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Eagle and Shield84th Ohio Infantry


Ohio FlagMay 26, 1862, Governor Tod called for 500 additional men for three months, for three years, or for guard duty. The first Company to respond was the Toledo Light Guards, Captain Richard Waite, of Ohio Militia of the Reserve, which reported June 3d. A second Company, recruited in Toledo by Uriah Gregory (then proprietor of the Ohio Business College) and Edmond Paine, left Toledo June 5th, for Camp Chase, where the Eighty-Fourth Ohio Regiment was organized June 7th, in which the first named was Company A, and the other Company K. The Regiment left for Cumberland, Maryland, on the 11th of that month. From that point detachments were sent in different directions for preventing the passage of arms and supplies into the Rebel lines, capturing Rebel mails, and putting an end to guerrilla operations. September 13th, it was ordered to New Creek, where an attack by the Rebel forces under Jackson and Imboden was anticipated, but did not occur. Its term of service having expired, the Regiment returned to Ohio, and after being reviewed and highly complimented by Governor Tod at Camp Delaware, was mustered out.

Second Lieutenant Colton died at Cumberland, Maryland, of typhoid fever, August 10th, 1862, aged 18 years. He was a young man of rare promise, no less in the high personal character to which while yet in his youth he had attained, than in the rare talents precociously developed. He was a son of CarIes Colton of Toledo, then Secretary of the Toledo Board of Trade. The son's interest in military affairs was early shown, in which be had attained unusual proficiency before the Rebellion broke out. He had been for some time the Captain of the Toledo High School Cadets when he volunteered in the Eighty-Fourth Regiment. An expression by the Regiment on the occasion of his death, contained this specific testimony to his character and habits, to wit: "He was, in his morals, worthy the imitation of the most virtuous. He never was known to utter an oath or drink a drop of liquor."

Eagle and Shield

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