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The X-Files Connection

What's New? 7-18 Last Official Update






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July 18, 2001 A lot of things have changed since i updated last, i have been busy finishing my senior year of High School. I have been accepted into my college of choice. I will start the College of Wooster in the fall. I have been watching The X-Files avidly and am very upset about David Duchovnys leaving the seris, he IS The X-Files and it will be sad to not see him there anymore. I enjoyed last season especially the birth of Scully's son. The show is amazing and still leaving me thrilled and chilled, but I just cannot find time to update my site anymore. Thank you so much for everyone who came here and enjoyed my reviews. Sounds and pictures are still available for downloading, so feel free to take some pics. Thanks again to everyone who visited The X-Files Connection!

Check out Fox's new X-Files site HERE

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July 21, 2001

I'd like to thank Erin for the collages that my banner and other cool things are made with.

Disclaimer: I am no way (although I wish I was) associated with 1013 productions, I am mearely borrowing Mulder and Scully for entertainment use only.
