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Saint Ignatius Loyola
Hicksville, New York
Est. 1859

Today is


'All for the
 Glory of God'



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Parish's  150th Anniversary

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Lighthouse Catholic Media




Ministry of Consolation
Pamela Flanagan

Bring forth the caring presence of the community by providing support to the bereaved. As a Companion, you attend the wake service and assist the family in completing the forms needed by the parish. Greeters attend the funeral mass, distribute leaflets to the mourners and act as general troubleshooters during mass. Computer persons prepare the mass leaflets prior to mass.   Members of this ministry have the ability to interact with persons under stress and have warm compassionate personalities.  They are available on short notice for varying lengths of time. 


Pre-Cana Facilitators
James and Agnes Quinn

Married couples host and meet with engaged couples in a small group setting, assisting them on reflecting on their relationship and in preparing them for the Sacrament of Marriage.  Training provided. Enrichment and social opportunities. 


RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)
Deacon George A. Mais, Jr.

Assist those considering becoming baptized members of the Catholic Church or those who have been baptized and have not received the sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation.  The team meets with those interested on Sunday mornings after the 9:30am Mass to discuss the Sacred Scriptures and the truths and teachings of the Church.

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date last changed: 12/09/2010
Copyright 2009 Saint Ignatius Loyola Parish, Hicksville, New York.  All rights reserved.