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CHURCH of GOD - Kingston, NY

DOCTRINES of the CHURCH - (c) 1984,1991 Clifford Catton

God's Church is identified by His name. This page will give you the true teachings from God to those called to eternal life. This is His voice crying out in the wilderness of sin & carnality. There is only ONE truth! YOU must repent to receive eternal life. HIS Church observes the Ten Commandments, the Saturday seventh day Sabbath, & the Feasts of Leviticus 23 (seven high sabbaths). The purpose of man is to obey God to prepare him (man) to become - GOD! Only those obeying Him seeking His ways will become God - part of God - sons of God - or Gods in the First or Second Resurrections, Rev.20:1-6, & 20:7-15. GOD is creating Himself, & this slow process is Him revealing to Himself His own creation, Colossians 1:16-17.

Someone chaanged this netsite using an older version. I had updated this site in Feb.2020. Because of COVID, I had no access to library computers as they were closed. Libraries reopened in Oct, but restricted use to one hour a week. Not much time to do anything except check e-mails & news. This site will be updated as soon as possible.

In Jesus' Name, Clifford Catton -

96 Clinton Ave.,Kingston, NY 12401-4981 - June 28, 1997.

(c) 1997,1998,1999,2000,2001,2003 Clifford Catton -Updated: Aug.7, 2021. See My Picture below in the links.


There is only ONE truth! These prophecies are based on one or more scripture verses & current events. They are general interpretation with no strict timeframe except to the essential 7 years of tribulation of the last week of Dan.9:27. Two important prophecies identify this period. The Temple is dedicated on Mt.Zion on the Feast of Trumpets which starts these seven years, Micah 4:1-2; & the world war of Rev.6:8 which marks the center or halfway point after which Rome rules the world for 3-1/2 years, Dan.12:11. Study to show thyself approved to God & to save your soul from the torments of this tribulation.
1. Iran conquers U.A.E., Kuwait, Qatar, Dan.7:5;& 8:3-4, c.2003
2. US alliance defeats Iran, Iraq & Sudan loosing many ships & bases, c.2004
3. Other nations & terrorists attack US shipping, citizens, & bases overseas & in the US causing US fleets to be removed from the Persian Gulf & the eastern Mediterranean; tens of thousands US citizens dead, c.2004.
4. US defeats Libya in war; chemicals used; some pirates captured, c.2004

The seven wars Israel fights BEFORE Rev.6:8 occurs are:

1. Israel defeats Palestinians in Gaza & Tyre, deporting them to Palestine after terrorist attacks (chemical-others) kill thousands.

c.2003, Amos 1:6-12; Ek.25:15-17.

2. Palestine & Jordan (Gilead) are conquered; Syria defeated; Israel reoccupies Palestine & occupies Gilead; thousands dead; hundreds of thousands of Palestinians deported to south Jordan, Amos 1:13-15.c.2004.

3. Palestine defeated; Jordan conquered; hundreds of thousands of Palestinians & Jordanians deported past Highway 15 in Jordan, Amos 1:13-15;& 2:1-3; Isa.11:14; Ek.25:8-14. c.2004.

4. Syria & Egypt defeated; some small land conquered; tens of thousands dead; Lebanon conquered to Beirut; c.2005.

5. UN Navy defeated with losses both sides; c.2005.

6. Syria conquered & Egypt defeated with nuclear weapons; Damascus obliterated; the Nile's course changed in seven places; millions dead; Britain & Saudi Arabia allies of Israel; Syrians carried captive to Saudi Arabia; hundreds of thousands Israeli dead, Amos 1:3-5. c.2006.

7. UN - Russian army of 2,000,000 (plus hundreds of planes & dozens of ships) annihilated by Israel in nuclear war; only 333,000 of this army escapes; most Israeli cities destroyed; 2/3rds population dead or die within 3-6 months; c.2007.

Note: When Rev.6:8 occurs, Israel is "conquered", the Roman armies are invited in to rescue the nation from Russia. These armies do defeat some Israeli opposition forces. Sacrifices in the Temple are continued for six more months until the Roman Emperor abolishes them on the Day of Atonement burning some of the priests alive on the altar with pigs.

