Event Information
Solon SO Info
About SO
Solon Invitational
Coach's Corner
Event Study Sites
SO Chatroom
Picture Gallery

Welcome to the official website of the Solon Division B Science Olympiad Team. Science Olympiad has always held its tradition in Solon, Ohio, as Solon's teams have been perennially one of the best teams in Ohio. Solon's division B team witnessed a stellar performance from its members this year, placing 3rd at the state competition at Ohio State University. Also this year, the team has won the Clearview Invitational, the Solon Invitational, the Roseville Invitational, and the Case Western Reserve University Regional Competition, and placed 2nd at the Northmont Invitational as well. Best wishes to all the team members, and we hope everyone tries out again for the team next year. Good luck to all the 9th graders who will now move on to Solon's division c team.

Latest News-Archived News-

Saturday April 29, 2000
Pictures from the state competition were posted on the site today. Most are from the dinner at Red Robbins, but a few are from the actual competition. The formal party this year will be at Daemon's, at a time that is for now undecided. The informal end of the year party this year will be at Peter's house June 8th at 7.

Sunday April 16, 2000
The team returned from states late last night with a crushing 3rd place finish. Magsig had finished 2nd with only 8 points more than Solon had scored. Although the team's hopes of returning to the national competition have ended, their spirits are still held high. This was one of the best teams that Solon Division B Science Olympiad ever had, and certainly one of the most motivated. Solon had first place state finishes in 3 events, Physical Science Lab, Reach For The Stars, and Science Of Fitness. The team had also won medals in 14 events. The scheduled carwash in late April has, for now, been canceled. Team members will be notified of the date for the end of the season party. Pictures and results will be posted on this site soon. Best of luck to the Solon Division C team, Piqua and Magsig at the national competition in May, and also to the 9th graders on our team, who will move on to division c science olympiad.

Monday April 3, 2000
A few more pictures were added to the picture gallery from the Roseville Invitational. Most notably, a picture of the "deathball" game was added. The team is preparing for the state competition, taking place next week. This year's science olympiad cd is in the works, and should be available sometime after states.

Thursday March 23, 2000
Pictures from the Northmont Invitational and CWRU Regionals were finally added to the site. Also, new pictures were added to the Solon Invitational and Roseville Invitational sections. The team is hard at work preparing for the upcoming state competition at OSU. The last few regionals in Ohio are finishing up this weekend, and then all the teams competing at the state tournament will be known.

Monday March 13, 2000
Notice: The http://go.to/solonso redirect link to the site is down, so from now on, use http://solonso.cjb.net to access the site. This is a faster redirect to the site, and there is no delay page with this service either.

Friday March 10, 2000
The Science Olympiad Dance was once again a big success. The jail cell was better handled this year, and things went by smoothly for the most part. Duck hats were the style of the day as the team members wore them, as well as the people that bought them. By the end of the dance, the team had gathered the funds to help pay for the states trip, and the ensuing nationals trip.

Thursday March 9, 2000
The Solon Division B Science Olympiad website received its 1000th visitor early today at 3:45 AM EST by someone on AOL. The visitor found the site through the science olympiad webring. February brought in more visits than ever, with 303, and we hope to keep a flow of people coming to check out this site. So far there have been 745 different IP addresses (a computer's unique number when accessing the internet) that have visited the site. We average about 6 visitors a day, so come back every now and then, and check out whats new!

Sunday March 5, 2000
On the last overnight trip before the state competition, the teams returned from Northmont with a 2nd place trophy for the a team, and a 4th place trophy for the b team. The a team was short of 1st place by a mere 5 points. Solon's streak of not losing an invitational ended after just under 4 years running. All was not lost though, as both teams made excellent showings, with the two teams taking 1st and 2nd in numerous events. The team will now look ahead and prepare for the upcoming state competition, in which only one team of 15 people will go to. On the friday before the competition, the team visited the Air Force Museum in Dayton, and explored aviation's past. By the end of the trip, Mr.Kirian's birthday had been celebrated 3 times. On the busride to Northmont, he came close to a heart attack when told that Emily Lucci had strep, and couldn't make it there. His reaction when Emily popped out from the back seat and went up to him will be on the site for all to see when the pictures from the competition are posted, so check back soon!

Sunday February 27, 2000
Yesterday the two Solon teams came back from the CWRU regionals with a first place finish by the a team, and a third place finish by the b team. The first and second place trophy placings were only a few points away from another, as Solon made an example as to how 4th and 5th placings in events can win the competition for you. The bottle rockets event made the worst use of the superb spring-like weather, as wind breezes and the numerous trees made the event hard to accomplish. Due to Liisa's being sick, not many pictures were taken, but those that were, will be posted on the site shortly. The next competition is the Northmont Invitational on Saturday, March 4th. The team will be leaving for that overnighter on the morning of Friday, March 3rd.

