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Fanart and Toons

Fanart?  Hmm... Is it a pickle?

Ophelia: *smiles and shakes her head* No, Gourry. Fanart is not a pickle.

Thank you to everyone who has sent me fanart! ^_^ Keep it comin'!

*Please, do NOT take any of these pictures. If you want to post any of them on your own webpage, e-mail the artist and ask permission, first.*

Have fanart or toons you'd like me to post?
Send it (or the URL) to me!
(No yaoi, please.)


By Michan:

Cool-looking Xelloss

By Bobcat:

Happy Xel, Pouty Filia

Xel and Lina posing

Xelloss sketch

Xelloss... teaching kindergarden?

Xelloss in drag

By Elf From Space:


Xelloss is sitting on Filia's lap!

Xelloss and Filia together

By DarrkKnight:

The Classic Pose

By Cynthia:

Xelloss and Filia, Meant to Be

By Cathy:

From Xelloss, With Love

By Issa:

*New!* Sly Xelloss *New!*

By Obakenomiko:

*New!* Ryuaku *New!*


By Ophelia:

Buy This, Or Die!!

Can you find the reindeer? (Click the image to find out if you did!)

My brother was watching me go through my image files when he saw this picture and noted that there appears to be a reindeer. I agree. Can you see it? Click the image to see the answer.
