continuously travel the world. So with travelling being one of the things I love most I have travelled to numerous places both within and outside Australia. Below are just some of the many adventures that I have been on over the years.

In Sept. - I sailed around the Whitsunday's on a yacht with my family and one of my friends from school.
Jul. - I went to the snow to ski for the first time with my parents(and I managed to whip their butts).
Jan. - Beginning of our traditional Laurieton trips every January with 5 other families for one enjoyable week at the beach.
Jun. - went on a band tour to Canberra.
Sept. - I went with my family and tripped all around New Zealand. And by luck was able to be their when Mt. Ruhapo erupted. Spectacular.
Mar. - I went to USA with my parents. I stayed in Los Angeles and Las Vegas. Before we gambled all our money away in Vegas we went to Disneyland and Universal Studies.
Jun. - I went on a band tour to Gold Coast, Queensland.
Sept. - I went to Japan and stayed with a host family over there for 2 wks. I attended their school and everything.
Sept. - I went for a band tour performing all around Europe. We went to Paris, France to Brussels, Belgium to Hague, Holland to Luxembourg to Montreux, Switzerland to Lucerne, Switzerland to finally finish at Heidelberg, Germany. We also made a stop over an the way there and back in Bangkok, Thailand.
Nov. - I went down to Geelong to spend a week and a half with my Aunty Robyn.
Dec. - I went on a cruise of the South Pacific Islands for schoolies week.
Apr. - I went down south to Geelong with my best friend Annette for a short but enjoyable Easter long weekend holiday.
Aug. - Trip with Grandma to Bathurst then on to Orange, Dubbo and then Mudgee and home.
Nov. - Took mum away for early Christmas present to Nelsons Bay.
Nov. - Went to Nelsons Bay again but this time with my boyfriend (at that time) Adam.
Dec. - Christmas in Geelong. The whole family, Grandma, Aunty etc. all travelled down south for Christmas. I then stayed on for an extra week and a half with my boyfriend (at the time) Adam.
Mar. - I went over to Perth and stayed with my Grandad for 2 weeks. He took me on 3-day trips around WA everywhere. That was great fun.
July - Flew to London were we leaved to start our 25 day Contiki tour of Europe going to Paris, French Ch?eau, Barcelona, French Rivera, Monaco, Florence, Rome, Venice, Vienna, Munich, Hopfgarten, Swiz Alps, Rhine Valley and Amsterdam before returning to London for 6 days. From there we went on a 4 day trip of the SW England then back to London and home stopping over in Singapore.
Feb - Road trip South. First stop Goulburn then on to Geelong. From Geelong i did some day trips like the Great Ocean Road etc. Then it was back on up to Sydney staying at Hollsbrook on the way.
July - Flew to Cairns were i started a 17 day Contiki tour of the East coast of Australia. Starting in Cairns we headed up to Cape Tribulation and up almost as high as Cooktown then back down to Fitzroy Island, back to Cairns, Whitsunday’s, Rockhampton, Fraser Island, Adore Downs, through Brisbane to Surfers Paradise, through Byron Bay to Coffs Harbour and then back to Sydney.
Nov - Flew to Christchurch to start my 15 day Contiki tour of both the south and North island of New Zealand finishing up in Auckland.
Jan - Road trip south to Melb picking up one of my friends from the NZ tour and meeting four others from the tour in Melb.

All up I can definitely say that I have had both an interesting and adventurous life so far. It has been filled with both its ups and downs. But I can pretty much say that I'm just someone looking for a fun and exciting life.

Here are some of my favorite links!

Multiple Births This is my Auntie's site on Multiple Births.

Transplant Australia This site is the site that I created for Transplant Australia to help promote organ donation awareness.

Thankyou to everyone who has looked at this site
And go crazy and have some fun every once in a while.
Don't forget to have a look at my other pages and sign my guest book.
And if there is any way that you think that I maybe able to fix my page just let us know.


Last updated on 01-02-04

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