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Will and Elizabeth's Wedding

June 23, 2001


Wedding Info
Our Story
Wedding Party


We have some new information as some changes have been made to our plans. Most notably the reception hall and associated suggested hotels have changed. Please click on the links to find out more.

Thanks for visiting our website. Hopefully you will find it informative and fun.  It might not be the flashiest site in the world, but give us a break - we are very busy students. Check back periodically as we may update the site as time becomes available to us.

Hopefully all the information you need is here, but if you have any other questions or comments please feel free to email me or Liz, or leave the comments below when (and if) you sign our guest book.

Thanks for checking out our site and we hope to see you again soon. Also check out the poll below by scrolling down!

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Your email:   
