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Preps?... Not all preps are bad. Some preps are totally wrong though: They think popularity is the best, they even think they are the best, they feel superior. But they know nothing. They respect nothing. They are nothing.

They think they can treat the other people like crap just because they are different. But they will go crazy if we were all the same. They think they can treat Punks, Goths and Nerds like shit just because they are minorities.

Fashion? Fuck fashion, let the fashion be for people like Ricky Martin and Britney Spears. It seems that Mexican preps are all the same... thinking that they can get all the girls they want, getting drunk every Friday. They all use the same kind of trendy clothing: Tommy Hilfiger (without knowing that he has reputation of being racist), Armani, Moschino, DKNY, Calvin Klein, etc, etc. They are all a big fucking copy. They are all blind.

Thats how it works, The reality is that they need their parents to survive, they need their friends to fight (because they cant fight by themselves). They are all very sure that they are the best, just because they are always with other preps thinking the same thing. But someday, the prep could be alone, and he will see that most of his friends were only with him because of his popularity. If a prep goes to Jail he would see if he really has "friends". When the prep is in prision, he sees that his friends dont want to help him, they dont even want to be with him.

I know it. How? Because I have seen them, I was with them, I used to be like them, I used to be prep. And now Im happy that I changed.

Note: Not all preps are bad, they are exeptions. Be carefull about treating people like crap just because they are preps. If you do it, you would be like them.

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