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Yankee Quotes:
"There could be a kid who is seeing me for the first time or last.I owe him my best."
Joe DiMaggio

"We may not have the best players, but we certianly have the best team."Joe Torre

"They may say it's the greatest team ever, but you'll get arguments from the great Yankee teams-the '27 Yankees, the Yankee teams thats won five World Series in a row(1949-53).But absolutely, I think you have an argument for this being the greatest team".
Reggie Jackson

"I didn't exactly point to any spot.All i wanted to do was give the thing a rise out of the park. I used to pop off a lot about hitting bombers".Babe Ruth

"When you go through thing with the same core of people, you never lose faith in them.And Joe[Torre]dosen't forget. That's a credit to him and what he's brought to this team".
Paul O'Neill

"Whether I beat Ruth's record or not is for others to say.But it gives me wonderful feeling to know that I'm the only man on history to hit 61 home runs. Nobody can take that away.Babe Ruth was a big man in baseball, amybe the biggest ever. I'm not saying I am of his caliber, but I'm glad to say I hit more than he did in a season".Roger Maris

"My mom raised me to be independent. She taught me to speak my mind. She believed in me just like I am".Davis Wells

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