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Coastsparkler leads you on, pausing at one of the many clearings and sniffing the air. "Wait right here, human. I need to go see--" Whatever she was going to say is cut short, for a gray blur passes over her and she's soon out of your vision. You spin around to find her, panicking without your guide, and find her rolling across the ground with another of her kind leaping madly around her, yelping and yapping.

"I GOT YOU! I GOT YOU! YES INDEED I GOT YOU SO BAD YOU ARE SO TOTALLY MINE OH YEAH THAT MEANS I'M WINNING NOW YOU'RE GETTING SLOW YOU OLD FOGEY HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I GOT YOU!" She ducks down low in a play bow, tongue lolling and rear wiggling in the air. "ComeonnowhurryandgetupIdon'thaveallday!"

Coast staggers slowly to her feet when she finally comes to a stop, turning and glaring at the jade-eyed doe. "You would so be in trouble if there weren't a visitor here."

"Visitor?" The grey perks, leaping to her feet and turning a complete 180 in the air to face you. "Visitor!" Chirp!

"This is Cloudpouncer," Coast explains as she casually sidles back over to you. "She's a little, uh, excitable. Much like I was several years ago." She beams down at her protege, and Cloud hesitantly wags her tail. Suddenly, she brightens.

"WaitrighthereI'llgogetIce! YESTHAT'SAGREATIDEA!!!" Before you know it she's bounded back off through the clover.

You and Coast exchange helpless glances, Cloudpouncer's loud calls of "Ice! Iiiiiiice! Ice?" sounding back to you. A buck soon pads down the path ahead, stiffening at the sight of you but relaxing when he spies Coast.

"Hello?" he greets, giving your companion a confused look and flicking one ear in the direction of Cloud's calls. ("WHERE ARE YOU?!")

This buck is white like the one you met before--Soulsong--but he's certainly not albino. His eyes, for one, are a calm blue and remarkably kind, and when the light plays against his fur it bounces back in every possible hue. One golden loop is pierced through his left ear, and you notice that they seem a little tattered around the edges. He raises one of his eyebrows, noting your inspection, but doesn't comment.

"I suppose you'll be wanting to see the others?" It's more of a statement than a question, and he's already turned around, head still tilted over his shoulder, waiting. Coast gives a nod and nudges at your leg.

"Iceshielder will take you to meet the rest of his denn, and perhaps you'll meet a few others beside. I need to be heading back." She gives you an encouraging smile and trots back down the path from whence you came, humming cheerfully to herself. Seems the visit with Cloud lifted her spirits.

Ice doesn't move during your conversation with Coastsparkler, and when he has your attention once more, he starts down the path.

Name: Cloudpouncer Iceshielder
Gender: Female Male
Age: Adult Adult
Sire: Wild Wild
Dam: Wild Wild
Birth Denn: Unknown Unknown
Mate/Denn: BrokenShards Denn BrokenShards Denn
Offspring: None Iridescentprayer
From: Kartyn'dyryso Forest Kartyn'dyryso Forest