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Eagle and ShieldOne Hundred Eleventh OVI

The following is a list of the more important battles in which this Regiment bore an honorable part:

Oct. 3, 1862.
Nov. 14, 1862.
Nov. 15, 1862.
Nov. 17, 1862.
May 9, 1864.
May 13-14, 1864.
June 27, 1864.
May 25-June 4, 1864.
Dec. 27-28, 1864.
July 20, 1864.
July 20, 1864.
July, 1864.
Sept. 2-6, 1864.
Nov. 30, 1864.
Dec. 15-16, 1864.

Two Pictures of the Officers of the 111TH O.V.I.

Staff of the 111th OVI

Top row, left to right, Lieutenants Isaac E. Kintigh, Louis Dienst, Gus F. Smith, Patrick F. Dalton and Captain McCord; seated, Lieut. Myron G. Brown, Capt. Julius G. Bowles, Maj. J.E. MacGowan, Captains. P.H. Dowling and W.S. Thurstin.

Staff of the 111th OVI

Standing: Capt. B. S. Southworth, Col. I. R. Sherwood; seated, Lieut. J. W. Mock, Capt. William H. Beal, George W. Beery and Jerry Bowlin.

Ohio Flag The Regiment was raised in the Counties of Lucas, Wood, Sandusky, Fulton, Williams and Defiance; was organized in August, and mustered into service September 5 and 6, 1862. On the 11th it took the field at Covington, Kentucky, and remained there until the 18th, when, with four other Regiments and a Battery, it made a reconnaissance to Crittenden, Kentucky, where it drove out the Rebel Cavalry under Kirby Smith, and returned to Covington. Remaining there until the 25th, it then took transports for Louisville, where it was assigned to Buell's Army, in the Third Brigade, Twelfth Division, under General Dumont. October 3d, the Regiment moved to Shelbyville, and on the 8th occupied the advance in the movement on Frankfort, where a skirmish took place. The 11th of October it moved on Lawrenceburg and camped at Crab Orchard, there joining Buell's Army. After Bragg's escape through Cumberland Gap, the Regiment, by rapid marches, proceeded to Bowling Green, Kentucky. May 29, 1863, it was ordered to Glasgow, Kentucky, at which place it was assigned to the Second Brigade, Second Division, Twenty-Third Army Corps, in which it remained until mustered out of service. From Glasgow the command moved on Scottsville and Tomkinsville.

It was about this time that John Morgan began his famous raid on Indiana and Ohio, in pursuit of-him the One Hundred and Eleventh took part, marching July 4, 1863, from Tomkinsville to Glasgow, 32 miles, in one day, carrying guns, equipments, and 40-rounds of ammunition. July 6th, it marched to Munfordsville, and on the 9th took cars for Louisville, Morgan had then crossed the Ohio, and the Regiment was ordered to New Albany, Indiana, whence it marched to Jeffersonville, there taking transports for Cincinnati. At an island 10 miles above Louisville a portion of the Regiment was landed and a detachment of Morgan's force was captured, the larger portion of them by Company H, Captain J.W. Smith, after a chase of a mile. Arriving at Cincinnati on the 13th, it proceeded to Portsmouth, which was reached on the 18th. After Morgan was captured the Regiment returned to Kentucky, stopping first at Lebanon, whence it marched to New Market, where the Corps rendezvoused, before marching to East Tennessee, which was commenced August 19th; Jamestown, 85 miles from Knoxville, being reached on the 26th. From that point the command, by rapid march, proceeded through Turman's Gap, reaching Montgomery, August 30th. It forded Big Emery River September 2d, and arrived at Loudon, Tennessee, on the 4th. Here it remained until November 14th, and took part in the movement North of New Market for checking the Rebel advance from Virginia, and also in several forced marches, scouts and skirmishes along the Tennessee and Holston Rivers.