After the US defeats Iran & Libya & suffers several terrorist attacks, US fleets are reduced by as many as 2-3. I have not completed my studies, but a small war with China & North Korea during this time would eliminate one US fleet, c.2003. Protection of the eastern Mediterranean & the Persian Gulf are left to Israel & Saudi Arabia. Actually, when Iran conquers much of the same territory again, it is a Greek Alliance of Greece, Poland, Belgium & Spain that defeats Turkey & Iran in a fast nuclear war, c.2005 This Greek army conquers from the Aegean Sea to Pakistan in about a month occupying their land for about a year. A conquest by Egypt of Crete, Rhodes & Cyprus using nuclear bombs to hold the people hostage forces Greek troops to withdraw from Turkey & Iran, c.2006. This sets off a series of battles & wars between Greece, the UN, Israeli & Roman Empire armies against Egypt (expanded by the peaceful alliance of Ethiopia) & (in one last war) Syria. The UN-Roman armies do conquer the Egyptian coasts, c.2006.

NEW! - China has been an enigma to me. God revealed to me the probable way He will judge, inspire & prepare the Chinese for the Satanic role they will play in the last two years of man's civilizations. China has about 2000 - 4000 nuclear weapons. Contrary to popular teachings of born-again & protestant religions, the 200 million man army of Rev.9:13-19 does NOT have nuclear weapons. What prevents this army from taking their nuclear bombs with them on their conquest of Asia is the conquest of China about 5-6 years before Gog sets out to punish the world. There are only TWO ways China would disarm its nuclear arsenal: 1.) by internal reform through peace or through a civil war; 2.) by a UN supported war that defeats & occupies their land. As President, I would offer to buy ALL of the Chinese nuclear enriched material & the enrichment equipment. I would help finance the conversion of their nuclear power plants to burn wood & waste. I would build ONE Cities for their people so they grow their own food instead of importing from nations that will soon need that food & the land it is grown on. I would negotiate a treaty with Russia to accommodate Chinese immigrants to Siberia after 2020 AD. And I would guarantee the national sovreignty of their great nation. NO politician offers these only solutions. Instead, ALL these "leaders" of the US commit TREASON by arming China with nuclear bombs & super computers & calling it trade. The ONLY thing they are hoping this TREASON will do is to inspire China to start a nuclear war with other Asian nations so the population "problem" is delayed for 10 or 20 years. This is INSANITY!!! As I said above, Chinese must be allowed to emmigrate - first to Russia by 2020 AD & then to Canada by 2050 AD; & then to Mars by 2080 AD!!!! Nuclear wars destroy the LAND as well as the people. But leaders will NOT do this. When their "little" war seems to succeed, the UN either occupies & seizes or the US buys ALL of this enriched material & nuclear bombs, or the Chinese dismantle their bombs themselves. This is why Gog has NO nuclear bombs. OR, Gog has the bombs but through a civil war, the codes are destroyed as well as the bomb making plants. The brimstone from the mouths of the lions' heads is NOT nuclear. These are actual "horses" NOT machines. US & European scientists flee to China to build these things. This 200 million man army kills about one billion.

