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FCA Website of East Liverpool High School

The 5 Hard Questions to ask yourself if you've made your commitment to One Way 2 Play are:

Thank you for visiting the FCA Website of East Liverpool High School. What does FCA stand for, you ask? It stands for Fellowship of Christian Athletes. FCA is an organized gathering (called huddles) of Christian student athletes. Even if you do not participate in a sport, a simple interest in one is all that's necessary.
Meetings are held every other Wednesday night at the home of Mr. Allen at 7:30 PM unless announced otherwise. The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, December 26, @ 7:30PM @ the home of Mr. Allen.
days 'til the next FCA meeting!!
2 meetings ago we had a special guest speaker, terribly sorry I wasn't there to hear him (band concert), but b/c of that I can't remember his name. He will be returning to speak, I do believe, at our Dec. 26th meeting! Come and listen!
The FCA advisor for our Huddle is Mr. Jim Allen, who so kindly opens his house up for us and makes us some of the world's greatest brownies and cookies for snacks! The officers for the 2000-2001 huddle were: Captain, Chris Nizer; Co-Captain, Justin Campbell; Secretary, Stacy Croxall and Recruiter, Justin Allen.
I would like to take a moment now to ask all of you reading this to please say a quick prayer in honor of the families and those killed this morning in the terrorist attack. May God keep those who died close to him and watch over their families and friends who are grieving and to also bless us as our country struggles through this time of disaster. Thank you.
I received a paper with a "thought" and a "prayer" at youth ministry today at church. I found it relevent to all that has happened to our country recently and I thought it was a nice thought to share.
Almighty God, with each majestic sunrise you illuminate a world of conflict. All people, all nations, all leaders, all families speak of peace, long for peace; yet, we ignore or even promote the injustice at the heart of all conflicts. Even where war is absent, peace cannot fully reign because of the injustices of poverty, hunger, homelessness, and oppression. How can there be peace with so many of your people dominated by other people or conditions which we allowe to exist? Is there any hope for peace in our world? Your peace? The only true and lasting peace? Built on equality and justice?
Lord, enlist me in your army. If I must fight, let me fight for justice. If I have to go to war, let me battle for the dignity of all people. If I am to be a protector of the peace, let it be the true and lasting peace of your presence which I defend. Arm me with your love to battle hatred, your pardon to overcome injury, your faith to dispel doubt, your hope to conquer despair, your light to illuminate darkness. Open my eyes to the battlefields where I am most needed to serce your cause--peace through justice.
Also, I would like to share with you this prayer of St. Francis:
"O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console, to be understood as to understand, to be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive, it is in pardoning that we are pardoned, and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life."
OW2P (One Way to Play) is a program designed to help teens stay drug and alcohol free. At FCA, new members have a chance to sign up for this program. OW2P is not limited to FCA members! Thousands and thousands of teens across the country have signed up for this program. When signing up for OW2P, you sign your name, agreeing to a pledge to stay drug and alcohol free. You fill out a card and choose a reliable accountability partner to check on you to see if you've remained true to your word. Then you receive a card, sticker, and bracelet as a reminder of what you committed yourself to. Strive for Faith, Commitment, and Accountability.
Thank you for visiting ELHS's FCA Website. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, PLEASE email me!! Also, please sign the guestbook and take the poll! All are welcome to come to FCA! But remember, it's BYOB! (Bring Your Own BIBLE!) God Bless!
This page was updated on December 17, 2001.

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