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The P51 in AirWarrior
The P51, arguably the plane that defeated the Germans and possibly the best prop fighter in WWII, the fastest in AirWarrior, above 1200, the Ki-84 "Frank" is the fastest at low alts. Thanks to Puf19 for the update, ya wanna learn the stang hook up with Puf19, Tumor, or J_A_B!!!
1. Use BnZ tactics (boom and zoom), Make us of the Stangs ability to dive and stay fast.
2. Do NOT turn fight!
3. Make long extending loops or yo-yos (for examples of each see above link to AW tactics.
4. Get Alt

What the Air Warrior Manuals say about the P51
"Very often new players, familiar with the Mustang of legend are dismayed when they fly the plane in Air Warrior.
"Many of the Mustang's fundamental qualities such as its splendid high altitude performance and enormous range, do not come into play in the Air Warrior Arena. Fights above 20k are rare.
"It is the fastest prop fighter in the Game. One of the most durable, the P51 carries alot of ammo and holds its lethality through 70% of its ammo load! It's speed also makes it an unstoppable dive bomber.
"Fly the Mustang with patience and use it strictly as a boom and zoom energy fighter. It was in this sort of fighting that the Mustang earned the legendary reputation it so thoroughly deserves."