The advance of Longstreet's Rebel force appeared in front of Loudon October 22d, when considerable skirmishing took place. November 14th the Union force marched to Lenoir, whence the Second Brigade was ordered to Huff's Ferry, three miles below Loudon, to prevent Longstreet from crossing the River, but owing to the bad condition of the roads, the ferry was not reached until dusk. A Brigade of Rebels was encountered on a bluff half a mile from the river, on which a successful charge was made, in which the Regiment lost a few wounded. The Brigade stood to arms all night in a pelting rain, without shelter or food; and at daylight, with the Division fell back, the One Hundred and Eleventh covering the retreat. A brisk skirmish took place at London Creek, between the Regiment and the Sixth South Carolina Sharp Shooters, composing Longstreet's advance. The stand was made to permit Henshaw's Illinois Battery to get its caissons up a hill above the Creek. In that engagement the Regiment lost four killed and 12 wounded. The command then marched unmolested to Lenoir. On the night of the 15th of November all camp and garrison equipage and transportation were destroyed, and at 3:00 A.M. of the 16th, the force moved for Knoxville. At daylight Lieutenant Norris and 52 men of Company B were captured while on picket. Of these 52 strong, able men, no less than 36, or over two-thirds, died of starvation and exposure in the Rebel prison-pen at Andersonville. General Burnside had fixed upon Campbell Station as the point for meeting Longstreet's force. In -that engagement the One Hundred and Eleventh occupied the front line, directly in front of the Rebel Batteries, where, for six hours, it was exposed to the shells of a concentrated fire. Its loss was but eight, as the enemy used percussion shells, which fell chiefly in rear of the first line. The command marched into Knoxville, six miles, being three nights without sleep, food or rest, and taking part in three separate engagements. It took part in the siege of Knoxville, occupying the Fort on College Hill, losing six men killed and wounded. After Longstreet's retreat, it was in skirmishes at Blain's Cross Roads, Danville and Strawberry Plains, and occupied an outpost six miles from the city, when General Schofield the second time fell back on Knoxville. January 21, 1864, it protected the crossing of the Second Division at Strawberry Plains, losing one man killed. February 9th, General -Schofield arrived at Knoxville and assumed command of the Department. On the 24th the Second Division marched to Strawberry Plains; 7 and on the 27th crossed the Holston River, and marching seine distance, returned as far back as Mossy Creek. March 14th, the Regiment moved to Morristown, Tennessee, and the next day was on the picket line and had a brisk skirmish with Rebel Cavalry. Moving back to I Mossy Creek, It remained there until April 26th, when it started for Charleston, on the Hiawassee River, 100 miles distant, arriving there on the 30th, and at Red Clay, Georgia, May 6th. Here the Army of the Ohio became part of Sherman's left wing to participate in the Atlanta campaign. Marching to Tunnel Hill May 7th, the next day it skirmished into a position in front of Buzzard's Roost. May 9th the Regiment was assigned the front line of skirmishers in the advance on Rocky Face Mountain, and lost nine men -killed and wounded in an advance of three fourths of a mile. May 12th the Regiment marched through Snake Creek Cap, arriving in front of Resaca on the evening of the 13th. The next day its Brigade made an unsuccessful charge on the Rebel works in which, with but seven Companies engaged, it lost seven killed and 30 wounded. The Regiment took part as the supporting column in the second day's fight at Resaca. After an unsuccessful assault on the Union lines at midnight, the enemy evacuated. May 16th the Regiment participated in a pursuit, and captured six prisoners in a skirmish on the 20th. May 27th it made a charge at double quick, on a Rebel Brigade, breaking its lines and losing 15 men killed and wounded.

The Regiment participated in the entire movement against Atlanta, and was actively engaged in the siege of Kenesaw, the battles at Pine Mountain, Lost Mountain, Dallas, on time Chattahoochie near Nicojack Creek, Decatur, and Peachtree Creek, and in the siege of Atlanta, and the skirmishes at Rough-and-Ready, Lovejoy's Station and Utoy Creek, in which service it lost 212 in killed and wounded, out of 380 men. September 8th it went into camp at Decatur, Georgia, remaining there until the morning of October 4th, when the movement against hood's forces commenced. During its stay at Decatur the Regiment lost a few men in an encounter with Rebel Cavalry. It marched rapidly to Allatoona Pass and to within 18 miles of Chattanooga, when the Corps was ordered in pursuit of Hood's Army in Alabama. On the way the Regiment, at Cedar Bluffs, on the Coosa River, in a skirmish with Rebel Cavalry, lost one officer and three men captured on picket. Thence it marched to Rome, Georgia, where a brisk skirmish took place; and continuing its march, it reached Resaca November 1, 1864. Here it took cars for Johnsonville, on the Tennessee, 85 miles from Nashville, to protect that place from a Rebel raid; remained there until the 20th, and then by rail went to Columbia, Tennessee, to aid in checking Hood's advance. At that place it participated in skirmishes, and was detailed to remain in the rear to guard the fords of Duck River, while Thomas's Army fell back on Franklin. It guarded a wagon train to Franklin, and was twice attacked, each time repulsing the enemy. It reached Franklin on the morning of November 30th, and was assigned to the front line of works, on the left flank of the Second Division, Twenty-Third Corps. In the fight of that day, out of 180 men engaged, it lost 22 killed on the field and 40 wounded, many being killed by rebel bayonets. So close was the contest, that the Regiment's flag was snatched from the bands of the Color Sergeant, but the Rebel who took it was killed on the spot. The troops on the immediate left falling back during the charge, the One Hundred and Eleventh suffered from -aim hour's enfilading fire of the Rebels. So severely had the Regiment suffered in the loss of officers, that it was found necessary to detail such from other Regiments for the command of the Companies.

