*Welcome Back!*


Welcome to my *NEW* little corner of the web! It took awhile, but now everything is pretty much updated..I got so sick of it being so boring and being the same all the time, so I changed it! Have fun surfin around, and let me know what you think! Thanks for Comin Back!
Anyway, now that you've returned to my BRAND NEW SITE, will you take the time(about 2 minutes) to sign my Guestbook ? I've added a new Poetry page, with some of my original poetry. Thanx a bunch!!
Inside jokes w/ my friends(yup, this is still here!) Gina: Jump Stephen Jump! Cody's a Sloth-Like Cushion! Krissy: Candy Pornstar-Skittles and Jellybean rule!~Lunchables and moving trash cans! Nicole:Smallest balls and cecil live on! Ryan: WeRd!!
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May You Always Have an Angel