Thursday February 24, 2000
Pictures from the Roseville invitational were added to the picture gallery. If more pictures are found, they will be added to the site later on as well. The polls are coming along nicely, keep up the responses! We're sad to see some people have been abusing the polls by deleting necassary files on their computer, and voting numerous times. If this is done, all the votes that were put in numerous times at a certain point by someone, will be taken out of the poll.

Sunday February 20, 2000
Although a dismal day for Solon in the Solon vs. All basketball game before the awards ceremony, the team came out of the Roseville invitational with a first place trophy for the A team, and a 5th place plaque for the B team. This keeps Solon's streak of never losing an invitational for 3 years straight still alive. If Solon wins the Northmont invitational on March 4th, then the streak will have lasted for 4 years. This was the first competition of the year that Solon has gone to where bottle rockets wasn't cancelled. Pictures, a lot at that, will be posted on this site sometime this week. To much dismay, no one was caught sleeping on the bus for us to take pictures of. The next competition is the Case Western Reserve University Regionals, just a week away. Due to the mass confusion at the Roseville invitational over which Solon team was which, there is a new poll in the Polls section on this site over what the names for the two teams should be.

Thursday February 17, 2000
A new poll has been added to the Polls section. We're pleased at the current response rate of the poll we started earlier. Keep filling out those polls, there's more to come!

Sunday February 13, 2000
New pictures were added to the picture gallery of the Solon and Clearview invitationals. These pictures are of mechanical events, and were just now placed unto the site after Mr.Lucci it was said to be okay to post them this time. Again, more pictures will continue to be added to the site as they become available.

Friday February 11, 2000
The site now has a new "Poll" section, where people can visit and take part in various polls we will hold throughout the science olympiad season. After a certain poll finishes, a summary of results will be posted on the page, as well.

Friday February 11, 2000
The site has now been updated to include a few pictures from the Clearview and Solon invitationals. Many more pictures will be coming in soon. The reason for the small amount of pictures is that most of the pictures provided to put on this site so far are of mechanical events, and it is Solon's policy to not post images of our mechanical devices on the site. Once pictures of these two invitationals are gathered from others, they will be added to the picture gallery.

Sunday February 6, 2000
After an eventful day, Solon's A team placed 1st at the Solon Invitational yesterday. The Solon B team placed 3rd as well, making the competition a nice showing for both of Solon's teams. Check back soon for pictures of the Solon Invitational on the site, as well as complete results.

Sunday January 23, 2000
The Solon Division B Science Olympiad team once again came out of the annual Clearview Invitational with a 1st place win, making this the 9th year in a row that this team has done so. The A team placed 1st, and the B team placed third, however, since only 1 trophy is given to a certain school's teams at Clearview, the two teams will share the trophy. Check back soon to the site for pictures, posted results in events, etc.

Friday January 21, 2000
Be prepared for the Clearview Invitational tommorow. Make sure you pack everything that you need tonight (ex. goggles, apron, pencil, money, mechanical event device). The bus will be leaving at 7:00AM, and we will return at around 5:00PM. The weather forcasted scattered snow showers and a wind chill that's well below zero in the Clearview area tommorow. So, if you know you have any outdoor events, make sure you dress warmly. Good luck everyone on our 1st competition of the year!

Wednesday December 29, 1999
The Solon Invitational section of the site has been updated to include a map of the school, schedule, listing of teams competing, and the prices for food being sold. The Schedules section has been updated to also include the Solon Invitational schedule. The site has been updated to include an "Archived News" section which will hold all the news for the season, while "Latest News" will now hold the last 3 news statements. Mr.Kirian has announced the team shirt this year will be the "Solonium" design.

Tuesday December 13, 1999
The website for this year's national competition is now posted on the event study sites page. Tentative schedules have been released for the Clearview and Solon invitationals. Team members should now know all the events they will be competing in at Clearview. Make sure you have your emergency medical card and permission slips for competitions handed into Mr.Kirian. Final designs for this year's team shirt have been submitted into Mr.Kirian who will then have the final say in what goes on the shirt. Once the shirt design is chosen by Mr.Kirian, it will be posted on the site.

Thursday October 14, 1999
The team's first meeting for this year set aside a time to see what events everyone wanted to do. Fundraising papers were handed out, with the goal set that everyone sells 6 items this year, giving us the potential of raising a vital $1,080 to help fund the team. Mr.Kirian announced 7th grader Chelsea Feng as one of the team's alternates for this year. We attempted to finish retreiving all the information needed for the directory, however, we were still missing some people's information, most notably, Xingchen Mai's phone number. The Calender section of the site was updated to include the correct dates for this year's state tournament, and it was also updated to include the birthdays of the team members.

