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Karen (Angel) Hartfelder

Karen is a wife and mother of two. She enjoys studying the Bible and attends college where she majors in Middle American and Middle Eastern Archaeology.

She is currently writing two books. One is a novel in which the characters lives are enshrouded in demonic forces. It demonstrates the absolute power of God. The other is a fun, fantasy akin to folklore and ancient myth.

Karen also works to further the Gospel through writing and hopes the words of Jesus touch your heart today!

Rev. Paul Eric Norwood

Bio coming

New Creation Ministries


Sharon West

Sharon West loved reading and writing in junior high and high school. But after graduation, she put her writing away and entered the workforce as a secretary. The writing bug kept growing within, however, and she decided to study writing with the Institute of Children's Literature. Then as often happens with writers, she became greatly discouraged and gave the whole thing up, thinking that perhaps these things were vain imaginations.

After becoming a wife and mother of two, she realized that she should not and could not bury the writing talent that the Lord had given her. She embarked upon writing a series of Christian novels called the Mulberry House books. The first, entitled "I Desire Mercy," introduces the old Victorian inn called Mulberry House, which is the headquarters of her heroine's adventures. She is currently working on the second novel in the series.

Sharon also studies martial arts and the violin. She has a passion for watching documentaries on TV. She also participates in the ministry of prophetic intercession at her church, and although she still works in an office, her thoughts are often miles away.

You may visit Mulberry House online. It's a beautiful site! or Contact Sharon today!

Debbonnaire Kovacs

Picture coming!

Born in Arizona and raised all over the USA, Debbonnaire spent most of her childhood reading and the rest of it writing. So far, she hasn't grown out of either. She sold her first story at the age of eleven, and the next at the age of 21. There followed a long hiatus of continued trauma and tragedy, depression, and loss of confidence, not only in herself, but in the ability of God to speak through her. But in her 30s God convinced her He really needed her to write, and she realized the pain had taught her some valuable things. So now she writes.

Debbonnaire has written two historical books, two series of Bible textbooks for elementary church schools, a series of self-published booklets, many stories and articles, and a new book just out from Pacific Press Publishing Assn. The book is called God Said, "I Promise," and is available at Adventist Book Center It is a new, positive way to look at the ten commandments, as promises of God.

Debbonnaire lives on a farm in Ohio with her husband and youngest child, and lots and lots of animals and gardens.

Teresa Arseneau

Teresa has had plays, stories and articles published in books, papers, magazines and newsletters, and performed for stage and radio in Canada, USAand the UK. Her first fantasy novella, "Desire & Delusion," awaits publication and a Science Fiction radio serial, "Tralaria," is soon to be released by Tru2Life Dramas in Enidburgh, Scotland.

A historical novel series of 18th century Scottish immigration to Canada is in its research and planning stages.

Marcia Claesson

Marcia Claesson is a wife and mother of two girls, ages 5 and 7. She lives in Lincoln, Nebraska with her family.

Marcia worked as a writer and editor for International Students Incorporated, Back to the Bible and Lincoln Kids! newspaper. Currently she writes and edits the "Mission Stew," a newsletter for the Open Door Mission, a Godpel Mission in Omaha, Nebraska. With experience in the non-fiction field, she has recently decided to pursue freelance writing. She is now branching into fiction and has had one story purchased by "Country Woman Magazine," with several others in progress. Marcia is also researching the Depression Era for a novel set in Lincoln, Nebraska.

Jessica Sandoval

My name's Jessica Sandoval, though everyone calls me Jessi. I have a husband of four years named Tony whom I love very much and two beautiful little girls; Cisily, 3 and Emily,

1. I'm 22 years old and besides writing, I love to read, sing, swim and play games with my kids. I live in Washington State, though not in my hometown of Spokane. Soon, though, I'll get to go back there. Yay! Looking foreward it it. What can I say? I'm a homebody. My favorite writer of all time is C.S. Lewis, though I also love Frank Peretti, Mark Twain, J.R.R. Tolkein, Madeline L'Engle, Roald Dahl and about a million more. I love books. It's like a sickness LOL. How about you? If you love books e-mail me and I'de love to chat about them with ya.

I love Jesus Christ with all my heart. I'm an Assembly Of God Pentecostal, though my writing is never oriented to any one denomonation. I believe that we have different denomonations so that different people can worship Him in the way they are most comfortable. I wasn't raised Pentecostal either. I was raised in a non-denomonational church. My now husband is the one who introduced me to the Pentecostal church and I must say at first it scared me. But ever since I felt the power of the Holy Spirit I have never wanted to go back. Not that non - denom churches aren't great, for those who feel Him there, but for me I look foreward to the move of the Holy Spirit each and every Sunday and wouldn't want to go back to where I don't physically feel His presence. My mother and my grandmother are still non denomonational and I love them very much. I do not doubt that I'll see them in Heaven either.

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