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Welcome to St. Rose of Lima
Young Adults' Home Page!

Story of St. Rose

Mission Statement

Our group's mission is to present the joy of living a vibrant, well-balanced
Catholic life through spiritual, social, service, and athletic
opportunities.  We, the Saint Rose Young Adults' Group, are committed to
serving the spiritual as well as social needs of our members, the young
adults of St. Rose, and the broader community of young adult Catholics (age
20-39) in the greater Cleveland area.  Although the majority of our
membership is and will continue to be single, we welcome those of all
marital statuses into our group.

We pledge our loyalty to the Holy Father and the bishops in communion with
him (the Magisterium), and promise to offer spiritual activities which are
faithful to the Church's teaching.   These include regularly scheduled group
worship (i.e Holy Hour) and teaching (i.e. Catechism Series), as well as
other sporadic events (i.e. retreats & speakers).  Our primary goal is to
help our members, as well as the larger community of Catholic young adults
in the Cleveland area, to grow in their understanding of the Holy Catholic
Faith, and to challenge them to a deeper relationship with Christ and his

Our vision of life as Catholic Young Adults is expressed not only through
our group's spiritual events, but affects every aspect of our group's
activity.  It is our further goal to present a well-rounded slate of social
and athletic events which will allow our members to interact in a variety of
settings and activities.  The objective of any group-sponsored event is to
promote a wholesome atmosphere which is compatible with joyful Christian

Top reasons to join St. Rose's Young Adult Group

Group Links / Catholic Web Favorites

June 2001 Newsletter
June 2001 Calendar of Events
Print Our Membership Application Online!
Introductory info on the group
Check out our 2001 Executive Officer Board!
Mother Angelica's superb site
Providing a valuable service to unmarried Catholics serious about their faith
The official Web Page of the Cleveland Diocese
Free books and tapes, chat, more!
It's a veritable Catholic gold mine!

Other Young Adult Groups in the Greater Cleveland area:

Photo Gallery
Member Survey

The Saint Rose/San Damiano Young Adults' Group is affiliated with St. Rose of Lima parish, located in the Western side of Cleveland, Ohio. The St. Rose's Young Adults' Group is open to single as well as married Catholics in their 20's and 30's, including those who are not currently members of St. Rose's. Our mission is to meet the spiritual and social needs of Catholic young adults in the greater Cleveland area.

Regularly scheduled activities include the following:
* Video Catechism / Discussion Group
* Holy Hour (followed by fellowship) - monthly
* Various social activities (sporting events, theater/concerts, dances, etc.)

Please feel free to contact us at the email address below if you would like to learn more about us or be placed on our monthly activities update list. On behalf of the group, I would like to invite you to join us at an upcoming event. May Our Lord and his Blessed Mother fill your day with peace and joy.

Sincerely yours in Christ-

Eric Kennerk - President
St. Rose of Lima Young Adults' Group
11411 Detroit Road
Cleveland, OH 44102

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Last updated: June 5th, 2001