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This is not going to take long...
As you don´t know we started in our hometown Vidsel the
summer of -95 when we were just fooling around and
making a music video, just acting that we could play to
a Dakoda Motor Company-song (an american surf-rock
band with a girl singing)...
It wasn´t a pretty sight watching a guy moving his
mouth to a song were a girl was singing...
But anyway, we got inspired to start a band
and started playing some covers on swedish bands
Jerusalem and Pax Vobiscum, and even wrote some own.
After that we started to learn how to play on our instruments..
That first line-up included:
Jonny Jonsson - Guitar (still does)
Simon Väcklén - Drums (today bass)
André Jonsson - Vocals (today drums)
Stefan Andersson - Bass (quitted)
About 3 months after we began to learn how to play, we
had our first show, we played 3 songs in our local church,
were there was a christmas party for the kids in sunday school
and their parents.
After a few very qute little 5-year-olds had sung some very qute
christmas carols, it was our turn...
We played a very hard metal song with only one riff in it
and screamed pretty hard in the microphones...
Our name by that time was öronfröjd, it means something like
"Joy for Ears" and we found it on some T-shirts from like -85
were the kids in our church had made a musical or something...
After we had played for about a year we played more like punk-music
we heard bands like MxPx and had another show were Simon (me!) was playing
bass and sang, André played drums and Stefan played guitar along
with Jonny.
That gig (the second) was also the first one were we tried to tell people
about Jesus, we were pretty nervous but felt good when we left the place
(a village even smaller then Vidsel named Bredsel, maybe a 100 habitants)
Later on we went on to play hardcore (Simon´s brother David played bass, Simon
sang) we were inspired by bands like P.O.D. , Strongarm and Overcome, but we
were never quite satisfied with how it sounded.
We had a few shows and called us Oeronfroejd (practically the same name, but
we changed the spelling so nobody understood what it meant, we got tired of
the irony).
After the summer -97 (when we had a show in germany!) we again changed the style
to more like emo-hardcore, Jonny grabbed the mike and it sounded a lot better.
At the same time we changed the name to simply Oeron becuase it was easier to write.
Thou he has never been an actual part of the band, Rolf Antonsson has always been a part of the Oeron-gang he tought Andre how to play drums and is a very talented musician.
During the years we´ve recorded songs now and then, but sometimes during spring -98
two songs are going to be released on a compilation CD of local bands in our community (älvsbyn).
It´s the first time a song from us will be released!
