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2000 Entires Results

Action Packed Season

Racing Under Saddle Riders & Owners Assocaition

RUSROA Current Events
1999 Races
2000 Matinee Races
1999 Season Follow Up

As or season comes to a close RUSROA officers are taking a small vacation. However, they still will have their ideas floating for 2001 season.

There is a meeting planned with the USTA officals to discuss RUSROA, and make some new goals for 2001. Who better to give us a true brain storm?

Labor day marked the fist RUS in two years at Scioto Downs, in Columbus, Oh. This also marked the first 5/8ths mile track that RUS riders have rode on this season. Two fields of racing were scheduled. The weather was wet and dreary. The first group of horses post paraded at 1:00 p.m. From post postion one was Lady Kazann, ridden by Billy Atkinson. From post position two was Nuke On with Christina Russell in the irons. From the three hole would be Valiant Filly with Donielle Pollack in the saddle. From the four hole was Dare To Cross and Jamie Coffy. And from the five hole was Boomerang Ben, and Bridgett Nappi. Each of these horse's had visited the winners circle once this season.

The gate flew into the streach and they where off! To the front went Atkinson and Lady Kazann. Nuke On quickly slid into the second place postion, while Dare To Cross followed him. Valiant Filly wanted the front but could not clear, Pollack pulled her into the fourth place position on the rail at the 1/4 pole. Boomerang Ben settled in fifth. The field was almost to the 1/2 mile marker when something went wrong. Lady Kazann stumbled in the thick mud, and threw her rider over her shoulder. Russell quickly pulled Nuke On to the outside easily missing Atkinson. Coffy followed and alowed pleanty of room. As did the rest of the field. Dare To Cross took off with a rush and took command of the field. And down the stretch they came. Dare To Cross for the win. But it was a battle for second as Boomerang Ben came up on the outside of Nuke On. But it was Nuke on for second, Boomerang Ben for third and Valiant Filly for fourth.

Atkinson was taken to the local hospital. We are pleased to announce that he was later released with a clean bill of health.

THe second race was full of action. To the front went Welcome Back, with Catherine Harris in charge. Settling in second was Five Pockets and Elane Elmore. Moving into the third place posion was U Dreamer and Russell. Setting fourth was Secret Menace and Pollack. At the half Five Pockets grew tired of setting in second and pulled for the lead. The battle was on! But at the 3/4 it was Five Pockets in front. U Dreamer urged on to try and take over second, but couldn't clear. Welcome Back looked like she was on the way back to the top down the stretch but it was Five Pockets and Elmore after it all. Welcome Back for second and U Dreamer for third. Finishing fourth was Secret Menace and Pollack. This marks the first win for the 5yr old pacing gelding, Five Pockets.

RUSROA wishes to thank Promotions Director Pollack for her diligent efforts on this race. We also wish to thank Anne Doolin and Scioto Downs for allowing us to race!

Besides racing action, Promotions Director Pollack was married to one of the "Offical RUSROA Grooms," Mr. Tom Hall, of Mt. Vernon,OH. We wish to congragulate the couple on their nuptuals!

Dover,Oh, was the last of our scheduled racing season. A six horse field was to start. U Dreamer made a late scratch and narrowed the field to five. They all moved in behind the gate, the gate flew into the stretch and they where OFF! Welcome Back and Harris took to the lead, Five Pockets and Elmore settled in second. Dare To Cross and Coffy moved in third. This Buddys For Me and Sheleen Rodebaugh took the fourth place position and setting fifth was Fat Man and Pollack. Dare To Cross struggled to keep up with the pair of pacers that where battling it out. And down the strech they came. Welcome Back on the inside, Five Pockets on the outside, but it was all Welcome Back and Harris! This is the first win for the pair and the fastest race of the season. That mile going in 2:06.

After the racing action was over, RUSROA had a small lunch that was provided by RUSROA trainer Dan Miller. Sides where courtacy of Mrs. Harris and Donielle Pollack. We wish to thank the Dover Fairboard for putting up the purse for this race.

September pretty much "wraps up" the season for RUSROA. However, Promotions Director, Donielle Pollack-Hall, is still working on races. There is still a possiblity of some late racing action in October.

RUSROA is planning an awards banquit, but the time and location is yet to be decided. RUSROA officers will be meeting with USTA staff members to discuss a possible staking season for next year. Bring your ideas up to your officers.

