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Below is a list of sites that may be of interest to PTA members, Teachers, Parents and Students.

National PTA D.A.R.E.
National Ctr For Tobacco Free Kids National Ctr for missing and Exploited Kids
Encarta Online-Encyclopedia OK State Dept of Education
Education/Schools/Teacher Resources Educational Resource-N.A.J.E.
GoCollege! A must see site for High Schoolers! FUN FOR KIDS!
RogersCountyOnline! Claremore Schools


PTA Home Page

A year in Review 1997-1998

Fundraising Activities

Volunteer Involvement and Committees

Calendar of School Events

PTA News and Meeting Schedule

 Panther High School Basketball Calendar



Comments and suggestions welcome 

Comments and suggestions about this web site can be mailed to WEBMASTER.





Updated: November 28, 2000