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Hi there, welcome to the EMHS Class of '71 Data Base. If you were part of the class of '71 you might remember me, Jeffrey Rosen, the red headed lad who vended at Yankee, Shea, and the Garden, and spent all my money at Roosevelt Raceway Well now, 35 yrs later, I'm 52 with a wife Rosemary and a 9 yr old son Arthur and a two year old Eric. I retired in 2002 as a sergeant with the NYPD and worked for a short time at Citibank. I now supplement my police pension as a letter carrier (mailman) in Great Neck. It's a lousy job but all that walking has to be good for my health at 52. Three years ago I was calling helicopters to shooting sites, now I make sure everyone gets their Pennysaver!!! (Anyway, no job is that bad when you have a good pension to fall back on and could curse out your boss and quit at any time!!!)

With Classmates and the other alumni sites now charging money to get everyone's email addresses this could be a good site to post your email address and find others. I will try to get this onto some search engines so that if someone just enters East Meadow 71 into a search engine they will get this link.

If you would like to have your email address in our data bank please send me a short email to with your name (including maiden name girls), where you live now, and a short paragraph about yourself. As my life doesn't revolve around this site it may take a couple of days to put it in the site. OK, so my life does revolve around it!!! Also, East Meadow grads from other classes are welcome to add their name, however if you never heard of Newbridge Ave, Salisbury Park, or Dave Shors, you are too damn young!!! :) Please put your class down and I'll put you in a separate section!!! Also if you know any other EM Grad, please let them know as word of mouth will help the data base grow.

Make sure you all check this link to the East Meadow High School Alumni Assn. at which is the site that gave me the idea to do this site. There are links to other EMHS classes there.

EMHS Class of 1971 Email Data Base

EMHS Alumni of Other Years

Site started 6/13/03, Last updated 7/4/06