Pix of me

Eh... before we get to the pix of me, just thought I'd post this. I'd post it on my Tori page but I'm entirely too lazy to log out of here and then back in and... well, you get the gist.

Which Tori Amos song are you?

Tear in Your Hand

Neil said hi, by the way.

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Psst... by the way... I met Neil Gaiman recently. He really does say "hi by the way"... In fact, that's how he autographed my concert ticket. Met Tori earlier that day as well... for the second time. Mm-hm.

Carry on....

...P.S. Sweet Jesus, I just scrolled through this page and saw the pictures of me I have posted on here. *shudder* W.O.W. I REEEEALLLY need to edit this!!!! Like, really. Wow.

There's a new-ish one of me.

Me with my friend Blayre at Tower City - a pretty recent pic of me. (I'm the one in the glasses, by the way.)

Hey, look over there! It's me! wooooo

Me when I was 17 with my friend Becky (who's kinda cut out of this) in a photo booth at Coventry - Big Fun rocks!

This is me when Becky and Andrew came to visit me in AZ last year and we went to the Grand Canyon. This is kind of far away, but I love how red my hair looks... dye is a marvelous thing. I just think this tree is pretty cool.

More pix of me with my friends on my friends page.
Movies of me and Shannon on my movies page.