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For A Logo To Use When Making Flyers For Shows - CLICK HERE

The final touches are being put on the new EP as of now. All the music and vocals have been recorded and right now we are in the mastering stages. Once the songs are completed they will be available for download on the site and, they will also be available for free at our shows, or any local shit we're at.

Recording for the first EP has begun today. The tracking will go on for the next couple of days, followed by mixing. The songs being recorded are
"The Guided"
Be on the look out for free discs at our shows and other local events. Keep checking back here for updates on the currently untitled EP.

There has been a change in dates for the Hilton Battle Of The Bands to March 11th. The show will be sponsored by The House Of Guitars and The Nerve. It will be open to the public as opposed to students only, so come down and represent. If you need directions to Hilton High School, get ahold of us, or go to and look it up. Out.

Another show update. . .April 4th @ The Steel Music Hall a show is being set up with Saige, Delusional Spell, Merlot, and one TBA. Keep checking back for updates on this show.

Huge news!!! Mike Bassett has filled the bass duties. The songs will finally be fully completed. A show is already in the works for March 21st @ The Penny Arcade with, Dog Fashion Disco, Inner Fury, and Blind Identity. It is time to come back to the scene!

Yet another writing update. We have finished up another song entitled "Layers". For now the writing process will continue, and work on a cover song as well. Again a quick note if you or anyone you know plays bass and is interested in joining, drop us an e-mail or sign the guestbook. Thanks, Peace.

A few pictures are up under the images section. They are older pictures, just giving you something to look at untill we get new ones. A bunch of new links were put up as well. Check out the many Rochester Rock / Metal pages being made to help promote the local scene. Till Next Time. . .

New and final layout for the site has been updated. The majority of the pages have been posted. Images and media will be posted as we get them. Hope everyone enjoys the new site.

As we search for a bass player, and prepare to come back out into the scene we have been busy writing material. We now have five completed songs, and many on the way. The finished songs have the tentative titles including. . .
"The Guided"
"The Kinfe Stands Strong"
"Like The Rest"

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