Can CH LegendHold U'll Be N My Heart,


Normal eyed at 8 weeks

Sire: Can CH(Am CH Ptd) Bellagio Platinum Pinnacle CDX,PT,JHD,TT,CGC,HIC,n/e,OFA-g, normal thyroid, normal heart -- "Everest"
Dam: Tomelle's Black Eyed Susan HT,HIC,HCT(1) thyroid normal, heart clear, OFA-e h&e, Mild CHC -- "Suzie"

Tarzan's Pedigree

August 27, 2005: Tarzan finished up his last JHD leg.
It wasn't pretty but it's finished.
Now on to growig up a little more and maybe to that CDX title next.

July 16, 2005: Tarzan finishes up his last CD leg at the Medina KC shows.
His sister Belle finished her Championship the same day!
Wow what talented kids!

June 25 & 26 2005: Tarzan does a nice job of getting his PT title in 2 straight runs
at the Greater Cleveland Rottie Herding trial.
He drew some good sheep and made the best of it.

June 9th, 2005: Tarzan gets his 2nd CD leg with a nice 183
and just out of the ribbons in 5th place
and wins High Scoring Collie in Trial (not that we expected that one
with another collie in utility!).
Really for as little practice as he's had, and spending most
of the previous week in a kennel while I was working in UT,
this wasn't too bad.

April 10, 2005; Tarzan, the wild man, has someone in heaven smiling down on him.
He squeeked out a gift CD leg at the YBTC trials with a score of,
well that one we just won't mention. At 16 months old,
still it's the youngest age I've ever put a CD leg on a collie.
Hopefully the next two legs will be a little better scores.

Finally a updated picture of the wild man!
Tarzan at 14 months old.

News: December 2, 2004...Tarzan finished up his CGC
down at the last class of the season at Youngstown All-Breed.
He's getting ready for obedience in the Spring
and on to another CD we hope for the LegendHold gang!

News: October 9th and 10th, at the greater Detroit Shetland Sheepdog Club
herding trials and after only a little bit of herding practice...
Tarzan swung through two more legs for his HT.
He's definately a wildman about herding.

News News: September 18th, 2004, Tarzan gets his first leg on his HT
title at the BAHA Club trial out at Hado-bar farms.
He was a bit of a wild man, but he sure can herd.
Unfortunately his entry got goofed up for tomorrow
or he'd likely finish this weekend -- oh well.
So on we wait until the October trials.

NEWS! NEWS!: His second weekend out, Tarzan finishes his Canadian CH
He finished going WD on Sunday, May 30th at both the speicality show
and the all-breed show to pick up the finial points.
THANKS CHERYL for your great handling!
Tarzan finished at 6 months and 28 days old!
That's very special, considering
these were is first two weekends at any dog show anywhere!

NEWS NEWS: His first weekend out in Canada with my friend
and Canadian Handler Cheryl Ellis of Cherfire collies,
Tarzan picks up 5 pts at the Kitchener Ontario shows.
Saturday, May 22 he picked up 2 pts for WD and
Monday, May 23, he picked up 3 points going WD/BOW/BPB.
Sunday he decided Cheryl's skirt was WAY
too much fun to play with instead of gaiting properly.
One more weekend to try to see if we
can finish him up in Canada before he's ever 7 months old.
Here's hoping!

Tarzan at 5 months old.

Tarzan at 8 weeks old.

This little boy with born with a big heart on his shoulder.
So immediately I thought of the Phil Collin's song from the Movie...
and thus came his name "TARZAN"....

Back to the Boys


By the way, Tarzan the movie and the Music on this page are all copywrites of the Disney Corporation. This site does not intend the use of these pictures or music for any profit. I just love this movie and I HAD to name one of my special collies after the characters!
Please support Disney and buy a copy of the Movie!

Your listening to the midi version
of the Theme song from the Movie "Tarzan"
by Phil Collin's - "You'll Be In My Heart"