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Church of GOD extends condolences to all whom have suffered from the WTC terrorist attacks which have killed about 3000 US citizens & 400 foreigners. The dead are in God's hands now. The living are subject to man's laws. Bush is still using restraint in this sitzkreig war, thou many innocent civilians have already died because of carelessness, at best. Even in certain escalation may he continue to honor mankind & God. Only the guilty should be punished!!! These flimsy towers should NOT have been built in the first place & were condemned by concerned citizens every step of their creation. Sane minds did not prevail. These attacks were anticipated in the 1970s, but I suppose the US bought off all who threatenned whether already CIA or not. Now we know these towers can NOT stand against 747s & 767s which were NOT legal to build for awhile, nor even regular aircraft, I am sure. They also can not endure earthquakes, flooding, tornadoes NOR small nuclear bombs. 55 years of US - TREASON has armed 80-100 nations with nuclear bombs- 11-15 are Moslem. This is one reason Iraq was not conquered in 1991. Saddam exploded radioactive bombs on US troops & threatenned to expode nuclear bombs if the US tried to capture Baghdad. Some of these bombs were given to Algeria, Libya, & Sudan in 1991. Up until Nov.1990, the US was arming Iraq. NY Times, April 29-01, A - "Document Reveals 1987 Bomb..."; Readers Digest, Jan.1998 - "Iraq's Bombs" Now, bombs can be built as small as soda cans & pens. Expect more terrorist attacks & deaths. In fact, Scripture warns that that is ALL the people of this generation can expect before Jesus returns to earth because THEY have rejected HIM. My sympathies to all. Be warned - REPENTENCE is the ONLY way to life. Do NOT reject the truth!!! Do NOT love lies! One last thing - Why did NOT the US Air Force in New Jersey intercept Flight 175, the second plane???!!! Why were not high powered rifles, stingers, etc. used to shoot the pilots of flight 175?!! THEY had 36 MINUTES!!

IRAQ CRISIS: Iraq has the potential to smuggle 1000 nuclear, chemical & biological bombs into the US. Is there a better reason to invade Iraq?! Iraq INVADED Kuwait in 1991. WHY do you think they won't invade the US?!! Clinton should respect human life, thou. God's CHURCH is against indiscriminate bombing of military (& civilian) targets. Clinton's war strategy should be simplified to TWO basic targets:(1.)- Fighting equipment- planes & cruise missiles should attack & destroy ONLY: 1.tanks; 2.jet fighters; 3. scud & other missiles & their launchers; 4. all helicopters; 5. artillery; (2.) mass destruction depots & manufacturing centers - NOT BY MISSILES - troops should be quickly ferried to each site (with air support to destroy all fighting equipment) to seize the mass destruction material. NO palaces need be destroyed. The material should be seized or secured (captured) so after the "war" it can be destroyed properly in the US or Iraq. This strategy should restore civilian life quickly with very few casualties. This should establish a better rapport with the Moslem world because of compassion for their people. US military casualties still should be light. AND - should not the US build fences along BOTH borders guarded by hundreds of thousands of National Guard & US troops to prevent Saddam or any of the other 99 nations with nuclear weapons from smuggling them into the US??!!

God created the impeachment process to punish a President who has ignored the well-being of the people. Many in society have scoffed at Clinton's promiscuous adulterous activities, which they claim is private. A President who is not morally sound in one aspect of life can not be trusted with the morality of the rest of life & the functions of a bureaucratic government. Does Clinton have morality in fulfilling his duties as President?!! Clinton lied to the public about his adulteries which he considers contemptuous & perfunctory. Does he also lie about other matters?!! Did Clinton wilfully ignore the borders of the US??!!! Is not BUSH??!! Iraq has been giving away its mass destruction weaponry to Libya, Algeria, Sudan, ???, since 1991!!! What is he (he is still a public figure)- they - doing to defend the US? A vial is easy to smuggle into the US. If drugs have not been stopped, how can small vials be stopped??!!! Did Clinton sell out Iraqi opposition groups in 1992 to the present?!!!!!! It is obvious he has!!! Will you become Moslem to prevent a Moslem terrorist attack or biological war? At the least, Clinton & Reno should be prosecuting those US companies that trade this sensitive technology to Iraq & its allies. But Clinton & Bush are not doing this. He is supporting & encouraging this illegal, absurd Satanic trade. Impeachment is the ONLY way to stop this TREASON!!! Tell your elected officials the same - IMPEACH Clinton & Bush & stop some of the TREASON.

(Clinton was impeached by the House for obstructing justice, but he was not convicted & removed from office for the more serious crime of TREASON. It is obvious now that Congress - Republicans & Democrats - are involved in this TREASON. Read NY Times Aug.1-98, front page - "IBM unit pleads guilty..." - to what in effect is TREASON. IBM sold 16 super computers to Russia's Arzemas 16 nuclear weapons manufacturing complex. This TREASON went unpunished - no IBM executives were prosecuted for TREASON. Congress was - and still is - SILENT - TREASON!! The Rosenbergs were executed for less serious TREASON. With these super computers, Russia is building SMALLER nuclear weapons which are easier to SMUGGLE into the US. This is TREASON which should be punished by DEATH of the IBM executives - DEATH!!)