As promised August proved to be not only a busy month for RUS horses/riders, but an exciting one as well. Five competitive races have brought a different rider and horse to the Winner's Circle. Not even lightning can keep RUS riders from catching the starting gate, just ask the group who traveled to Wampokonetta, Ohio.

Two divisions of racing action where scheduled for the racing program. After the paperwork was settled, it was time to get to business. Racing, that is. The first set of racers moved in behind the gate, the gate flew into the stretch and they where off! From his three hole post, Dare To Cross, led his rider, Jamie Coffy, to the top. Billy Atkinson with his mount, U Dreamer tried to challenge the lead, but misstepped, and lost stride. Secret Menace and Donielle Pollack took over the second position on the rail. Atkinson pulled on the group at the half. With a rush the veteran jockey, Atkinson urged U Dreamer to the front easily taking over the lead. But at the three quarters, Dare To Cross was not happy sitting behind the pair and took over the lead. Pollack followed with cover around Atkinson. It was a race to the wire, but it was all Dare To Cross. Secret Menace and Pollack finishing second, and Atkinson and U Dreamer finishing third.

The mile went in 2:10.3, this makes a new lifetime mark for Dare To Cross.

1st Dare To Cross, Coffy
2nd Secret Menace, Pollack
3rd U Dreamer, Atkinson

As the weather took a change for the worse, the second Racing Under Saddle event hurried to the track. The sky was black, with lightning flashing all to close. The post parade was short and rushed. Then the four horse field moved in behind the gate the gate flew into the streatch and they where OFF! Lady Kazann, with Atkinson was off on an early break. Valliant Filly took rider Pollack to the front. Lorrane Culliver settled in a comfortable second position. Fat Man with Catherine Harris fallowed with Lady Kazann trailing the field. The four horses mantained their positions to the three quarters of the race, Harris pulled Fat Man to the outside of the field. But form nowhere came Lady Kazann. Atkinson moved up to the outside to try to take over the field. Into the streatch they came, it was Valliant Filly on the inside, Canvas Back Blue on the outside. Three wide, came Lady Kazann and Atkinson! It was Lady Kazann by a nose, Valliant filly by a neck for second and Canvas Back Blue third. Fishing a close fourth was Fat Man and Harris.

This marks the fist lifetime win of Lady Kazann, that mile going in 2:14.3.

1st Lady Kazann, Atkinson
2nd Valliant Filly, Pollack
3rd Canvas Back Blue, Culliever
4th Fat Man, Harris

Berea, Ohio, was the next destination for the Racing Under Saddle Riders & Owners Association. A horse field hit the track to try to have a chance at the $750. purse. From the one hole would be Themusicofthenight, with Debbie Stocker in the irons. From the two hole was Radiant Chip, guided by Elaine Elmore. From the three hole was Canvasback Blue with Lorraine Cuvelier. From the four hole was Dare To Cross with Jamie Coffy in the saddle. Finishing the field of horses would be Revenge Time with Maria Waters in the irons.

The starting gate flew into the streatch and the driver said go! They where off! To the top went Radiant Chip, behind him was Themusicofthenight. On the outside third was Revenge Time. Settling in fourth was Canvasback Blue, trailing the field was Dare To Cross. Waters, guided Revenge Time into the third position on the rail at the quarter pole. At the half Coffy pulled Dare To Cross to the outside and took over the fourth place position. And down the streatch they came. Themusicofthenight pulled to the outside and tried to challenge Radiant Chip for the lead but it was all Radiant Chip for the win, Themusicofthenight for second. There was a battle for third place but it was Dare To Cross for third, Revenge Time for fourth, and Canvasback Blue for fifth.

The mile went in 2:10

1st Radiant Chip, Elmore
2nd Themusicofthenight, Stocker
3rd Dare To Cross, Coffy
4th Revenge Time, Waters
5th Canvasback Blue, Cuvelier

A special "Thank You", goes out to President Bridgett Nappi, who gave out $25.00 gift certificates to Northfield Tack Shop to the top three finishers in this race.

Norwalk, Ohio, was the setting for the next RUS race. The race boasted a seven horse field, with one new horse. This also marked the first official race to have a trailer, or a horse that followed behind the one or two horse.

