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Jess's Page

Hey everyone! My name is Jessica Edwards and this is my webpage! It is my first one, so it isn't the greatest. Hopefully I will figure things out and make it a lot better and get better pictures! I am sixteen years old, and in the 11th grade. I live in Uhrichsville, Ohio and go to Claymont High school and Kent State University Tuscarawas. I play volleyball, basketball, and throw the shotput and discus in Track and Field. I play reserve volleyball. Our team did great this year! We had a final record of 18-1! I also play basketball. Last year, we had the best JV record in Claymont History. This year's basketball team is doing pretty good. We aren't playing as well as we expected, but we will pick it up and get back on track. In track, I am on varsity. I can't wait till track comes round, cause it is the best (well after volleyball!). I have to give a shout out to my Ace Chick (Lacey)! Girl you are the bestest cousin in the world and I love you sooooooo much! And to my boyfriend Brennen, you are the absolute greatest!! I love ya to death! Kingsly and Erica, you guys are the BEST friends that anyone can have!!! I love you guys sooooo much too!!! (Almost as much as Ace! J/k! I love ya all the exact same!!!) Well everyone, check out the rest of my page and then tell me what you think! Thanks a bunch! Jess

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