Now the US has a new president, but the same old TREASON continues. Bush could have begun to defend the US by 1.restricting immigration (legal & illegal); 2.putting a more comprehensive overview of foreign students on visas; 3.creating three lanes of traffic over US coastal waters (12 miles) for ships and planes; 4.building an electronic fence along Mexico; 5. building two ONE Cities & the factories for them in Mexico; 6. exploding nuclear material in space as tests to intercept asteroids & meteors; & 7. ending arms sales to all nations. This is just a start. President Bush - for the sake of humanity - please end the TREASON & nuclear power!!!

These pages are (c)copyright 1997,1998,1999,2000, 2001,2003 - Clifford Catton.

POPULATION INCREASE: This planet will have nine billion people by 2020 AD. By 2050 AD, when most of today's young will be in their 60's or 70's, the planet will have 14 billion people! How will they be fed & sheltered?! Intense fertilization of the land is the ONLY way to feed all these people. Cities with their highrise buildings & tightly packed & asphalted housing will have to be stopped. Church of God (CG) supports a plan that starts with the poor & may extend to the middle class. CG calls this plan ONE Cities. It IS absolute & the only solution to poverty & human needs. CG wants the US government to build 50,000 homes each on its own acre of fertilized land in a self operated city of 80 square miles. Each ONE City will house about 100,000 people & can be built for about ONE billion dollars each. Each ONE Home will be built of reinforced concrete similar to that used to build the Berlin Wall. It will be 33'x30'x8' with no basement or second floor. The ONE Home will be on ONE Acre with fruit trees, lawn, a small field & a shed 15'x15'x8'; furniture will be provided free if the new occupant wants them, but some is standard & manditory. Each ONE City will have community clinics, inner city department stores, police, firefighters, public works, bus lines & terminal, government administrative offices & a medical center. Employees will be hired first from the poor,& then from outside the city. Building restrictions will apply to all ONE land & homes. The poor have permanent residency (but not ownership) until they are no longer poor. To qualify, a poor family must earn less than $20,000 a year & have less than $20,000 in assets. These ONE Cities are valuable US assets worth an estimated $14 billion each- retail. Cities can not expand - & should not expand- to accomodate the growing population. People need food. Small "farms" are the BEST defense against mass destruction attacks. Large farms are easy targets. This TREASON must end, & ONE Cities will help do that. See # <10> below.

JON BENET MURDER: The April 29, 1997 STAR magazine claims John Ramsey's business computers were loaded with child pornography & that state or federal agents trailed him to child pornography stores in Denver & Amsterdam, Netherlands. Why didn't the police & the DA act upon this evidence THEY found in THEIR investigation???!!! Now the grand jury (on Hunter's instructions?)has found no crimes. Tampering with evidence; obstruction of justice; purjury are not crimes?? It is time for a FEDERAL special prosecutor to investigate the Ramseys; the Denver police & the DA.

NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT: People are self-deceived into believing that disarmament has taken place. The enriched materials from any disarmed bombs STILL exist in storage areas ready to be used by the US military or to be bombed by the enemy. MOST religions of this world claim that this planet & ALL mankind end in ONE day by human or supernatural works. THEY are WRONG!!! It is THEIR religion that prevents true nuclear disarmament. The ONLY safe way to destroy nuclear material is to explode it at safe distances from the earth in SPACE. Nuclear is OBSOLETE!!! Nuclear has been OBSOLETE for 30 - 30 - years. As a write-in candidate for President in 1996 & in 2000, I proposed to the news media that ALL 500 US - ICBM's be exploded in SPACE to destroy the enriched uranium. Subsequently, the US military destroyed the missiles (claiming it was part of disarmament) so NEW rockets would have to be built to deliver these bombs into SPACE. This was just another blatant act to waste YOUR money to duplicate construction & to delay true nuclear disarmament. Nuclear disarmament DOES occur because JESUS rules on EARTH over mortals for 1000 years, Rev.20:1-6; Zech.14:4,8-11,16-19; Isa.65:17-25.