They all moved in behind the gate, the gate moved into the stretch, and they where off! To the front went Boomerang Ben with his rider, Bridgett Nappi. Stocker and Themusicofthenight, where parked on the outside. Revenge Time and Waters moved in to close the gap and sat third on the inside. Dare To Cross set in fourth, Valiant Filly, and Pollack set in fifth. While Max Kister, with Harris in the irons, and Secret Menace and Cuvelier trailed the field.

The front end battle continued to the half where Coffy pulled Dare To Cross to try and take over the third place position. On to the top went Themusicofthenight almost took over the lead but could not clear. Nappi and Boomerang Ben held on to the lead and Themusicofthenight settled in for a two hole trip to the three quarters. Valiant Filly snuck in to take over the fourth place posion. Revenge TIme was parked on the outside. Dare To Cross moved back to the fifth place position.

And down the stretch they came. Revenge Time chased after Boomerang Ben, while Themusicofthenight and Dare To Cross struggled to catch up with the pair. It was all Boomerang Ben at the wire with Revenge Time finishing a close second. Themusicofthenight holding on to third, and Dare To Cross finishing fourth. Max Kister nosed in for fifth. Valiant Filly finished sixth, and Secret Menace finished seveth.

The mile went in 2:09.4. This marks a first lifetime win for Boomerang Ben. He is owned, ridden and trained by Bridgett Nappi.

1st Boomerang Ben, Nappi
2nd Revenge Time, Waters
3rd Themusicofthenight, Stocker
4th Dare To Cross, Coffy
5th Max Kister, Harris
6th Valiant Filly, Pollack
7th Secret Menace, Cuvelier

Painsville, Ohio, drew five riders and horses to race under saddle. The riders where all in behind the gate, the gate flew into the stretch and they where OFF! Dare To Cross, and Coffy nosed out for the lead, but Revenge Time and Waters quickly took over the lead. Secret Menace and Pollack settled in third. They where followed by Max Kister with Harris in the irons, and Canvasback Blue with Sheleen Rodebaugh. To the half they went all in a row, maintaining their positions. At the three quarters the action was on! Coffy pulled Dare To Cross to go on as Pollack and Secret Menace where coming onto the outside. Harris and Max Kister where charging in the inside. Waters tipped her whip at Revenge Time and he was off! It was all Waters and Revenge Time. Dare To Cross finished second, third was Secret Menace. A battle for fourth was won by Max Kister and Harris, finishing fifth was Rodebaugh and Canvasback Blue.

The was the first lifetime win of Revenge Time. The mile was the fastest of the season going in 2:07.

1st Revenge Time, Waters
2nd Dare To Cross, Coffy
3rd Secret Menace, Pollack
4th Max Kister, Harris
5th Canvasback Blue, Rodebaugh

A congradulations goes out to all of those who have won or placed in the races so far this season. It takes the efforts of many to get to the track, and to have these races. Everyone who has participated in the races should feel like a winner. It takes a special person to have the skill and patience to ride in these races. A RUS rider should consider theirselves as one of the few and proud.

In upcomming events, Promotions Director announces that a race at Raceway Park in Toledo, OH is being discussed. We are planning on the race being in early October. Everyone is to be responsible for at least two sponsors by the end of this season. There will be year end awards, a date for that has not yet been set.

Anne Loiselle
United States Trotting Association
Administrator, Standardbred Equestrian Program
750 Michigan Ave.
Columbus OH 43215-1191
ph: 614-224-2291
fx: 614-224-4575

We hope to see you at this years races. Just remember GRAB THE REINS & RIDE!

"What is Racing Under Saddle?"

Racing Under Saddle is an event created by the United States Trotting Association. It came to the US in 1995 and started as a series known as the "Boots and Saddles". It is an event where Standardbred race horses race one mile Under Saddle, and must stay in their gait (trot/pace).

RUS, is very exciting for the rider, owner, horse, and spectator. It is becoming more competitive every day. It is the easiest and most exciting part of racing to become involved with. If you would like more information, feel free to contact one of the above members.

