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The Journey Reunion Home Page
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You may have known Journey by one of the following names:

Journey-Alert, Inc.

The Journey Community

The Journey Store

The Journey Farm

The Journey School

Naoussa Restaurant

From 1969 to 1979 I was part of an organization known as Journey. Between 1973 and 1979, it was also called The Journey Community. Journey was also a non-profit corporation, with the official name of Journey-Alert, Inc.

Perhaps you too were involved, or knew someone who was. Many wonderful people passed through

Button from a Journey event c. 1971
Journey during the decade of its existence. Unfortunately, I've lost contact with most of you. For some time now, I've thought that it would be nice to reconnect with my old friends and find out how you're doing. Maybe exchange an e-mail or two, maybe more. Perhaps you feel the same.

Lauren & Eric, on the farm, c. 1977   Lauren drives the tractor on The Journey Farm

I created this website so former members of Journey who wish to, can find and communicate with other Journey alumni with whom they've lost contact. On the left is a guestbook or registry, where you can share some basic information about yourself, and add any comments you think appropriate.
Work on this website is ongoing. Eventually, I hope to add more photos, memorabilia and reminiscences. I'm sure it will evolve over time as input from others is incorporated. If you have suggestions as to what you'd like to see here, please send me an e-mail with your ideas at the address below. I will do what I can to accommodate your suggestions. And, by all means, check back every once in a while to see how this page is coming along.

I look forward to renewing our acquaintance online. -- Eric Cohen