Tuesday September 28, 1999
The Solon Division B Science Olympiad Picture Gallery is now up on the site. It is available by clicking on "Picture Gallery" on the left navigation menu. Pictures taken from various science olympiad activities and competitions will be posted on the site.

Tuesday September 28, 1999
The list of team members for this year's Solon Division B Science Olympiad team was finally received from Mr.Kirian. The team roster for this year's team is listed on this site's "Solon SO Info" section, and is listed below in alphabetical order, and including what grade each person is in:
Tareq Ahmed - 9th Grade
Lisa Ahnell - 9th Grade
Peter Bevan - 9th Grade
Colin Boyle - 8th Grade
Jimmy Carlson - 7th Grade
Grace Chen - 9th Grade
Justin Chung - 8th Grade
Jessica DeQuach - 9th Grade
Jordan DeVries - 8th Grade
Susie Friedman - 9th Grade
Amruta Godbole - 9th Grade
Arthur Grabowski - 8th Grade
Nick Haw - 9th Grade
Jonathan Huang - 6th Grade
Ahmil Jilani - 7th Grade
Jennifer Kirian - 7th Grade
Sameer Kulkarni - 7th Grade
Annie Lee - 9th Grade
Emily Lucci - 8th Grade
Satyan Pai - 9th Grade
Lucas Paul - 8th Grade
Dana Rotz - 8th Grade
Sonia Seetharaman - 8th Grade
Akshai Singh - 7th Grade
Jordan Thomas - 8th Grade
Matthew Tomayko - 6th Grade
Ryan Tsou - 8th Grade
Mai Xingchen - 8th Grade
Loni Yatsko - 8th Grade
Bonnie Yeung - 8th Grade

Saturday September 25, 1999
The Solon Science Olympiad Carwash was a big success, bringing in over $600 to help fund the team. Topping out as the most memorable moment, is when a semi driver asked us to wash his semi. Unfortunately we did not have the camera around at the time, and so pictures of us washing the semi are not available. This might just be worthy of making this year's top 10 inside jokes list, as "Semi-Wash". The pictures from the car wash will be developed soon and will be posted on the site. Thanks to Satyan Pai for paying for the disposable camera we used. Also, thanks to Marathon for letting us use their gas station every year for the science olympiad carwash, we appreciate it very much. We couldn't get a list of team members, so the full listing will wait until next week, and will be listed in the Solon SO Info section as well.

Friday September 24, 1999
The Solon Division B Science Olympiad Chatroom is now up on the site, no registering required, just type in a login, and you're set. The chatroom is available thorugh the navigation menu to the left. If you click on SO Chatroom, another screen will pop up, and the chatroom and this website can be used simultaneously.

Friday September 24, 1999
Mr.Kirian has announced the 1999-2000 Solon Division B Science Olympiad team early this morning. The team members would have been listed here now, however due to the overwhelming mass of last names that are impossible to spell, or sometimes even say, the whole team cannot be listed here at the time. We will try to get a team member list from Mr.Kirian at the car wash tommorrow, and put it up on the site at that time. The team's next meeting is October 14th, from 7-8:30pm.

Friday September 10, 1999
Site has been updated to include more event study sites. The event study sites section will be completely finished a little after the SO season begins.

Thursday September 9, 1999
The informational meeting was, as expected, a big success, as 52 people ranging from grades 6 thru 9 came to learn about Science Olympiad and how to join. Former members Monica Patel, Julia Prince, Kelly Corbets, and Leah Thomas, the ever eccentric four, gave a description of how their years with science olympiad were. Everyone watched the 1997 nationals tape from Grand Valley State University, where Solon's division C team won 1st place.

Here is a upcoming event schedule for Solon Division B Science Olympiad:
September 16 (7-8pm) - Written Tryouts Test
September 23 (6-9pm) - Mechanical Event Tryouts
September 25 - Carwash at Solon Marathon Gas Station
September 30 - No Meeting

Mr.Kirian has stated that if you are planning on joining Power of the Pen, Future Problem Solvers, Show Choir, or the Travelling baseball team, not to try out for Science Olympiad because these activites consistantly conflict with Science Olympiad.

Mr.Kirian's Voicemail # is 349-7757 ext.5520
The Science Olympiad # on the homework hotline is 349-6269 ext.279

Thursday September 2, 1999
Mark your calenders, Mr. Kirian has announced the information meeting for this year's Solon Division B Science Olympiad team. The meeting will be at 8:00 PM on Thursday, September 9th, 1999 in Solon Middle School rooms 217 and 219. We're expecting a big turnout, and hope all team members from last year return, and make the team again.