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Welcome To The 5P5 Web Page !!
Page Designer
Chin Wun Fui

V P 5ive

Teachers of 4P5
Teachers of 5P5
Teachers' msg 1
Teachers' msg 2
The Most
Picture of 5P5
Group A
Group B
Group C
Group D
Teachers' Message .... ..

To : 5P5

ws It's not what you want in life ,
It's not knowing how to reach it .

It's not how high you want to rise ,
It's knowing how to take off .

ws It's not the goal you set ,
It's what you need to achieve it .

It's not where you want to go ,
It's knowing how to get there .

ws It's not what you dream of doing ,
It's having the knowledge to do it .

It's not what you want to be ,
It's how you became it .

Designer Chin Wun Fui From : Miss Gan

May each of you be successful in life and
happy always. Appreciate the two years of
effort studying Econnmics and earn a
good grade from it .

Alex Chin Wun Fui From : Pn Chin Siew Mee

5P5 students were a playful , noisy and
talkative lot in Form 4 . After a period of 2
years , where the HM and teachers have
taught , advised , guided and encouraged
them , it is indeed , very gratifying to see
that they have learnt values , improved
their skills and become more matured and
disciplined .
- To be prepared to face the challenges
of the world outside school
- To be ready to adapt to the needs +
requirements of Society .
- To be always kind , conscientious ,
and sincere , willing to hep and
serve the community .
GOOD LUCK to all my students !

Alex Chin Wun Fui From : Pn Lim Chai Kuan

扬 起 自 信 的 风 帆 航
向 成 功 的 港 湾
愿 与 全 体 5 P 5 同 学
学 勉 之

Page Designer Chin Wun Fui 邱 美 珠 师

珍 惜 每 一 时 每 一 刻 !
Do Your Best !!

Page Designer Chin Wun Fui 孙 龙 吉 师

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