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Eagle and ShieldTitle: H G Neubert Letters

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March 24, 1865 (page 2).


Letter from Capt. Neubert, 14th O. V. I.

March 13, 1865.

FRIEND MARX: I once more emerge from the black, smoky cloud of uncertainty safe and whole, even beyond our most sanguine expectations. All concurred in the belief that in South Carolina, the bitterest of all rebel States, we would meet with some opposition; but the old proverb, "barking dogs don't bite," has proven true in this case, for more white flags and less fighting I have not seen in my time in the army than in the chivalric State of South Carolina. In North Carolina our Cavalry has already found a fight, the result of which I have not heard through an official channel, and therefore would not attempt to give you the thousands of vague rumors which are our substitute for home news.

The 2d Brigade, 3d Division was the first of the 14th A.C. to enter the town of Fayetteville; the 3d Brigade was next, with the 14th Ohio in advance of the Brigade. The town was entered with but little opposition. The 17th Corps's skirmishers were entering the place at the same time from the east side, but were driven back, three men being killed in the main streets. The rebels made precipitate retreat, but succeeded in burning the bridge after crossing the river.

The 14th has lost, during the march from the Savannah River, as follows:

Died in hospital in the field of disease--Wm. F. Laughlin, Co. B.
Captured while foraging--Captain James E. McBride and Peter Stine, Co. F.
Nathan Stickland, Co. A.
Corporal Augustus C. May, Reuben Cooper and Arthur Quinton, Co. B.
Frank Wencell, John Conger, John Cook and John Kelley, Co. C.
Martin Bowker and Wm. Gallager, Co. D.
Wm. Luce, Co. E.
Capt. Nathan Eckles and Jonathan Berrack, Co. G.

The 14th Army Corps was on the extreme left of the army, and supported the Cavalry.

We had but few sick on this long arduous march, although we had much bad weather and roads. We did not remain still long enough to get the plague of any army--mud-bound.

The State of South Carolina received such a lesson as she will never forget. It is her first dose of the war, and I think she will profit so much thereby that she will not need the second.

Part of the Brigade and Regiment is examining the city, which is as fine a place as I have seen on this raid. The women and children have all been left to the tender mercies of the Yankees.

With my best wishes for the welfare of all, I remain, yours truly,


Eagle and Shield

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