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Previous Updates

You want to know about a previous update?  You'll have to get past ME first!

Ophelia: Bad Xel! Stop scaring the visitors, or I'll call Filia over here!

September 2
Parts 5-8 of my fic, "The Making of a Family", are up!

September 1
Issa and Obakenomiko both sent me fanart. Thanks!
I added a link to Issa's fanart site, too.

June 10
Cathy sent me a fanart. Thanks, Cathy!
And, I added a new link to my brother's anime website.

February 27
I added a fanart by Cynthia. Thanks, Cynthia!
Also, I posted a new link.

February 14
Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!
And, my site is now one year old! Yay! ^_^

January 12
I took down my couples shrines and replaced them with two essays by me.

December 21
Lookie! DarrkKnight made me a title image and two linking banners! *Webmistress grins very happily*
Also, I posted a new fic (by me) and added two links.

December 12
DarrkKnight sent me a fanart! Thanks, DarrkKnight!

December 11
Chapters 5-7 of "Trickster's Wedding" are now up! I also added a new link.

December 1
Zel no Miko sent me a great song parody: "Cutie Pie". Thanks, Zel no Miko!

November 25
Dralore Shimare sent me a fic. (Thanks, Dralore!) Go, check it out!

November 24
Big update today!
I joined a new webring, added a Japanese/English glossary, put up chapter 2 of Caro-chan's fic, posted the first part of a fic by Ed (Thanks, Ed!), and finished three new fics of my own. *Whew!*

November 16
The first chapter of the fic Caro-chan sent me is up. Thanks, Caro-chan!

November 8
Parts 9 and 10 of "The Forbidden" are up. I made an index for it, too.

November 2
Wow, I'm on a roll!
Part 8 of "The Forbidden" is up. Also, Crystal Dawn Phoenix let me post a fic of hers. Thanks, Crystal!

November 1
Zoe S has sent me a fic! Thanks, Zoe!
Also, Part 7 of "The Forbidden" is up. ^_^

October 29
Two new links are up.

October 28
Chapters 5 and 6 of "The Forbidden" are up in Fanfiction.

October 18
Chapters 2, 3, and 4 of "The Forbidden" are up.

October 8
I joined the Xelloss/Filia webring!

October 6
Chapters 3 and 4 of Space Elf's fic are up, as well as three fanarts of hers. ^_^ Also, one new link.

October 2
I posted the first 2 chapters of Space Elf's fic. Thanks, Space Elf!

September 13
Bobcat sent me five pieces of fanart. Thanks, Bobcat!

September 3
I'm a member of Deathra's Slayers Ring! Also, I added two more bishounen: Kenshin and Mousse!

August 26
I adopted Murky Dismal! ^_^

August 20
Chapter 1 of "The Forbidden" by Virgi is up. Thanks, Virgi!
And, I went and caught even more bishounen. (What can I say? It's fun!)

August 15
I posted a fanart! Thank you, Michan! ^_^

August 13
I'm in the process of joing two new webrings! Also, I added a new link.

August 7
I'm going to start adding images to my pages. Not much added yet, though.
I also added another link. (Link page #3!)

August 5
I added a link to my friend Xellia's page.

August 4
Yay! New ficcie up, by Jessica. Thanks!
And, I joined WPI, the fanclub for Zellas-sama! ^_^

July 20
Yosh! Another bishounen and two new awards. And I posted a new fic, "Slayers Huh?!?"

July 3
Added yet another link (19 links now!), more bishounen, and a Guardian Dragon.

June 28
Moved some pages to Site Stuff and Couples Shrines. I hope there's no broken links. Let me know if you find any, please.

June 21
More links. I split the link banners into two pages. I also added an awards page and a webrings page.

June 8
I added another bishounen, an adoptees page, and a bunch of links. I also adopted a pixie dragon.

May 28
I'm in the Pocket Bishonen Webring!
I added even more bishounen to my Bishounen page.
And, as of yesterday evening, I'm officially graduated! *cheers*

May 20
I'm in the process of joining the Pocket Bishonen Webring.

May 12
New fic by Mallory is up. Thanks, Mallory!
Took down my message-less message board.

May 4
Updated my Links page.

May 3
I added four fics by Lina Inverse The Dramata. Thanks, Lina!

May 2
I added my first real fic! It's called "Just a Dream." Please, let me know what you think.

March 12
I added a message board.

March 8
I added a new poem to the Fanfic page. It's called "Rainbow Stares."
I also added a Fanart and Toons page and posted a toon. Thanks to Phylia-chan for the suggestion!

February 25
Added two poems to the Fanfics page.

February 22
Added a bunch of links to the Links page.

February 20
I am in the process of joining the Xellos Lovers Webring.

February 19
I added a Links page.

February 17
I tweaked the page a bit. I changed the background color to white for all the pages, added an alt message for every single image, and did other miscellaneous small stuff. Nothing real major.

February 14
I created this page as of today. Enjoy! ^_^

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