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Unfortunately, the clearing Snowflake originally took you to is no longer empty. Not one, but two kartyn'dyrysose look up at you as you enter, though they don't appear to be very violent critters. One, however, has the long ears of a buck, and the three bucks you met earlier weren't quite friendly.

The buck is the one to address you first. "'Ullo?"

You scuff your foot on the ground and glance over your shoulder. If you sprinted, you could possibly make it back to Gentlestrength and Snowflake before the buck attacked your ankle or something. Maybe.

"Can you not speak?"

"Er, yeah, sorry. I'm... Uh, I'm visiting the island."

"Oh, a guest!" This time the doe speaks up, tail wagging excitedly. "I love guests. You always have the most interesting stories to tell!" They both grin up at you, big blue eyes blinking innocently. You relax. The little fluffballs surely can't mean you any harm.

"I heard from a visitor once," the doe continues, turning to face her companion, "that she'd ridden on this big wooden thing in the water. Like a log, only hollowed out, and really really big. She called it a... um... bo... shi..."

Earth culture is something that you're familiar with, at the very least. "Boat? Ship?"

"Yeah, a boatship!" The doe hops around, beaming. "A boatship! And just floated along like it was nothing."

The buck flicks one of his ears, eyeing the female skeptically. "Aw, that's nothing. Heck, I could walk on water with the right amount of magic."

"But that's just it!" If it's possible, the doe's eyes widen even more. "She didn't even know how to use magic!"

The male scoffs. "Must've been enchanted by someone else, then," he mutters, obviously not convinced. You grin despite yourself.

"Would you like to hear more about Earth?" Both dyrysose immediately focus their attention back on you, and you tell them about cars and televisions, computers and the internet, airplanes and spaceships.

The doe turns out to be a very good listener, staring silently at you with ears folded down. The buck, on the other hand, doesn't take your information quite so well, muttering comments every now and then about magic and humans and hah! moving images--not impressive. Anyone with half a brain can scry on a pool, after all.

"I think it's time we leave," he finally announces, and he turns and trots down the path. After realizing that his companion isn't following, he glares at her over his shoulder and coughs a not-so-subtle hint.

"Oh! Um." The doe stares at you for a few more moments. "Er--come again soon, okay? I want to hear more stories! Just ask for us--oh, wait, I'm Newinnocence and that's my mate, Iridescentprayer, he's really very sweet but he's just cranky today--typical male, you know, doesn't like to look like he doesn't understand something." She flashes a roguish grin, then quickly hops off after Iridescentprayer.

"I'll be seeing you!"

Left to your own devices once more, you wait a few moments and then continue down the path after them. After all, you really don't see any other option.

Name: Iridescentprayer Newinnocence
Gender: Male Female
Age: Adult Adult
Sire: Iceshielder Emberthief
Dam: Faithhealer Lostfaith
Birth Denn: BrokenShards Denn ExileHaven Denn
Mate/Denn: PureInnocence Denn PureInnocence Denn
Offspring: None None
From: Kartyn'dyryso Forest Kartyn'dyryso Forest