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For 40 years while I have lived in Kingston, NY, US Postal employees have been stealing my mail. Letters from family, friends, church members, churches, businesses, government offices & agencies, etc. have been stolen by some 30-40 US Postal employees here in Kingston. I estimate about 7000 first class letters addressed to me have been returned to senders; destroyed; sold; or taken home by these thieves. US Postal Inspectors covered up for them. I have no money to file lawsuits. This conspiracy has left me in poverty. If you have any of my stolen letters; communications on this thievery; or insights on this criminal enterprise, please write to me with a xerox of your document & e-mail a summary of your information.

GOD is a way of life that GOD has revealed to man through His Word - Jesus the Christ - & the Bible. The Word - Jesus - created all things. The Bible is His instruction book for mankind. ALL "my" prophecies; science insights; Gospel knowledge comes from the Bible & divine revelation. There is only ONE truth! The Bible is that Word of truth. The ONLY way to receive eternal life is to obey (attempt with all your strength) the Ten Commandments, Ex.20:1-17. They are the eternal LAW of God, Isa.45:7.

These pages are (c) copyright 1997,1998,1999,2000, 2001,2003 - Clifford Catton.

People deceive themselves into judging God according to other people's sins. If a leader sins, that is NOT the example to follow. DO NOT REJECT GOD BECAUSE OF SOMEONE ELSE'S SINS. Repent. Keep faithful to the commandments & the truth. Only those who are doing God's will - His LAW - are pleasing God. Our righteousness is to do His will, to obey the commandments which are love, which are life. This is the purpose of obeying His commandments - to receive LIFE, love - to love God. Have mercy on yourselves & obey God. There is a cause & effect to His laws. His laws give LIFE; they are LOVE. If you jump off a 20 story building, gravity will kill you. If you take too much drugs, your body will OD & kill you. The same is true of His commandments - the royal law. If you steal, eventually GOD - the LAW - will punish you. If you murder, eventually GOD will kill you. If you lie, eventually GOD will rebuke your lie & punish you. His laws are eternal. Repent & believe (obey), & receive LIFE.

For a free pamphlet - QUESTIONS - (a summary of many of the doctrines of the Church in question form) or BIBLE PROPHECY: First Lesson (prophecies)- write to me at the above address. For more Bible truths, visit my other homepages listed below.

Church of God would like to publish more literature on the truth, on true revelations to the Church, but the money has not been coming in. I NEED $3000 to put my works on microfiche. I NEED $2000 to safely store God's writings. Please send your tax-deductable donation to the above address to help publish these truths in print & on the internet. Thank you for your support & concern for mankind.

A QUICK NOTE on NOAH'S ARK: Church of God believes that Noah's Ark landed on Mt.Judi (Cudi) in Northern Iraq near the border with Turkey around 2437 BC. Cudi is a 6000-7000 foot mountain with some flat promenades. Historical evidence establishes many sightings of it over the centuries. Not anything of the Ark remains today!! Various peoples plundered its wood since then. When the Flood receded, the lower mountain tops nearby were seen. The mountains of Ararat & others could NOT be seen 200 miles away. After the dry land was seen, volcanic or earthquake activity pushed up the mountains of Ararat, which are volcanic. There was an earthquake under Ararat last century that destroyed a monastery made of hard wood that created the Ahora Gorge. Church of God believes an expedition should be made to Mt.Cudi & its environs to find the Ark's landing spot. Church of God can not finance this expedition, but we still pronounce its need. (The US military knew by the 1970s that Noah's Ark was not on Mt. Ararat.) We also will encourage until accomplished the building of an exact replica of the Ark at the base of Mt. Cudi as a memorial to prove to the world the actuality & truth of the Bible. An exact replica of the Ark should be built 7 towed out into the Baltic Sea or a similar place during the roughest season to prove the Ark could float & provide for Noah & the animals for 376 days. The Ark was viable; it did hold ALL those animals. THERE WAS A FLOOD!

