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My Writings


"The Last of Light"

She had dark brown eyes... she was drowning in lies from her friends and kin... she felt like a walking sin. Though she looked in the mirror one day and instead of seeing a hopeless dream... She saw nothing. Nothing at all. She looked down into the hole and seen a pool of tears. Tears that reflected upon the past and grasped the present... Giving a death warning into the future. She seen the scars and wounds in her mind. She didn't feel as though they were her own. She felt as though there was someone inisde of her. Someone who wouldn't let go. Indeed there was, it was herself... herself from the long ago past. A quick glance up at the sun and then she turned away into the shadows. "That will be the last time," she sighed "that I would see the sun." She walked into the darkness and weeped into the thick air, only to have those woes to be swallowed by the nothingness. She made a vow never again to show her face to another living soul. She stood on the top of the stairs and looked down to the side. She had set up the daggar and swords, pointing straight up to the Heavens above. Gleaming in the bare light... reflecting onto the chimes in her eyes. She took one step forward and fell to her death, each point making her body their sheath. The blood ran cold and flowed onto the white carpet, staining it with the vast amount of blood. What was once white is now black. Her dark brown eyes stared into the black and her pupils dismounted to almost nothing. Nothing... just as the person she was.


A white glow and the softest whisper. Such a warm touch, you can mend a broken heart. In your arms is the safest place to be, and that's where I would love to be.

Angel is your name. Love is what you give. You let people know there's a reason to live.

I need to feel your warm embrace, just to see your sweet of grace. Longing to be in your presence and tell you how much you've changed how I feel.

Angel is what they call you. Kindness is what you give. You let people know there's a reason to live.

An inspiration to all, every breath and every heartbeat. The beauty of Heaven is what you stand for. Being able to strengthen and heal, puring the heart.

Angel, I hope you know your talents are always appreciated. Always cherished and treasyred. You're such a precious gem to me. You let me know there's a reason to live.

"Fall of Smiling Souls"

Dark spaces and empty faces, some of life's forgotten spaces.

The feeling of bliss forever gone, children chant the death song.

It's like the world has frozen in time...

...your soul is now mine.


Darkness for eternity.

Every moment matters not.

All life slows to an end.

These dreams begin to rot.

Hatred reigns.

"In Love"

I'm a daydreamer, a nightdreamer, a silent screamer. I am the dreamer of a love and the lover of a dream. Visions run through my head of happy souls and mended hearts. It's what I've always hoped for. I see you sitting there like an Angel straight from Heaven's gates. Take me to your world and show me your purest love. I want to feel your warm touch and your sweet embrace. Are these words mine? I don't recall feeling this before. No, I know I have, and I like it. I feel free. Floating on a cloud and dancing in the breeze. Everything becomes just a vivid memory when I dream of you. My dreams of you help me to get through. Don't you know I'm in love with you? So hopelessly in love.


Look into the depth of my eyes, view the darkness of my mind and step into a world of confusion and disappointment. Catch a glimpse of your dead soul as you pass by bleeding hearts and open coffins. See my worst nightmares, they're becoming a part of you. Now you're infected with my dark insanity.

"A Glorious Tragic Day"

maybe there's a purpous for me,

some hope to let my mind be free.

dark thoughts fade,

and this has made

depression a neverending story.

maybe one day the clouds will break,

there's not much more of this I can take.

dark thoughts fade,

and this has made

me feel like me life's at stake.

broken hearts and broken dreams,

they all say it's just how it seems.

dark thoughts fade,

and this has made

tears flood rivers and streams.

"Longing for Loneliness"

I'm drifting away from this place...

so far, gone away.

Take my soul and set it free...

All alone, far away.

Clear my mind so I'll be solitary...

so far, gone away.

Make the clouds break and let sunshine in...

all alone, I want to be alone, so far away.


Steer into the light, you know the evil of the darkness will eat your soul. Let it get to you and all Hell will break lose. You say you don't care if you die, well you're body will be deminished but your sould will suffer. You'll forever be a permanent slave to his unkindness begging for his mercy only to feel more and more alone. Eventually your soul will become grey, it won't matter anymore and all you can do is bow to his feet and grant his every wish. You're not his only slave, he has many, but he treats every single one with the same carelessness and extreme lack of empathy. What's to do now? You're stuck for eternity. Stuck in a bind in which you will never untwine. The evil of the darkness has swallowed your soul and erased you from the memories of every one. you're his now. No escape... no escape... no escape.

*~~~~~~~~> This page is kind of empty at the moment, with only a few things posted... don't worry, I'll be posting many more of my writings on here soon (poems and short inserts)... so check back soon! :D