DOVER,20000924,8,09        TUSCARAWAS COUNTY AGRI SOC  RACE DATE:   09/24/2000
RACE: 09       TYPE: FAIR                 CLASS: RUS                GAIT: DOUBL
PURSE:       700  TRACK COND: GOOD     TIME: 0:32.0 - 1:03.4 - 1:34.1 - 2:06.0
                                                            -- TIME --
    HORSE NAME      POST  1/4  1/2  3/4 STRETCH   FINISH    ACTUAL  LQ   ODDS
WELCOME BACK          2    1    1    1    1/H      1/NK     2:06.0 31.4 NB
FIVE POCKET           1    2    2   2p    2/H      2/NK     2:06.0 31.4 NB
DARE TO CROSS         4    3    3    3    3/10H    3/5      2:07.0 31.2 NB
THIS BUDDYS FOR M     5    4    4    4    4/DIS    4/DIS                NB
FAT MAN               3    5    5    5    5/DIS    5/DIS                NB

RACE NUMBER 01A     Mile in:2:08.4
RACE DATE:    09/04/2000
PURSE:  $1,000 ADDED 
1st  DARE TO CROSS             JAMIE COFFY 
2nd  NUKE ON                   CHRISTINA RUSSELL
5th  LADY KAZZAN               BILLY ATKINSON 

RACE NUMBER 4A Mile in 2:07.2
PURSE:  $1,000 ADDED
1st  FIVE POCKET               ELAINE ELMORE 
3rd  U DREAMER                 CHRISTINA RUSSELL

GREEN,20000824,8,07        DARKE CTY AGRI SOCIETY      RACE DATE:   08/24/2000
RACE: 07       TYPE: FAIR                 CLASS: RUS                GAIT: DOUBL
PURSE:       700  TRACK COND: GOOD     TIME: 0:33.0 - 1:05.0 - 1:37.3 - 2:10.0
                                                            -- TIME --
    HORSE NAME      POST  1/4  1/2  3/4 STRETCH   FINISH    ACTUAL  LQ   ODDS
DARE TO CROSS         3    4    4    2    1/NS     1/6H     2:10.0 32   NB
U DREAMER             4   1p    1    1    2/NS     2/6H     2:11.1 33.3 NB
VALIANT FILLY         1    2    2    3    3/12     3/18     2:13.3 34   NB
NUKE ON               2    3   3X    4    4/DIS    4/24     2:14.4      NB

PAIN ,20000819,8,13        LAKE COUNTY AGRI SOCIETY    RACE DATE:   08/19/2000
RACE: 13       TYPE: FAIR                 CLASS: RUS                GAIT: DOUBL
PURSE:     1,050  TRACK COND: GOOD     TIME: 0:33.0 - 1:05.4 - 1:38.0 - 2:07.0
                                                            -- TIME --
    HORSE NAME      POST  1/4  1/2  3/4 STRETCH   FINISH    ACTUAL  LQ   ODDS
REVENGE TIME          3    1    1    1    1/2      1/5Q     2:07.0 29   NB
DARE TO CROSS         2    2    2    2    2/2      2/5Q     2:08.0 29.4 NB
SECRET MENACE         1    3    3    3    3/10     3/16     2:10.1 31.3 NB
MAX KISTER            4    4    4    4    4/20     4/32     2:13.2 34   NB
CANVASBACK BLUE       5    5    5    5    5/DIS    5/33T    2:13.4      NB

NWLK ,20000814,8,07        HURON COUNTY AGRI SOCIETY   RACE DATE:   08/14/2000
RACE: 07       TYPE: FAIR                 CLASS: RUS                GAIT: DOUBL
PURSE:       750  TRACK COND: GOOD     TIME: 0:33.1 - 1:06.0 - 1:39.1 - 2:09.4
                                                            -- TIME --
    HORSE NAME      POST  1/4  1/2  3/4 STRETCH   FINISH    ACTUAL  LQ   ODDS
BOOMERANG BEN         2    1    2    1    1/1H     1/1      2:09.4 30.3 NB
REVENGE TIME          4    3    4   3p    2/1H     2/1      2:10.0 30.4 NB
THEMUSICOFTHENIGH     5   2p   1p   2p    3/3H     3/2T     2:10.2 31.1 NB
DARE TO CROSS         1    4   3p    5    4/4      4/3H     2:10.2 29.3 NB
MAX KISTER            6    6    6    6    6/6T     5/13     2:12.2 31   NB
VALIANT FILLY         7    5    5    4    5/4T     6/13     2:12.2 32   NB
SECRET MENACE         3    7    7    7  X7X/8Q     7/27T    2:15.2 33.4 NB
   8/02 Race #: 9 Sz:  Dst:1 Gait:- Class:RUS        Strtrs: 4 Prs:      $700

