Brian W. Fairbanks-Writer/Feedback (Part V)


Mr. Fairbanks,
I thank you for the time and effort you put into your web page on cinema. I am currently writing a report on Film Noir, and found your treatise to be witty and original. It is hard coming from this era to appreciate the classics, but your work has brought film noir into an entirely diffrent light. Thank you for the inspiration.
p.s. I WILL not plagiarize your work so have no fear!


Hi Brian ! I immensely enjoyed your Richard Widmark and Film Noir sites and just wanted to drop you an e-mail and say thanks! I found your writing informative, intelligent and entertaining, no small feat! Thanks again for the excellent articles! Me? I 'm just a fan who appreciates film classics and good articles on them. Thanks again!


Mr. Fairbanks,
First off I love the site. It's nice to see someone out there with respect and taste for this brilliant man and actor. I'm an actor myself. A real actor, not some wanna be asshole. I'm not trying to impress you but just to legitimize any thing else I have to say. Go to ''google'' and punch in James Russo and you'll get my filmography from different sites. The question is this. Is there anyway I can get a letter either through representation or a lawyer or direct to this man. If there is I would greatly appreciate the information. I've admired this man for years and would love to contact him before he leaves this planet. Please let me know.
bless, j.russo


Dear Mr. Brian W. Fairbanks,
I am a 17 year old student at John McCrae Secondary School in Ottawa, Ontario. In my grade 13 family studies course, I have decided to do my Independant Study Unit on 'gay parenting'. I read your article, "Gay parenting is still parenting", which i found at and I found it very informative. I was writing you this email hoping to receive your permission to use some of its information for my final report. Please contact me and continue to keep writing such detailed and informative articles.
Thank you,


I am a student doing a paper on gay parenting in America. I remembered reading an article of yours a while back that changed my views tremendously about this matter and think it only fair that I use this article to form the basis of my argument as to why I believe that your arguments were substantial. I would appreciate it if you can email me a copy of this article since I am not able to access the PridePage site. I have been trying all day to access this page but to no avail. Thanking you in advance.
Ms Smith


Dear Brian:
I read your essay (Gay Parenting Is Still Parenting) and I think you did a wonderful job with it. I agree with a lot of what you're saying. Unfortunately you are correct about heterosexual parents. I see so many kids whose parents could care less about them; sadly, there is no qualifying test or examination to be a parent. Perhaps there should be. Oh, well.
You are also correct about parenthood being a tremendous responsibility that most people, gay or straight, have no idea what they're getting into. And thank goodness in most cases, because I think if any of us did [the 3 AM crying jags, the vomiting, teething, sicknesses, poopy diapers, etc.], the species would have died out a long time ago. ;)
My only quibble was with your Dan Quayle comment. I've always thought that what he meant about a single parent not being a good example on a prime-time series was actually correct [I know, a milestone for him]; a comment that I later found out, by the way, Candace Bergen was in agreement with. Please don't take this to mean I am a Quayle fan. The man's a genuine idiot and the thought of him ever having an opportunity to lead this country frightening beyond belief. [Brrrr!]
Anyway, I thought you would like some feedback. You are an excellent writer and your essay was cogent and well done.


I just wanted to say thanks for your article Let In The Light that was a very touching article and it brought to light a few things I had been wondering about. Anyways I just thought I should tell ya thanks for that. So also I was wondering how did you become a dating expert? Just curious
Have a great day bud,


I enjoyed your article on Biblical views of homosexuality in the newest newsletter. I really commend you for even daring to mention it.
I was raised very religiously and denied my homosexuality because I didn't want to go to hell. I eventually found a cute girl that I could actually fall in love with. We married and had two children, all the while being a pillar of the church. A year and a half ago, I lost my young wife to breast cancer. I could not face finding another woman that I could love. I really began to study the scriptures and read much that is written on the subject, both for and against homosexuality. I finally came to a place of knowing that God created me as I am--gay. It is blasphemy to live otherwise because that spits in the face of His creation. I also do not believe the old "it is okay to be gay, but you just can't act on it" mentality. Why would God create a gay person, put them on the Earth, and then expect them never to experience love when love is the very nature of God? It makes no sense! I no longer find the conventional conservative Christian view of homosexuality to be remotely in line with what Jesus came here to teach.
It took me awhile to find another gay man who was as religious as I, but I did (online, actually!). We are "married" now. I came out first to my kids (age 12 & 9). I was concerned that they have someone other than myself to talk with about it, so I told my sister-in-law, who I thought that I could trust. In less than 24 hours she had gone to the pastors of the church and outed me. Since then, I have lost most of my friends and family and am no longer welcome in the church that I loved and gave thousands of dollars and hours of service to grow. I have been betrayed, rejected, and hurt by "loving, Christian people" more than anyone else. However, I think that some of my closest Christian friends are coming around a little to accepting me and my new family. It is extremely hard for them, but they are trying. It is not easy, but I will dedicate the rest of my life to trying to change the way Christian people view homo sexuals and what the Bible says about it. Maybe someday I can sit in church with my husband and worship along side a heterosexual couple. He is still the God of miracles. In the meantime, however, I need the sanctuary of the Jesus Metropolitan Community Church in Indianapolis where the true spirit of scripture is taught.
Again, thanks so much for your insightful article. God loves us, too!


Are you a LEFT WING-socialist democrat? John Wayne was born in 1907. Military considered him too old, and had a dependency deferment.
16th generation American (1629) mothers side, when in 1850 they heard THE Kennedy's were comming, they left Boston and came to Texas 6th generation Texan fathers side 1839, founded Mt. Vernon Texas, faught Indians (and yes killed a few) Faught Yankees (and yes killed more than a few), outlaws and Mexican bandits (and yes killed and/or hung few), Politicians (killed them at the ballot box) and tangled with the weather.
1/16 Cherokee (I had ancestors that met the boats of my other ancestors)
9th cousin to Winston S. Churchhill
5th cousin to Willie Nelson (sad to say a confused Texas liberal)
100% Native American
110% John Wayne Enthusiast.


Dear Brian,
So how many times have you belted 33 songs straight through in a 3 hour span at the age of 59?.......0? That's what I thought. You can not criticize arguably the best song writer of the Rock 'n Roll era, and one of the best voices of the Rock 'n Roll era. He will be remembered when Rock 'n Roll is just a fad of the past.
Also, your use of pictures is quite low. Not even a 25 year old in perfect health would look good if the love of your life for decades had just died. You should have just used his wedding picture, it was a lot closer to his 60th birthday anyway.
Moving on, after the Beatles, he had nothing to prove. What else is there to do after you have just established yourself and your former band as all-time greats? McCartney could have did a million covers of "Mary Had a Little Lamb", he had nothing else to prove.
And finally, we will always need him. The 60's were a special time when the hippest music was the most popular, as has never and probably will never happen again. How could you not need even a piece of the greatest band to ever exist?
Sincerely, a 17 year old fan of Sir Paul McCartney,



