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 applePTA Committeesapple


Foyil PTA trys to involve as many parents as we can. We have various committees for parents to volunteer for. Check them out, see if there is one you'd be interested in!


Membership Committee Volunteer Committee
Cookbook Committee Fundraiser Committee
Santa Shop Committee Press Release Committee

Senior Scholarship Committee

Teacher Appreciation Week Committee

PTA/Teachers Basketball Game


Membership Committee

Membership month is September.

The class who signs up the most people from the beginning of school to the end of Sept. wins a pizza party. We use Little Caesar's Pizza and soda pop.

Responsiblilties include:
Set up at pre-enrollment days. Have a refreshment table.

Be at sports events.

Open house night. Have refreshments at your table.

Prepare sign up form.

Prepare list of activities coming up to choose from.

In charge of issuing membership cards.

Keep updates list of active members.

Have a list of teachers who sign up. (The goal is to have 100% teacher membership.)

Keep track of individual class sign up to award pizza party.

Host pizza party or work with someone who can. (Check times with Teacher and Principle.)

Present President with membership list and volunteer list.



Volunteer Committee

This committee will last all school year.

Responsibilities include:
Serve as teacher assistants in the classroom.

Prepare Bulletin Boards.

Prepare supplemental teaching materials.

Serve as tutors.

Supervise learning centers.

Help with art projects.

Reveiw lessions with students needing reinforcement.

Listen to children read.

Tape textbooks for visually impaired students.

Serve as computer tutors.

Serve as picture person volunteers.

Share special skills, hobbies, and talents
....and lots of other things too.

Our goals include: To connect the school-teacher-volunteer into one healthy working relationship to benefit the school system.

To free the teachers from doing classroom housekeeping tasks, so that more time may be put toward educating our children.

To bring new experiences and horizons into the school system through volunteers sharing special talents and hobbies.

To offer extra help to students with extra needs.



Cookbook Committee

Fund-raiser for the school.

Lasts from the beginning of the school year to the end.

Responsibilities include:
Note to be sent home about the fund-raiser, explaining what the book will be made up of.

Stay in touch with teachers to get the kids: to draw pictures for the covers of their very own cookbook, and bring in favorite recipe from home (includes students name, parents name, grade, homeroom teacher.)

Type or proof read recipes.

Book will be put into catagories: main dishes, desserts, etc.

Create a category index with students name in alphabetic order with page number.

Laminate the covers.

Copy recipes, cut for book.

Bind books.

This will be a time consuming committee. It will require alot of work. The help will be greatly appreciated!



Fundraiser Committee

Our major Fund-raiser is Fasco.

Done in September.

Responsibilities include:
Required to attend the assembly (Fasco fundraiser is explained to the kids K-6.) The order forms and books for this fundraiser are passed out at this time to the teachers.
Kids are to sell items for 2 weeks.

Collect order forms from the teachers.

Count money bi-weekly.

Help unload truck when Fasco boxes come in and deliver them to the teachers.

Deliver the prizes.

Work up late notices to those who haven't paid in full.

Keep a list of top sellers to give prizes to.

Turn money into Treasurer immediately.



Santa Shop Committee

Fund-raiser beginning of the year until Christmas. Required time last of November and during the first week in December.

Responsibilites include:
Ordering and storing supplies for Santa's Shop.

Recruiting people to work the Shop (Helping children find what they want and paying for it-Remember all classes from pre-K through 6th will want to buy presents!)

Arrange and post schedules of workers.

Send note out to parents of upcoming event.

Store is set up on Monday, Sell Tuesday-Thurday, close on Friday.

Pack up everything not sold and return to company.

Arrange schedule for students to come in with teachers and Principle. This schedule will be given to teachers, Principle, and posted in the shop.

Santa Shop will be over as soon as all merchandise not sold is returned to the company.

Money to be turned over to Treasurer.



Press Release Committee

Begins two weeks before school and ends two weeks after school closes for summer vacation.

Responsibilities include:
Getting information in the "Panther Press", Claremore Progress, Chelsea Newspaper, Marquee. This includes letters from the PTA, and monthly calanders used by the High school and Elementary.

Will be required to work closely with other committees.

Finding out deadlines for information to be submitted to the various papers.

Our main goal is to get into the various papers. PTA wants to reach MORE people with what we are doing, and as a result have them want to be members.


Senior Scholarship Committee

Begins at the start of school until the end of the school year.

Responsibilities include:
Working closely with Ms. Ott, Mr. Antle, High School students and their parents.

Help fill out scholarship forms.

Be aware of other scholarships offered, especially those offered locally.

Talk with parents and/or sudents as needed.

Encourage them to taking the appropriate classes and the ACT.

Talk to them about College.

Take them to the College.

Talk about college courses offered to them as Jr.'s and Sr.'s.

Help find college students willing to take a student with them to see the college and sit in classes.

Helping to find funding for the students who need it to go to college as Jr. and Sr.'s.

Note: this committee is to help any student who may need extra encouragement to take the first steps in getting prepared for college.

Goals of this committee are:
Get more scholarship forms filled out and turned in.

To get more Jr.'s and Sr.'s to take college classes while in High School.



Teacher Appreciation Week Committee

Helping us to express gratitude and appreciation to all the teachers for their dedication to our children.

Responsibilites include:
arrange "Gestures" of appreciation for the teachers for every day of the week.

This committee requires minimal time and adequate volunteers to carry out each "Gesture" each day for one week.



PTA/Teacher Basketball Game

This is scheduled for the end of the school year.

Responsibilies include:

Order candy from a grocery store.

Order Pop and cups from Mr.Naro. Concession Stand may be used to sell from.

Teachers collect money in class.

More adult supervision is needed to help teachers who are not playing in the game to watch the children.



All of these committees are run by volunteer parents and teachers.
Just think what a little bit of your time will mean to the children of our community.

If you think you would be interested in helping with one or more of our committees, or have and any ideas to help you can e-mail the PTA President-Lisa Oxford at:


PTA Home Page

A year in Review 1997-1998

Fundraising Activities

PTA News and Meeting Schedule

Calendar of School Events

PTA Awards

Panther High School Basketball Calendar

Favorite PTA Links


Comments and suggestions welcome

Comments and suggestions about this web site can be mailed to WEBMASTER.