Remember there was a greater flood BEFORE Noah. Read Gen.1:6-10!! That is a flood. We believe several floods occurred BEFORE God recreated the surface of the earth. This planet is about 12 billion years old. Melting ice ages caused various extensive or global floods destroying species but permitting some to remain on mountaintops to continue their existence. This planet has already reached a turning point with an end to flooding as promised by God, Gen.9:12-17.

Church of God believes that ALL the configurations of the continents & ocean floors were created by the Flood of c2437 BC. None of these geological formations were created by any ice age that may have occurred around 10,000 BC or before. Church of God believes NO ice age of any significance has occurred since 10,000 BC. The "established" scientific community has been deliberately WRONG for centuries. The planet's seven continents were created in 2437 BC. It was EGYPTIANS who populated the Americas & created the Indian tribes & civilizations. This is the true significance of the FLOOD - God's wrath against man.

NOAH'S ARK - HOW IT WORKED: The Ark had three levels with a central ramp. Larger animals were on the first level; smaller animals on the second floor; & birds, insects & reptiles on the third floor. There may have been an elevator at one end of the Ark from the central ramp; they worked by pulleys & weights. The first level had a corridor about 10' wide which went around the floor. In the center of the Ark on the east side was the only door in (10' wide, 15' high) through a 20' side hall that led into the main hall or corridor. Rooms on the east & west sides & the center rooms were 15' long. I believe the walls of the Ark were 2' thick with a ballast room of 2.5' wide around the Ark on each level. The floor of the first level was 5' thick. The ballast room was stored with hay, water & other supplies. The water emptied into troughs using an air pressure system & plug like a toilet watertank.

The second & third floors were patterned the same way. Each level has its own room where human & animal waste was composted & stored in empty ballast rooms to turn into soil. Perfume, lime & sand were added to the compost to speed decomposition & to reduce odor. Since this compost could be added into ballast rooms only from above, there was no composting in ballast rooms on the third level where extra hay & water was stored. Gas fumes from composting burned in lamps used in each stall to give light according to sunrise & sunset. Carts drawn by animals were used to bring special food to each stall & to remove waste every other day, except on the Sabbath. Each level had other rooms for storage of supplies & food. The eight humans lived on the second level (each couple had their own bedroom) sharing a dining room/kitchen, lounge/grooming room, greenhouse & bathroom with showers. Noah & his family did not lack anything except sunlight & fresh air.

I believe each stall had several trees & vegitation for oxygen as well as hay for their comfort & food. Some soil may have been used on some floors to grow ground cover that gives off a lot of oxygen. These are the workings of the Ark as I understand it from practical revealed knowledge. Noah, his family of seven & the animals lived in the Ark for 376 days until the land was dry in May of c.2437 BC.

After Noah & his family left the Ark, they lived in tents living off stored food until their first harvest from the land, Gen.9:20-21. Their children, after 100 years, moved south & east to warmer climates & lush vegitation - to freedom & their own land. Periodic regional & annual local flooding occurred during this 100 years leading to the Tower of Babel incident around 2300 BC. While Noah's offspring spread out from Mt. Judi, they had not emigrated far from each other still living in the Mesopitamia area. When God's angel struck the people & confounded their language, the people were frightened & fled into other regions of the earth. The land bridges to Europe & Asia were easy to surmount. By paryprus boats, the Egyptians sailed to the Americas around 2000 BC & established new pyramid building societies. Most of history from there is well known, thou the dating of the early BC is wrong.

The TEMPLE - many churches have argued whether another Jewish temple will be built on Mt.Moriah before Jesus the Messiah returns to earth. While the Jews insist that only two temples have been built, typically they resist reality. GOD has built FOUR temples through the Jews - Moses, 1871 BC; Solomon, 960 BC; Zerubbabel's, 535 BC; & Herod's, 19 BC-27 AD. ALL have been destroyed by God using wicked men. God says a fifth temple will be built soon by the JEWS - and ALL the world helps to build it. Armstrong first believed & preached this & then rejected it because organized criminals intimidated him. Armstrong restricted their understanding of Scripture by saying only the Altar of Sacrifice would be built - & then the tribulation.

