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Weird Wacky Idiotic Laws

Here are some of the weirdest, craziest, most idiotic laws around. Just think, these laws may be stupid, but what about the idiots who made them?

In South Bend,Indiana, it's illegal for monkeys to smoke cigarretes.

In Maryland, it's against the law to take a lion to the movies.

In International Falls, Minnesota, it's against the law for cats to chase dogs up telephone polls.

In Yukon, Oklahoma, patients are not allowed to pull their dentists teeth.

In Hood River, Oregon, you can't juggle without a juggling license.

In San Fransisco,California, it's illegal to spray people's clothing with saliva spewed out of your mouth.

In Hawaii, it's all right to compete in a swim meet, just as long as you don't wear swim trunks.

In Belvedere, California, a dog can't be in a public place without it's master on a leash.

In Hawaii, it's illegal to stick pennies in your ears.

If you steal citrus fruit in Yuma, Arizona, you can legally be given castor oil as punishment.

If you are caught stealing soap in Mohave County, Arizona, you must wash up with it until it's all used.

It's illegal to mispronounce the name of Joilet, Illinois.

In Klamath Falls, Oregon, it's illegal to kick the head off a snake.

It is unlawful for goldfish to ride on a Seattle, Washington, bus unless they lie still.

It illegal for bees to fly over the town of Kirkland, Illinois.

In Maine you can't lead a bear around by a rope.

In Natchez, Mississippi, it's against the law for elephants to drink beer.

In Muncie, Indiana, you can't bring fishing tackle into a cemetery.

In Miami, Florida, it's forbidden for men to wear strapless gowns in public.

You are breaking the law if you tickle a girl in Norton, Virginia.

You are not allowed to draw funny faces on your window shades in Garfield County, Montana.

In Macon, Georgia, for a man to put his arm around a woman, he must have a legal excuse or reason.

Heels higher than 1 and 1/2 inches are outlawed in Utah.

In Minnesota, women are forbidden from appearing on the street dressed up as Santa Clause.

In Alabama, law prohibits people from putting salt on railroad tracks.

In Michigan, a woman's hair is her husband's property.

In Alabama, it's against the law to wear a false mustache in church if it makes people laugh.

1998 The Monkey Club

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Why people named Cassandra are so great
Donna's Super Special Monkey and Bassoon Page
The Magnificent Monkey Club Page
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