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The Ultimate In FFA Marketing For Traffic!
Now, please scroll down the page to get at your information. Check the banners on your way down - they're Money Makers!
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Allow me to start by thanking you for your interest.
As I mentioned before, the fact that you're serious about promoting your website and the fact that you want to be successful on the internet means that you are bound to reap the benefits that I am already enjoying.
If you don't have anything to market at this time, Check This Out!
The marketing method that I have put together is bringing heavy traffic to my website, generating a great deal of business, and of course earning commissions as an extra.
So how does it work?
Well, as I already mentioned, my explosive marketing technique is based on two existing marketing and promotional methods available on the internet today, each of which on their own may bring some results, but the two together are just dynamite.
It started when I received an e-mail after posting a link on the FFA Net FFA site.
It told me that hosting an FFA page was better than posting to one.
The idea behind it is that with a free FFA Net page, you get what they call "the Power of Reverse Marketing". When people post a link anywhere on the FFA Net network, they leave their e-mail address. The system then automatically sends a customizable and SPAM-free "thank you" e-mail, where you can embed an advertisement for your site.
In addition to that, you can put your own banner on your FFA Net page.
That's brilliant, so what's the problem with that?
The shortfall with this idea is that most people posting to the FFA sites (just like you and me) are looking to promote their site. They are less likely to be interested in the product you're selling. Remember, in my case, (my-site) may not be a site they are looking for.
Plus, unless people look at your FFA Net page specifically (and that depends on how well you market your page, they will never see your banner. Even if they do see your banner, what's the likelihood that you get a click-through?
So you see, from my point of view at the time, it was better for me to promote (my-site) directly rather than indirectly.
Scrapping the idea at first, I came back to it weeks later when I was desperately looking at all possible avenues.
After looking for a week or so on the internet, I was able to find the right solution to this.
The site I found was SmallBizFFA.
Again, like the FFA Net site, you can host your own page on SmallBizFFA. The difference with SmallBizFFA is that each page carries six classified ads, with yours in position 1 on your page.
Then, when you have people sign up directly under you (much like in a network marketing environment), your ad moves to position 2, the one in position 2 moves to position 3, and so on.
This means that your classified ad is carried down up to six levels.
Assuming for a moment that you sign up 10 people, then each of them sign up 10 people, and so on, your classified ad is carried on over a million pages.
This is where you get the vital exposure to your website.
So where does FFA Net come into the picture?
Well, for you to get the exposure in SmallBizFFA, you need to sign up people under you, and you need to make sure they are serious enough about marketing their FFA page to sign up people under them, and so on.
This system works best if you make sure your sign ups share the same conviction as you do.
And that's where FFA Net comes into play. Remember that the "thank you" e-mail that goes out is best targeted to people who are promoting a website.
FFA Net simply does the lead generation for you - hundreds of targeted and warm leads every day.
So what's the advantage of signing up as a paid member
Well, while each of the two FFA sites is slightly different, they both pay you commissions for each of the paid sign-ups you have under you.
But that's not all.
In the case of FFA Net, signed up FFANet Pro members get a daily list of e-mail addresses of all of the people who have posted during the previous 24 hours.
This means that as well as the automated text-only "thank you" e-mail generator that the system provides, you can send you own "thank you" e-mail.
I personally prefer to send e-mails in HTML format - they are more catchy and more customisable, and generate a much higher response rate.
In addition to that, with an embedded banner downloaded from our site, I can clock the number of e-mails actually read, and the number acted on. This helps me analyze the response levels.
So what happens next?
Well, if you want to enjoy the benefits of high traffic levels, a successful website, and commission checks like I am doing, then follow the steps below:
1. Click on the SmallBizFFA banner below and sign up either as a free SmallBizFFA Member or as a paid SmallBizFFA BusinessPartner. You will be asked to enter your ad details. Here, you need to advertise your website.
2. Click on the FFA Net banner below and sign up either as a free FFA Net Member or as a paid FFA Net Pro Member. Again, you will be asked to enter your site details. However, the most important bit is the autoresponder e-mail subject and body, but don't worry too much about this at the moment, we will deal with it in a moment.
3. Create a single marketing page (like this one) on your website. As you have seen, I have chosen to create a pre-qualification process to make sure that I am targeting serious minded individuals who want to be successful, but you may choose to skip that.
4. At this point, if you're signed up as a free FFA Net Member, then login to your account (login details will have been e-mailed to you) and create a catchy subject line for your autoresponder e-mail, and in the message body, after thanking the recipient, point them to your marketing page (the one created in step 3).
5. On the other hand, if you're signed up as an FFA Net Pro Member, then you can either follow step 4, or leave your autoresponder e-mail blank and instead use your e-mail program to create your own more interesting HTML e-mail, again thanking the recipient for posting to your FFA page, and pointing them to your marketing page. You can then send this e-mail to the daily list of e-mail addresses which is sent to you by FFA Net. You can also use a program like Aureate GroupMail (available for download from Radiate, Inc.).
It may seem a bit complicated to look at, but if you follow the steps as I have outlined them, you can almost immediately enjoy the benefits.
A final note...
As a final word, let me thank you for choosing to find out about my Explosive Marketing method.
If you do decide to join, remember that like all network structures, you need to be a more little active at the beginning, but the growth is exponential and the benefits multiply. I know I'm certainly not going back.
You must also remember not to SPAM. It may get you a few sign ups in the short-term, but just a few complaints is enough to get your (and even your ISP's) mail cut off.
If, however, you decide not to join, please do bookmark this page in case you change your mind later.
In either case, I wish you every success.
Robert (e-mail me)

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