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>Funny Misc. Things<

Pros and Cons of being a Damned Daybreaker
1- You get the satisfaction of being on the side of Good
2- Friends
3- Your Soulmate
4- You get to hang out at Thierry's mansion
5- You'll be a martyr if you die
6- You get to risk your life to save idiots who deserved what they would have gotten
1- You don't get the power the Night Worlders will have after they end the human world
2- No Human Slaves after the Final Battle
3- You'll be hunted by the Night World
4- You'll be disinherited and disowned by your rich and powerful great great-great-great grandfather
5- You'll probably die, but not before you're painfully interogated
6- See Pro # 6

Hunter Redfern's List Of Things To Do
1. Search for a new Heir.
2. Kill embarassing vermin-loving great great great great grandchildren
3. Get a snack, maybe a four-year old
4. Search for Wild Powers
5. Write new speech about rivers of blood,ect.ect.

1 Wild Power. Must be
male, 17, of the
Harman line, preferably
part shapeshifter
Call 1-800-DAY-BREAK

How to create the Perfect NW-style Soulmate in FIVE Easy Steps!
I. Pick a relationship type:
(a)Opposites Attract Passionately (b)Fiery (c)Friendly (d)Nothing Can Keep Us Apart (e)I Love You But I'm Committed To Someone else
II. Pick a personality type:
(a)Sensitive Poet (b)Carefree, but Bad Party Boy (c)Aloof Prince (d)the Bestfriend (e)I Don't Know What I See In Him
III. Pick a species:
(a)Shapeshifter/Werewolf (b)Human (c)Halfbreed (d)Vampire (e)Witch
IV. Pick a hair color:
(a)golden blonde (b)red (c)white blonde (d) black (e) brown
V. Pick an eye color:
(a) brown (b)grey (c)blue (d)green (e) hazel


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