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HANSON: Want to Catch Their Eye?

Imagine catching the romantic eye of Ike, Taylor, Zac Hanson! Would that be a dream come true or what? You better believe it! That's exactly what milions of girls all over the workd dream about. But why couldn't it be you?

Fact is, each of the Hanson hineys has a very special girl in mind when they do their romantic dreaming. There's no reason why you shouldn't fit the bill. But ifya' want one of the sweet-as-can-be bros to look your way, there are some simple tips to keep in mind!


The eldest Hanson brother, 18-year-old Ike, has a reputation for seriousness, especially where his music is concerned. He's an intense musician who's very proud of the group's accomplishments. He's also into music history-he's got a major interest in vintage rock 'n roll (something you may have noticed if you've caught the group in concert-there's always an homage to an old rock song like "Money (That's What I Want)" or "Gimmee Some Lovin'"). He's smart, a little sarcastic, creative and a little moody sometimes.

Issac has a tremendously stong sense of himself-he knows exactly what he likes and doesn't like. And that's a trait he admires in girls as well. Ike is totally into girls who are honest, straightforward and clear about their opinions. He's not into wishy-washy girls who can't make up their minds about the simplest of things


Shy, sweet, totally swoonworthy-that's 16-year-old Taylor Hanson. he's also modest and the brother most likely to clush when he recieves a compliment. Although the spotlight shines brighest on lead singer Tay, he's more than happy to share it with his talented brothers.

Taylor is very family oriented, and very devoted to his sibs. He's also sensitive, and the most easily hurt by critism, especially of his music.

So what kind of girl will catch Tay's lovely blue eyes? Someone who's open, giving and warm-shy guys love girls who are comfortable with themselves. A delightful sense of humor and a bright smile are always Tay pleasers. But perhaps most importantly, Tay would love a girl who shared his artistic and creative pasions. A girl who loved music, painting, art or some other creative outlet would definitely get his attention.


Thirteen-year-old Zac is definately the wild guy in the Hanson bunch. He's zany, loud, fun and sometimes a little outta' control.

Although the youngest Hanson brother has described himself as shy, the truth is, he's the hyper Hanson, the one who incites fans to scream louder at concerts. He' the "goofy-funny" dude who loves to laugh and have a good time. Only one thing gets him into serious mode, and that's his music.

The girl who wins Zac's heart will obviously need a lot of energy to keep up with him, as well as enthusiasm and a positive attitude. In fact, a huge, happy smile (as big as Zac's) will definitely make him look twice. But more importantly than what's on the outside is what's on the inside-a happy heart and a bright, sunshiny personality is always a winner with Zac.


  • Be Yourself! No guy digs a phony. Show off your unique peronality and let your own true self shine through.
  • Be Smart! Any guy would be proud to have a brainy babe on his arm. Hey, you gotta' use your brain to keep the conversation going-so cultivate your mind!
  • Be Understanding! This is especially true if it's a Hanson brother you're hankering for. After all, the guys are away a lot-and that means you'll have to be patient.

    ~Next: HANSON: Way Cute and Totally Taken?~

    ~MMMBop Me Baby~