These pages are (c) copyright 1997,1998,1999,2000, 2001,2003 - Clifford Catton.

Of course, Armstrong & the Jews who refuse to build the temple on Mt. Zion are WRONG. Mal.3:1 has NOT yet been fulfilled for Jews' understanding. THEY seek a KING who "shall suddenly come to his temple." God understands the physical world - HE created it. HE created EVERYTHING! So when god says his messenger "suddenly" comes to his temple, - He - GOD - means that a temple must be built. JESUS was the messenger who "suddenly" came to the temple in 28 AD when he first drove the money changers out, John 2:13-22. He "suddenly" returns again in all glory & power (c2007 AD), Zech.14:4; Rev.19:9-11. This temple must be built on Mt.Zion - a man-made Jewish Mt.Zion, Micah 4:1-2,6. (See #s <8 & 9> below.) BELIEVE. REPENT of your sins & obey the Ten Commandments, Ex.20:1-17.

I have recently come across a new concept by Ernest Martin that Herod's temple was built on Mt Ophal not Mt.Moriah. This was Nov.2000. I have seen his drawings, & they appear very plausable. Since the Jews "worship" at a Turkish wall, it is not surprizing that they have kept secret the exact building site of Zerrubbabel's & Herod's temples. Perhaps you know someone in authority who can confirm this. Please contact me with some of the details at the above e-mail & postal addresses. God bless us in HIS truth!!!

(Note: There will be seven Elijah types - plus many counterfeits: 1. the primary Apostle of the Church; 2. the Apostle of the Church in Asia; 3. a modern Elijah, prophet of the Church; 4. a Jewish Elijah from God; 5. a primary counterfeit Jewish Elijah; 6. the Two Witnesses. All except # 1 are killed.)

About SATAN: Just because Satan & all demons are chained in the center of the earth during the millenium, does not mean sin will not exist. ALL mortals sin because God wants to justify His son - Jesus, Rom.3:23-25; Eph.2:4-9;& 13-18. People will live to be 100 years old & will feel like children, Isa.65:20-24. Each family will have its own land apportioned to them to grow food & to replenish the earth & to maintain it in righteousness (righteous order). This does not mean humans are to sin wilfully because Satan & demons are not tempting them, Rom.6:14-18. Sins in Jesus' Kingdom will be punished quickly according to the Mosaic Law. Because of this swift justice, disorder will not rule, but only the peace of God. Glory to God. Amen.

In my research of National Geographic, I found these issue numbers on the Middle East: A)Egypt: 1.Oct.'63-Tutankhamen;2.Jan.'65-Sphinx Notch;3.May '65-Nile Cruise;4.May '69-Abu Simbel; B)Israel: 1.Dec.'63-First Crusade;2.Dec.'67-Land of Jesus; Jun.'68-Israel Conquers; C)Petra: 1.May'07-Rock City;2.Feb.'35-Petra;3.Dec.'55-Petra; D)Other: 1.Dec.'47-Arab Land; 2.Jan.'66-Saudi Arabia (Mecca "temple");3.Jul.'72-Arab Past;4.Oct.'87-Saudi Women.


My Other Homepage - Personal & Science -GeoCities.
My Third Homepage - Gospel - NetMinistries.
My Fourth Homepage - More Gospel - Tripod.
Angelfire - FREE Homepages for Christians.

Excite - FREE E-Mail Services.

8. - JESUS' Temple Map (Ezek.40-43,47.)
Noah's Ark Homepage - B.J.Corbin.
9. - Where Will the Jews Build Their Temple??!!
My Fifth Homepage - God's Beginning - Leave a Message - Expage.
10. - ONE Home - US Homes for the Poor.
My Eighth Homepage - Gospel - WhoWhere.
My Ninth Homepage - Angels - Xoom.
Kregel Publications - Books on the Bible - 200,000 Titles.
American Museum of Natural History - NY City.
My Picture - Dec.7, 2001.
US Geological Service - Earthquakes.
Global Earthquake Response Center.
San Francisco Museum - 1906 Earthquake.
Church of God Party - Kingston, NY. - Search Engines for Bible Verses; Concordances; & Languages.