    1     SECRET MENACE      P85477  TBA                          $0
    2     U DREAMER          N24116  TBA                          $0
    3     DARE TO CROSS      N71679  TBA                          $0      L
    4     NUKE ON            K25631  TBA                          $0

   8/02 Race #:10 Sz:  Dst:1 Gait:- Class:RUS        Strtrs: 4 Prs:      $700

    1     CANVASBACK BLUE    JD0038  TBA                      
    2     VALIANT FILLY      MA0860  TBA                          $0
    3     FAT MAN            GF2104  TBA                          $0
    4     LADY KAZANN        RH9251  TBA          
GOSH ,20000703,8,06        HISTORIC TRACK              RACE DATE:   07/03/2000
RACE: 06       TYPE: FAIR                 CLASS: RUS                GAIT: DOUBL
PURSE:     1,750  TRACK COND: FAST     TIME: 0:35.0 - 1:10.0 - 1:42.3 - 2:12.2
                                                            -- TIME --
    HORSE NAME      POST  1/4  1/2  3/4 STRETCH   FINISH    ACTUAL  LQ   ODDS
DARE TO CROSS         2   1p    1    1    1/Q      1/2Q     2:12.2 29.4 NB
FAT MAN               3    4    4   2p   2X/Q     X2/2Q     2:12.4 29.3 NB
THIS BUDDYS FOR M     1    2   3p    3    4/6T     3/10H    2:14.2 31.1 NB
CANVASBACK BLUE       4   3p  2pp    4    3/6Q     4/11H    2:14.3 30.3 NB
BER  ,20000808,9,06        CUYAHOGA CTY AGRI SOCIETY   RACE DATE:   08/08/2000
RACE: 06       TYPE: FAIR                 CLASS: RUS                GAIT: DOUBL
PURSE:       750  TRACK COND: GOOD     TIME: 0:31.0 - 1:03.0 - 1:37.0 - 2:10.0
                                                            -- TIME --
    HORSE NAME      POST  1/4  1/2  3/4 STRETCH   FINISH    ACTUAL  LQ   ODDS
RADIANT CHIP          2    2    2    1    1/HD     1/2      2:10.0 33   NB
THEMUSICOFTHENIGH     1    3    3    2    2/HD     2/2      2:10.2 33.2 NB
DARE TO CROSS         4    5    4    4    4/4H     3/7      2:11.2 33.2 NB
REVENGE TIME          5    1    1    3    3/4      4/7H     2:11.2 34.1 NB
CANVASBACK BLUE       3    4    5    5    5/16H    5/29T    2:16.0 35.3 NB
Our fist official race of the season was at Historic Track, Goshen, NY. "The Cradle of the Trotter," as it is better known. Goshen, both welcomes and celebrates the RUS event. Four dedicated Buckeye's and their "grooms," set forth to race in the RUS event. Even the 9 hour trip did not damper their spirits.

As the four horses went to the starting gate the crowd quieted with anticipation.

From the one hole was This Buddy's For Me with Sheleen Rodebaugh in the irons. Out of the two hole would be Dare To Cross, with Jamie Coffy in the saddle. From the three hole would be Catherine Harris, and Fat Man. And lastly, from the four hole would be Canvas Back Blue with Lorrane Cuvelier guiding.

The pacer's settled all in behind the gate, the gate flew into the stretch and they where OFF! To the front went Rodebauh, with This Buddy's For Me, but Dare To Cross made and early 1/4 move into the first turn and took over the leading position. Canvas Back Blue was parked third on the outside with Fat Man on the rail fourth. They all settled in.

At the half the crowd went wild as Rodebaugh pulled This Buddy's For Me, and Cuviler went chasing after her on the outside to try and take over the lead. With a burst of speed Dare To Cross took off to keep control of the race. Harris urged Fat Man on to close the gap, and take over the second place position. And into the turn they went it was still Dare To Cross with a good length lead. At the 3/4 Fat Man made a bold move to the outside. It was a race to the wire. Dare To Cross on the inside, Fat Man on outside. The crowd drew to their feet urging their favorite on. It looked like it was going to be Fat Man, but he miss stepped lost stride. And it was all Dare To Cross at the wire. Fat Man for a close second, This Buddy's For Me third, and Canvas Back Blue for fourth. The mile went in 2:12.2 with a last 1/2 in 1:02.2.