December 1, 1864, the Regiment marched back to Nashville, and was assigned position in the line of defenses on the left, and was severely engaged during the two days' fighting at that point. On the second day in a charge, it captured three Rebel battle-flags and a large number of prisoners, with a loss of seven killed and 15 wounded. The Regiment participated in the pursuit of Hood, when it marched to Clifton, Tennessee, where, January 17, 1865, it took transports to make the campaign of North Carolina, passing Cincinnati the 23d, and reaching Washington City on the 31st. By Ocean steamer it was taken from Alexandria for Fort Fisher, where it joined General Terry's force and took part in the capture of Fort Anderson, February 19, 1865, and in the skirmishes of Moseby Rail and Goldsboro. In fact, the work of capturing Fort Anderson, so far as land forces were concerned, was mainly performed by the Brigade, Colonel O.H. Moore commanding, of which the One Hundred and Eleventh was a part. After the surrender of General Johnston, the Regiment moved to Salisbury, North Carolina, at which place it remained on garrison duty until sent home, reaching Cleveland, Ohio, July 5,1865, and was there mustered out on the 12th.

The One Hundred and Eleventh re-enlisted as veterans in February, 1864, while in East Tennessee, but owing to the special demand for troops the veteran furlough could not be granted the men. Again (October, 1864), after the Atlanta campaign, more than two-thirds of the Regiment re-enlisted as veterans, when in consideration of Hood's campaign in the rear, the furlough was again suspended.

The Regiment entered the field with 1,050 men and received 85 recruits. Of these, 234 were discharged for disability, disease and wounds; 200 died of disease contracted in the service; 252 were killed in battle or died of wounds; and 401 were mustered out-making an aggregate of 687 casualties of the kinds named.

Casualties of the One Hundred and Eleventh Regiment at the battle of Franklin, as reported at the time:

Company A -- Daniel Plantz and J.B. Guttew, wounded; J. Jackson, supposed killed.

Company C -- Capt. P.H. Dowling, Lieut. Isaac E. Kintigh, Philip Bush, Sergt. John E. Woodworth, Adam Miller, Geo. W. Ward and James L. Penny, wounded. Oscar B. Daniels, Althion B. Daniels, Andrew Kannaur, and David K. Mounta, supposed killed.

Company D -- Julius Greeley, Eli Bonzer and Win. Adams, supposed killed. Sergt. Alex. Rowland, Corp. G.W. Innman, J.B. Snively, F. Lawler, and T. Strickland, wounded.

Company B -- Captain T. Southworth, and J.W. Grubb, wounded.

Company F -- Sergt. Samuel Snyder, Corporals Charles A. Locost and Daniel Bear, Emanuel Byers, W.H. Lauder, Lafayette C. Olds and Warren Shaw, wounded. Corp. B. Hemenway and John Later, killed.

Company I -- Vetus Haas, killed; Henry Linker and Sergt. A. Daguer, wounded. Henry Speck, missing.

Company K -- Lieut. C. Baker, Joseph Gingery, Sergt. Samuel McCutcheon, Henry Bordue, Wm. H. Carlin, Francis M. Davenport, Thos. Irwin and David Gressinger, wounded. Sergt. Major Geo. H. Curtis, killed.

From History of Toledo and Lucas County, by Clark Waggoner
Volume I, pages 194-197

Eagle and Shield

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